The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
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Site Info

Members: 11998
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: KpopOt7Bias
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Reviews For Impervious

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 03/12/12 - 05:50 pm · For: Raining From a Bloody Cloud~ Part 2
Wow. I was actually rooting for the Raikage to live? I'm just glad both survived this battle. Though the reason for leaving the Raikage alive weren't too great. This was a great battle, and it was refreshing seeing Yushin almost lose. It proves there are those who can kick his butt (almost). I can't wait for more, Hazard-san!

Author's Response: Glad you've been keeping up on this (even though I've not been writing a bunch) and I'm glad you liked the battle, and it will continue to get more suspenseful as we close in onto the ending, thanks for reading!

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 03/12/12 - 05:39 pm · For: Raining From a Bloody Cloud~ Part I
Oh, wow. Kumo is most likely going to be demolished soon. I mean, seriously, ten gods and a hydra? Yeah......

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 25/11/12 - 12:41 pm · For: Raining From a Bloody Cloud~ Part 2
Oh my gosh, I don't think I've ever seen Yushin in such awful condition. That fight really took a lot out of him. That's insane how that battle turned out. It was a really intense well-written installment, I liked this. Nice job. Hopefully no one decides to attack Yushin while he's out cold... I'll be really upset if that happens T_T

Author's Response: Yes, After using all his summons from before then fighting a full scale battle in the same day with he Raikage, he's pretty whooped :D What happens next I do think you'll like, and glad you liked the epic battle!

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 22/11/12 - 12:08 pm · For: Back With a Vengeance
I really hope that Bee doesn't die. I don't want anyone else to die T-T. And it's really sad to see Tsuma so, well, sad. I wonder how she's going to react when she actually sees Bee.

As much as I fear more death, I am eager to get the chance to read the next chapter (with it being Thanksgiving, I don't know if I can). I really hope that Tsuma is okay =/.

Author's Response: It's coming down to the final arc, so yeah people will be dying unfortunately (Spoiler?). Your a little behind but there's still much more angst and action coming up!

Name: Shizake Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 20/11/12 - 11:15 pm · For: Raining From a Bloody Cloud~ Part 2
Short but awesome battle man. Keep up the awesome work!

Author's Response: Glad you liked it! I'll have more coming soon enough!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 26/10/12 - 06:18 pm · For: Back With a Vengeance
Aww :( Poor Tsuma... She always seems like a hyper crazy person but when stuff like this happens, it makes me respect her more. Like with Zakaru's death and now having to deal with people from her past. She does have a lot of depth and feeling to her.

I'm interested in seeing the fight with the Eight-Tails. Since it was original Team Hawk that went up against Killer Bee, I'm looking forward to seeing how this other group does against him.

Nice update, Hazard-san! Keep up the good work!

Name: Shizake Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 25/10/12 - 04:07 pm · For: Back With a Vengeance
Development, nice. Awesome chapter bro!

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 20/10/12 - 06:43 am · For: Public Enemy
I forgot about Zetsu, so when I saw Z, my first thought was Zakaru *facepalm*.

Wow. He's with the Akatsuki already? They are so easy to use if they are now being used by two people. I wonder what will happen now that Yushin is in the Akatsuki. And it will most definitely be fun to see how they all react to Tsuma when she joins XD.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 15/10/12 - 08:34 pm · For: Public Enemy
Oh man, Yushin is part of the Akatsuki. His plan is completely working so far - he's in the group and he's located the Rinnegan. I wonder how smoothly things will go from here then? I'm actually really excited that this arc has finally begun! I'm so looking forward to more! Keep up the good work!

Name: Shizake Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 15/10/12 - 04:02 pm · For: Public Enemy
Damn that was fast. He went right to the akatsuki in an instant. Hell that means things are moving along quickly. Nice update!

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 11/10/12 - 03:47 pm · For: Yushin's Stories: Phantom Of The Mist
Wow. That was one awesome look into the past. The fight scene was absolutely epic, and it shows how he was back then, which is always helpful for understanding him now. It was also really cool to see the canon Holages mixed in to show Konoha's role in this. Again, absolutely epic chapter, Hazard-san.

Author's Response: Glad you like the little insight of his past, and I've just posted the start of the new arc so get onto reading that. There's not much left to go!

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 09/10/12 - 02:42 pm · For: It Never Gets Easier
Wow. Tsuma's last words made me want to cry. It's just so sad. It also makes Zakaru's death sadder than it already is.

And to top it off, after all that, they are now rogue ninja. Tsuma and Kimimaro are having to take in so much in, what, five minutes? I hope things start looking up for them soon.

Author's Response: Glad you felt the emotions I was trying to portray, and sorry I killed off a few characters you liked! Don't be angry, please! Anyways, the next arc will have some relations to canon story-line, but will be quite different at the same time. Stick around to see read it, and thanks for the reviews!

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 09/10/12 - 02:29 pm · For: Murky Water
No!!!!!! I was hoping Jiraiya would at least survive without the Pein thing. And then he dies anyway. Then Tsunade is dead too. Both amazing characters I wbt to live, and both dead. No!!!!!!

And Zakaru....... Wow, he's dead....... No!!!!! Zakaru, how dare you die? Now I must write your tale T_T. Okay, doubtful of that happening, but still.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 01/10/12 - 05:31 pm · For: Yushin's Stories: Phantom Of The Mist
Despite the fact that I really really want to know what happens with the upcoming arc, this was a really good filler. The fight scene was awesome; considering they're both Kage, I would have expected a much longer fight (in the anime, probably the equivalent to like 10 episodes -_-' ), but what you had was still really well thought and really good. I liked it. Nice work!

Author's Response: Sorry for the delay, I just needed more time to plot out the arc since their is a lot going on. I just had this chapter floating around, so I posted it to buy me some time :p anyways glad you liked it, and much more is on the way! Thanks for the support!

Name: Shizake Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 01/10/12 - 03:39 pm · For: Yushin's Stories: Phantom Of The Mist
Ok so that was fucking intense! Awesome battle scene and nice little look into Yushin's past!

Author's Response: Thanks man, right now I'm just trying to plot our the next arc to make it really good. Glad you liked the filler!

Name: Shizake Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 27/09/12 - 04:33 pm · For: It Never Gets Easier
Wow...I can't believe Zakaru is dead though, he was such a unique part to the story. Now shit is going down though, so I can't wait to see where all of this takes them. Good chapter bro and nice ending to the arc. A new adventure is one the rise.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 26/09/12 - 04:26 pm · For: It Never Gets Easier
T_T Feel so bad for all of them, now they're rogues and Zakaru is dead and it's all just so messed up... I especially feel really bad for Tsuma simply because of what she said in the end. Makes her seem so vulnerable and not as crazy as she usually does.

It was a very sad chapter but it was also good for transitioning into upcoming events. Joining the Akatsuki, huh? Well... I wish them luck, I guess...? Anyway, good job on this chapter, Hazard-san! Keep up the good work!

Author's Response: I did try to make this chapter somewhat heartfelt, and the transition into the next sequence of events. Much is going to be happening that's non-canon mixed with some canon ideals, so I hope your excited!

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 25/09/12 - 02:08 pm · For: Art of Kill
WHAT?!?!? But I don't want to see any of these four die T_T. Yushin! Stop and think about what you are doing!

Despite my new worry, it is an interesting chapter. I'm eager to see how this will proceed. So conflicted between fear and curiosity.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 20/09/12 - 07:40 pm · For: Murky Water
...Holy crap... I can't believe he actually killed Tsunade and Jiraiya...


And wait a minute... Zakaru is dead too?!


Hazard-san~ This isn't cool! Why is everyone dead T_T I want to know what happens next with this because this is so non-canon that it scares me...

Author's Response: Yes, things have moved quite fast in the recent chapters but it's slowly entering a new arc called my " When shit hits the fan" arc. Plenty will be explained in the next two to three chapters before any major fighting really occurs again and Zakaru will have a mourning in the next chapter, and I know it was all so abrupt to sorry if I freaked you out XD and yes this is going to be very non-canon and quite dark and devious where I plan to take it....muhahaha.

Name: Shizake Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 20/09/12 - 06:13 pm · For: Murky Water
holy fucking shit man. That was an epic fight! For a second I thought Yushin was in trouble but he pulled through. So wait is Zakaru dead? If so then :(

Anyways great chapter man, now I'm wondering where it's gonna go next.

Author's Response: Yes, things are certainly shaken up and glad you liked the fight. Next chapter will be not so much fighting and more just kind of aftermath and informational, which I bet your wondering what I've got coming, so I hope to keep the angst coming.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 20/09/12 - 01:12 pm · For: Art of Kill
Jeez~ Yushin is trying to kill Tsunade and Jiraiya! He's so evil! Except he thinks he's doing good.... which isn't good! This is absolutely crazy!

And then you left it at a cliffhanger -_- That's just cruel, Hazard-san.

I really want to know what happens next so I hope you update soon! Keep up the good work!

Name: Shizake Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 19/09/12 - 04:40 pm · For: Art of Kill
Sweet bag of tits I did not see that coming! That was an insane trap though. And now I can't wait to see the battle progress. Update soon!

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 16/09/12 - 11:37 am · For: Regret and Redemption
I'm slightly surprised Zakaru is sticking around still, though I am very happy about it. Yeah for Zakaru!

Wow. Tsuma the chosen, huh? I'm curious as to whether or not Yushin and the gods are right or not. Guess I'll have to wait and see. But if it is..... Buwhaha! "Pervert girl" is the Chosen. So fun and unexpected. Great twist, whether she is or not.

This is really getting interesting. I can't wait for more. I really want to see what happens next!

Name: Shizake Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 04/09/12 - 12:37 pm · For: Regret and Redemption
Jeezus christ man, more twists! It's getting even more intense! This is all so awesome. Righteous chapter bro

Author's Response: Glad you like it man, I'll try to get on some other stories soon before getting back to this one.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 04/09/12 - 11:33 am · For: Regret and Redemption
O_O I really did not see any of that coming... That seriously has me scared now, I don't know what to make of Yushin or what is going to be happening with everyone now. Is Tsuma really the Chosen One? That's so freaky, it seems so out of character haha.

Actually, when you said spiral eye, the first thing I thought of was the whirlpool for Naruto, that little spiral that he always has going on. But then I realized he's never with Yushin anyway so that would just be the weirdest twist ever haha.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how this all turns out, keep up the awesome work, Hazard-san!

Author's Response: Be on edge! Muhahaha! Anyways... yes lots of things going on, and the deal with Tsuma is I'm going to have a fight scene up soon to show her maturity, rather than using her personality for comic relief as I've been doing, and she did make Jounin in under 3 years time... Spiral eye isn't the Whirlpool logo, right? Remember, Jiraiya was told a very similar prophecy from the toads like Yushin was told from his's all about how you interpret the words. So will Yushin be right about Tsuma? Maybe, or maybe not. I will tell you that Naruto will have a role in the future of this story though. Thanks for the review!

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