Reviews For Right Kind of Wrong
Name: Courtney (Anonymous) · Date: 11/08/05 - 10:39 pm · For: Opening Beat
Chibi.... This is by FAR the most wonderful fic I have ever read you have such a great way to toy with the readers emotions, the drama in this is just overwhelming, I started crying in various parts of this ^^; Your writing style is very persuasive it makes me feel the characters pain, I love the way you gave the characters thier features to make them seem real, This AU is one of the best I really hope you update soon reading this always, Courtney(sango)
Name: Queen of Anime (Signed) · Date: 07/07/04 - 06:45 pm · For: Beginning Words
It's me, Queen of Anime again! I'm glad I'm your first review here! I'll review for every chapter you post on and here. I'm so mad at what did to your account!! Your stories were, and still are, awesome!! How can they just delete tham like that?! I would just hate it if they deleted my stories too...well, update soon. Can't wait 'till your back to the chapter you stopped at before! Queen of Anime ^-^