The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

Main Categories

Het Romance [1092]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [645]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
General Fiction [1739]
Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [862]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
An area to store fanfic information, such as bios, maps, political histories. No stories.

Site Info

Members: 11989
Series: 261
Stories: 5877
Chapters: 25362
Word count: 47451233
Authors: 2161
Reviews: 40828
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: Trillian97
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Name: MissMuffinman (Signed) · Date: 28/11/15 - 09:38 pm · For: Vacancy
I just barely started reading your story and I thought this is really good! I don't know but the main character is a lot like me except you know I'm not a ninja! 😂 thank you for writing! I loved reading your story and hope to continue!!!✌ Thanks! 😁

Name: Seiya (Signed) · Date: 16/11/14 - 11:06 am · For: Breakthrough
hey, I've really enjoyed your story! Finally a good Naruto OC Story ;)
Keep up the good work and please update soon!

Name: Same anon again (Anonymous) · Date: 07/07/14 - 01:19 am · For: Breakthrough
-omfg this thing ate more than half my review... or I'm just not seeing it. I'll leave it again, if it doesn't show up, i'll try later .___. sorry for the spam- Poor Kari-chan .___. She sure has a messed up past. I actually hate writing reviews, I never know what to say, and I don't even have an account here but whatevs, I felt like leaving one. Unfortunately, I don't have any constructive criticism, but I think your writing has improved since the first chapter. I think you're probably the first author who didn't make me wanna roll my eyes when mentioning abuse and a "dark past". Idk I suppose some authors use it as... just another character trait, like having long hair or green eyes (? or to give the character something to angst about. But I sort of felt like you treat it seriously. If that makes sense...

Naru-chan being adorable, awwn That definitely sounds like something he'd do, trying to help even if she pushes him away (or tries to lol not like she would succeed) and keeping his promises. I think... if he could get through to Sasuke, then he can definitely help Yukari. But I hope she doesn't suffer anymore than she already has... at least not before Naruto uses therapy-no-jutsu on her (?

Anyway~ I'll keep waiting for the next update... in a non-creepy way.

(Insert standard disclaimer about English not being my first language, sorry for any mistake blahblahblah)

Author's Response: I'm really glad that you left me one! This is all amazing feedback and it's greatly appreciated! A lot of authors create ocs with dark pasts and for the longest time I was worried that I was making Yukari too Mary Sue, but thank goodness that she isn't. The last thing I want is to cause any eye rolling. There's a lot more adorableness on the way soon, as well!

Next update should be out tomorrow! I hope you'll drop by and leave me another review sometime!

Name: Me (? (Anonymous) · Date: 07/07/14 - 01:14 am · For: Breakthrough
Poor Kari-chan .___. She sure has a messed up past. I actually hate writing reviews (I never know what to say

Name: Fire_and_Ice (Signed) · Date: 04/07/14 - 03:51 am · For: Breakthrough
Cool! Well-written, and a nice plot twist! I like it :) Naruto is so himself, and her situation is so perfect. I have no qualms with the way you write them. I just can't help but feeling that Oro must have known she'd go searching. It might be a trap :/ anyways, thanks for writing.

Author's Response: I'm really glad that you're enjoying it and that I'm doing the characters justice! I was really worried that Naruto would turn out OOC, so it's a huge relief to hear that he sounds like himself. Thank you so much for your review!

Author's Response: I'm really glad that you're enjoying it and that I'm doing the characters justice! I was really worried that Naruto would turn out OOC, so it's a huge relief to hear that he sounds like himself. Thank you so much for your review!

Name: mst88 (Signed) · Date: 24/06/14 - 07:21 am · For: Retrieval
This story is to wonderful for words! I'm bouncing in anticipation of what's to come!!

Author's Response: Thank you so much :) This totally just made my day! I'm really glad that you're enjoying it! Next chapter is on the way~!

Name: Jang (Anonymous) · Date: 22/06/14 - 07:44 am · For: Retrieval
and now Yukari scares me :P good chapter, so many questions now!

Author's Response: Then I achieved my goal ;) I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Name: Ikkaku Shakuyuki (Anonymous) · Date: 22/06/14 - 07:43 am · For: Retrieval
well first off, got locked outa my damn account; apparently no one runs this site anymore.

I actualy kinda like this new side of Yukari, but sorta upset that kabuto got the better of her. you've got me super stoked for the next chap though!


Author's Response: You're the second person to tell me that. It's super lame that no one runs this site anymore. It's one of my favorites, so it's a real shame. Sorry that you got locked out!

I didn't want to end it with Kabuto getting the better of her, but the more i thought about it, it almost seemed right. She was starting to get manic and sloppy towards the end, and as much as i hate him, Kabuto always seems to have a level head. Thanks for reviewing! Next chapter should be out soon.

Name: Jang Wo Li (Anonymous) · Date: 31/05/14 - 07:32 am · For: Into the Black
I'm posting a review like this cause I got locked outa my acount, and this site doesn't send pasword reset emails anymore :(

anyway, I'm even more intrigued and look forward to the next chapter


Author's Response: Oh no! They don't? I'm sorry to hear about your account! I really appreciate you leaving a review though! They seriously keep me going.

Name: Xxlali (Anonymous) · Date: 30/05/14 - 10:35 pm · For: Into the Black
Sorry, the random characters (â€e, etc) through out the chapter threw me off. I don't know if you're aware of them though. It's confusing, so it would be helpful if you edit it(:

Author's Response: I had absolutely no idea that they were there. I don't know how, but it seems that those random characters took the place of every single apostrophe and quotation mark in the chapter. I went back through an fixed everything though, so it should be good to go :) Thanks a lot for letting me know!

Name: Ikkaku Shakuyuki (Signed) · Date: 28/05/14 - 04:42 pm · For: Into the Black
to many OCs are atracted to Sasuke, and through fanfiction magic, somehow win him. poor naruto is left out in the cold. good to see someone showering a litle love on the loveable fellow! this got a lot darker than I was expecting, but then again, I like dark. I give this three enthusiastic thumbs up!


Author's Response: I've read some fantastic Sasuke x OC stories in the past, but I definitely agree. It takes a talented writer to make a pairing with that little asshole make sense. Haha. Dark is one of my favorite things to write, so I'm glad someone else enjoys it as much as I do. (:

Name: mst88 (Signed) · Date: 28/05/14 - 05:59 am · For: Into the Black
One thing I love about fanfics is you may know what will happen(if canon w/OC)but you have no clue what is going to happen. Can't wait to see what goes down!

Author's Response: That's my favorite thing about fan fiction. Besides the crazy good imaginations running around in the Naruto fandom, it's like a whole new take on the story. Thanks for the review!

Name: Xxlali (Anonymous) · Date: 03/04/14 - 06:04 pm · For: Shattered
Very well written(: It's very hard to find well written fan fiction in general. Most of the ones I've found on here are Saskue ones or Naruto ones that haven't updated in years:/

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I agree that it's tricky when it comes to finding good fan fiction. That was my whole motivation to write this story. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your thoughts. I hope you'll keep reading and that I'll hear back from you again!

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 17/02/14 - 08:45 am · For: Shattered
My word, You are back. I almost forgot about this story to be honest lol. Good to see that you are back and am glad to see that your writing is still as amazing as before.

Author's Response: Sorry for the wait! I started college a few months ago so updates are going to be a little on the slow side. Thanks for hanging in there and I'm really glad that you're still enjoying it!

Name: Jang Wo Li (Signed) · Date: 09/01/14 - 03:08 pm · For: Shattered
first off, I'd love to see more of this. I'd say that Kishimoto was not overstating the amount to which sasuke is a heartthrob. most OC-centric stories with a female OC have sasuke as the love interest. good to know that naruto is getting some attention ^_^

well, I think everyone already took it for granted that orochimaru was a pedofile. I suppose it only makes sense that his servants would be as bad.

this shows a lot of promise.

Author's Response: One of the main reasons I started writing this story was because of the lack of Naruto x OC stories. It's really surprising how few there are.

Thanks for reviewing! I look forward to hearing from you again!

Name: mst88 (Signed) · Date: 08/01/14 - 06:40 am · For: Shattered
I seem to recall starting to read this story awhile ago, lost it and now with your update I caught up! Look forward to continuing reading it! Update soon

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm really glad you're enjoying it!

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 19/09/13 - 02:40 pm · For: Clarity
Finally, you are back. I was losing hope for a second there. I am liking the romance between the two so far. How far are you going to take it, "nudge, nudge, wink, wink." Sorry Jiraiya took my laptop. Anyway can't wait for the fight with Naruto and Orochimaru.

Author's Response: Sorry for being absent for so long. I've had chapters all planned out, I'm just having trouble writing anything lately, unfortunately. I'm glad you're enjoying it so far and I hope you can bear with me!

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 14/05/13 - 04:44 pm · For: Conflict
I have finished that story you recommended and it was amazing. It had so many moments when I was like, "My character is such an idiot." and "Naruto, say you love my character!!!" lol. But, I guess I read to fast, one day to finish, and unfortunately you haven't updated. I fine myself slowly going insane. O.o Hurry before I go crazy, you must keep writing this masterpiece.

Author's Response: Did you see that the sequel is out? It's amazing, you've gotta check it out. I read the first one in about the same amount of time because I was obsessed.

I'm so sorry about the lack of updates! The new chapter is out! I hope you enjoy!

Thanks for your sweet words, Anon!

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 05/05/13 - 04:13 pm · For: Conflict
Thank you so much I did find that story with my amazing tracking skills, lol. Did kind of throw me for a loop since it is in second person since I am a guy, but I still like the story. Not much of A Naru/Sasu fan because of what I said early, but lately a fem. Sauke has been appealing to me lately, ever since I found out what rule 63 was. And no I don't have an account yet, but I will. (someday T_T)

Author's Response: Oh goodness. Hahaha. I'm sorry, it's a fantastic story, but I'm sure it's not easy reading it. I haven't been able to find anything else, either, and it's disheartening. No one seems to like writing about Naruto, for some reason. If I find anything I'll let you know.

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 25/04/13 - 03:51 pm · For: Conflict
Since you like Naru/Oc have you read any other stories? If not, can you recommend any?

Author's Response: There's one that I really enjoyed on, but the site is down right now :( I can't remember the name, but I know the author's name is Segoflower. It's a self-insert, but she's a fantastic author. I think she's currently working on a sequel. When the site comes back up you should definitely check her out. If I can remember the name of the story I'll find a way to let you know.

I'm also a big fan of SasuNaru, although I don't have much time to search for decent reading material anymore. Work has been eating up a huge chunk of my time, and when I finally do get home I'm exhausted and pass out. They're pretty much my all time favorite pairing ever.

Do you have an account? I could share my finds with you easier that way!

Author's Response: There's one that I really enjoyed on, but the site is down right now :( I can't remember the name, but I know the author's name is Segoflower. It's a self-insert, but she's a fantastic author. I think she's currently working on a sequel. When the site comes back up you should definitely check her out. If I can remember the name of the story I'll find a way to let you know.

I'm also a big fan of SasuNaru, although I don't have much time to search for decent reading material anymore. Work has been eating up a huge chunk of my time, and when I finally do get home I'm exhausted and pass out. They're pretty much my all time favorite pairing ever.

Do you have an account? I could share my finds with you easier that way!

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 21/04/13 - 10:17 am · For: Conflict
I am glad that I am not the only person that likes Naru/Oc fics, with most pairings being with characters like Itachi and Sasuke. Enough about my preferences and more about your story. It am really enjoying your story as a mentioned last time and am again surprised with your character. By clan do you mean the one Haku came from, is she originally from Konoha, and also since she is of the higher ranking of Konoha does she know about Naruto being a jinchiriki(sp?), and will I ever stop asking questions?!?!?!? lol ANd I also can't wait for the fluffy moments between the two and wow I am random.

Author's Response: He's just so adorable. Who wouldn't love him? I guess a lot of people don't, but come on people! He's so handsome and I'm fangirling and ugh. Haha.

I'm really happy to hear that you're enjoying it and I love that you're in suspense! I wish I could answer your questions, but I'm just gonna let the story do the talking. You'll find out soon enough, though!

Oh my goodness I can't wait for the fluffy moments either. I wish I could jump right into them but I'm restraining myself. I hope to hear back from you in the future!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 12/04/13 - 10:09 pm · For: Conflict
O_O Her attitude when she got so fed up with her team, my gosh. So cold-sounding. I know she's emotionless sometimes but dang, that was just so cold-blooded. So scary...

And I'm seriously wondering about these panic attack things she's having, like at the end there where she freaked out... what was that?! What is going on?!

Interesting chapter, I really liked it. No worries about taking a while though, it happens. Don't be too hard on yourself :) Keep up the good work.

Author's Response: Yukari doesn't put up with bullshit. Hahaha. I tried to make her sound as cold as possible. I'm glad I was able to pull that off!

You'll just have to read and find out! (; don't worry, the answer is coming up soon, I promise!

I'm glad you enjoyed it, and thank you! Next chapter will hopefully be up in the next few weeks!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 21/03/13 - 02:38 pm · For: Moving Out
I missed this at first when it came out O_O

The fact that Yukari is a ninja shocked me. And she knows everyone, she was Kakashi's student and is Inoichi and Ibiki's student? :O This was really surprising because you didn't really put a basis for that in the prior chapters. In a way that was good because it comes as an interesting shocker to the readers but at the same time I kinda wish there was more foreshadowing to this.

This is a nice twist though, I'm looking forward to her being on the mission with the others. Good work on this chappie.

Author's Response: I wanted it to be a big surprise. Since she's such a secretive girl I figured it would have been an interesting twist to not include that information in the first few chapters. Hopefully the lack of foreshadowing wasn't too much of a disappointment! Since she didn't even want to tell Naruto I was like hmm, she wouldn't have told the readers either! XD

I'm really glad that you enjoyed it! I'm so excited to get these next few chapters out. Shit's about to go down, ya'll!

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 19/03/13 - 01:31 pm · For: Moving Out
I really like your story so far. There is a lack of good Naru/Oc fics and it makes me sad. On another note I was just as surprised as Naruto to find out that she is actually a ninja. I can't wait to find out how the meeting with Orochimaru will turn out differently.

Author's Response: Thank you so much! It makes me incredibly happy to hear that you enjoy this! And I know right? I've been searching for years for good NaruXoc fanfiction and it's so incredibly hard to come by. That was like my whole motivation to write this story.

I wanted it to be a huge surprise that she was a ninja. What goes down with squad 7 and Orochimaru is going to be an even bigger surprise. Hopefully it'll knock your socks off! Stay tuned, new chapters should be up within the next week or so!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 13/03/13 - 03:26 pm · For: Crossing Paths
One word of advice I'd like to give is that you do spend a big chunk of time drawing out things that don't need to be drawn out. This chapter was about 2800 words, and I'd say maybe the first 1000 were just about Yukari walking through the streets, strolling through the village, which isn't really all that necessary.

That being said, while I'm being nitpicky about extra long scenes, your description really is very very nice. Very vivid and I actually like hearing everything you have to elaborate on.

Yukari is developing pretty nicely as a character, and I like how she meshes with Naruto. They're a very nice contrast and it's interesting that both want to know more about the other.

And this little...flashback? Vision? Thingie that Yukari went through, I'm very curious about and wonder if she sees dead people or something XD

Nice chapter, I really enjoyed it.

Author's Response: I've always been a writer that likes to get in there and get really descriptive, but that's the thing I really didn't like about this chapter. It's just a filler, but still. I was literally trying to keep from bashing my head into the keyboard the entire time I was rewriting it. It makes me mucho happy to hear that you still enjoyed it! Getting her character across and portraying her correctly is my number one goal everytime I write a chapter. She's supposed to come off as emotionless and almost hollow, unsure of everything and antisocial. Definitely the opposite of our favorite blond! I'm excited to divulge deeper into the reason for the flashback. I almost can't wait and I'm dying to spill it, but I gotta keep myself in check! Haha. The answer is a little ways off, but hopefully it'll be worth the wait. Thank you for taking the time to review again! I really really appreciate it!

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