Reviews For A New Student
Name: Shmoobunny182 (Signed) · Date: 27/12/07 - 05:04 pm · For: Chapter 6: New found feelings
nice story
Name: sTEVEN (Anonymous) · Date: 25/09/07 - 05:02 pm · For: Chapter 6: New found feelings
It was good but i really hope you can fine some more time.I really liked it but i think you brought the sex thing too soon.I would suggest a romantic scence or a scene where sakura walks in on them.
Name: camstir95 (Anonymous) · Date: 16/09/07 - 08:01 pm · For: Chapter 5-A week so far...
dang good chapter!!!!!!!!!!! hope the next one is better though
Name: tearsofblood (Anonymous) · Date: 11/04/07 - 06:48 pm · For: Chapter 6: New found feelings
Loved the story, can't wait for the next chapter. Really sucks how hinata all of a sudden goes from being naruto's friend to Sakura #2 Anyways hope you update soon