Reviews For One War Torn World
Name: mkgirl10 (Signed) · Date: 02/09/12 - 01:40 pm · For: Part One: Prologue
Yay! I am happy that you got this out! This a really good chapter. I like how she acts. :p Ha ha. Itachi got wet.
Author's Response: Yay!!! Someone who reads my stuff! Hiya! Thanks! I'm partially fond of my chapter as well. Second one is schedualed to be released in about a week. And I couldn't resist playing around with Itachi. XD
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 20/08/12 - 04:00 pm · For: Part One: Prologue
Oh my... It's almost too cute for Itachi to be allowed to be. It surprises me how close those two suddenly are because she did hate him for a while.
But anyway, this was a really interesting start to Book Two. I'm looking forward to more and seeing what the plot of this story is. Keep up the good work!