Reviews For Failed Reset
Name: 31stSunaOtaku (Signed) · Date: 16/10/15 - 04:45 pm · For: Chapter Five: Petrification
Wow. you had the guts to kill of all of Konoha. Good job.
Name: 31stSunaOtaku (Signed) · Date: 11/09/15 - 04:45 pm · For: Chapter One: An End
This story is pure awesomeness. You write much better than i ever could (which you could say about most authors, though). And, you calculate each characters personality, and make the characters act the way THEY would, not just how you want them to. I've only read chapter one, and i'm already thinking "this is the best fic i have EVER read!!" (you cant use italics in reviews... T-T) And your battle scenes are truly great. I'd def. like to read more! (even though there are lots of other chapters that i havent read, and NEED to read, and after this i'm going straight back to the fanfic)