Reviews For Live Or Die
Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 17/08/12 - 02:51 pm · For: Chapter 1
There are a lot of mistakes sentence wise, and I believe they're mostly run-ons. Also, every time someone knew speaks, there needs to be a new paragraph. Also, a little at the end you were repetitive, saying how her blood dropped on the blossom twice, just worded differently. Also, how deep into winter is it? Because if there's that much snow, I'm not sure she'd be able to really find a sakura blossom or if it would rain. But, again, that just depends on how far into it is.
So far the story is interesting, especially since I love Gaara. And your character's mind set is very interesting. I look forward to seeing her grow, both because of how she is and the fact Gaara's teaching her. Other than mistakes, I actually found your writing enjoyable to read. It just...... Hm...... I'm not entirely sure how to explain it, to tell the truth. But I highly enjoyed it nevertheless.