Reviews For The Glam Show
Name: mst88 (Signed) · Date: 09/01/15 - 06:50 pm · For: She's the Hoe in Hoedown
Oh wow, thought that this was the last chapter and then got excited because it didn't say it was. I so can't wait to see what else is on the horizon for this motley crew and I wait with bated breath my friend.
Name: mst88 (Signed) · Date: 17/09/14 - 12:19 pm · For: Bitches like it rough
Oh yes my friend I read every word, I drank in every single word like hot apple cider on a cold day, couldn't stop lol.
Author's Response: You are wonderfully crazy. My fic feels cherished! As for the hot apple cider ... are you sure you are not Canadian? I mean that is a definite Quebec stereotype right there. Normal northern people drink vodka, Quebecers drink apple cider. And I am so happy you like it. I am so happy you like anything I write, my fics don't get much love on her or on You make me write, I'll be frank!!! <3
Name: mst88 (Signed) · Date: 16/09/14 - 04:09 am · For: Bitches like it rough
I am now hooked on this train wreck that is Hinata and Ino's AU life!! Wholly crap!!! Oh man I love your Kiba! I just wanted to hold and comfort him.
My mind is spinning as to who else may show up and how.
Author's Response: OMFG! MY FIRST REVIEW. I can barely breathe, woman. But tell me ... did you honestly read every goddamn chapter or you jumped some parts (I jump plenty of my own parts, especially in TGS)? Because, beside chapter 1, all are 20 000+ words long. Like the whole fic is 196 pages long in Word. And everybody hates me because of Kiba. I have never gotten so much hate for having broken someone's heart. But as I often tell the others, Kiba is going to be alright. I promise.