Reviews For Inside of These Frames
Name: hi (Anonymous) · Date: 12/06/12 - 12:25 pm · For: Inside of These Frames
awwww that is so sad!
Name: Seins_Sorrow (Signed) · Date: 18/03/07 - 09:57 am · For: Inside of These Frames
OMG!! That was the most beautiful story I hav eever read.
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 15/03/07 - 09:52 am · For: Inside of These Frames
Oh my... wow... I really am just caught speechless. It is amazing to say in the least. I love it to say in the least. It is just so deep, yet on the surface if you get what I mean. magnificent. Wonderful. With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^