The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Het Romance [1090]
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Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
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An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
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Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
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Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
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Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
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Site Info

Members: 11998
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: KpopOt7Bias
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Reviews For Fate's Chosen

Name: Rowanrose (Signed) · Date: 06/03/12 - 08:16 pm · For: The Second Mission
Awesome. A great mix of emotions conveyed honestly and perfectly. I liked it wolf-nee. ^^
So you guys write about other's Oc's too?

Author's Response: Sweet! I'm glad you liked the way I portrayed true emotions in this. I think this is truly where you start seeing this group of OCs and their true personalities and feelings. Yeah, we do write about one another's OCs, mostly if what we're writing includes them. Sometimes it'll just be our own OCs, and sometimes we may not even write about our OCs. It just depends on what's going on. Anyway, I'm glad you liked this chapter! Thanks for reading and reviewing, Rose-chan! You're awesome!

Name: Rainbow Fire (Signed) · Date: 06/03/12 - 07:50 pm · For: Whispering Voice
Oh my... Chills ran up my spine for a few seconds while reading this... Who is this mysterious voice? Very intriguing... Now I'm stuck waiting for more. Please update more soon, I'm dying to read!

Author's Response: The voice is kinda creepy, huh? Don't worry. I doubt it's as bad as most expect. I made it seem really bad, but then a new idea came to me. So yeah, not as bad anymore. Though it is creepy, it's still fun to read =D

Name: Rowanrose (Signed) · Date: 01/03/12 - 10:52 pm · For: Waking to Fate
What an interesting person Kasumi is. I like her already.

Also, perhaps a sense of touch to be added in, as well as smell. The fact that everything was made of wood would've been driven in if you had, at the end, said something like, "his bare feet scraped across the rough floor, protesting the cold."

Author's Response: Ahh, give me a break. This is old and one of the times I was hurrying because we didn't have a schedule T_T. Okay, I'm just joking. You're right. I was rushing though. I would add more, but I don't really see the point now since, well, I'm probably a ton of chapters later right now. And yes, Kasumi is very interesting.

Name: Rowanrose (Signed) · Date: 01/03/12 - 10:43 pm · For: In Death's Grip
Oho, introduction to the famous (or infamous) Kasumi. Interesting. She seems nice enough. I like her.
Just- most people on the verge of collapse can hardly see straight, let alone summarize someone's appearance. Other than that, Interesting (although short! Points finger accusingly) chap.

Now, who should I be pointing at again?

Author's Response: You don't know Deno, Rose-chan. He's just awesome at everything =D. Okay, I just love Deno too much and will probably always have something good to say about him...... Yep. Kasumi makes her appearance. There's some fun with these two next, as you already know. I still think the bond between these two is one of my favorite things of FC. I love writing about them so much.

Author's Response: You don't know Deno, Rose-chan. He's just awesome at everything =D. Okay, I just love Deno too much and will probably always have something good to say about him...... Yep. Kasumi makes her appearance. There's some fun with these two next, as you already know. I still think the bond between these two is one of my favorite things of FC. I love writing about them so much.

Name: Shizake Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 29/02/12 - 06:29 pm · For: Whispering Voice
jeebus this has me in suspense right now, i wanna know what happens!

Author's Response: Yeah, it's pretty creepy, and it does leave questions. What was fun about this was that I was creating as I went, so I had no clue what I was gonna do until later on.

Name: Shizake Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 29/02/12 - 05:53 pm · For: What's Inside
Heartwarming with Kasumi's side. Always gotta push through the hate with your head up :) I like it, good chapter!

Author's Response: Haha. Yeah, but there's only so much hate a person can take. You may not know what I mean, but you will later on.

Name: Shizake Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 29/02/12 - 05:48 pm · For: The Demon's Leftovers
Damn this is getting eerie even if i know where kasumi is...Great Chapter

Author's Response: I know, I had the chills just writing the chapter. But that's why this is so fun, just because you don't know what to expect ;) I'm glad you liked this chapter! Thanks for reading and reviewing, you're awesome!

Name: Shizake Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 29/02/12 - 05:42 pm · For: Entities, And Demon Sealing
Hmm, I wasnt expecting her to know a jutsu to seal the demon. Yay that she did though. Good chapter

Author's Response: Yuki knows a lot! Pretty much anything to do with the supernatural her Grandma Fujika has taught her. It's just, with how the story started out, we don't know that much about Yuki.... Which means everything will be introduced as the story continues. ;) Thx so much for reviewing!

Name: Rainbow Fire (Signed) · Date: 28/02/12 - 04:50 pm · For: Oni's Tale
Oni Shrine? Connecting to demons and rituals and such? Wow, we're delving very far into this spiritual stuff, aren't we? I'm excited, I've never read a story that diverts to this kind of genre. Very nice. You three are doing a great job :D

Author's Response:

Yes, I've always wanted to write about that stuff. So we're doing it in the Rp! I'm so glad with how it all turned out. It's hard to find fanfics are even novels like that... Hope we can continue to please you with our work! Now I'll go and tell them to update so you can read more!:D

Thx so much for your review!

Name: Shizake Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 28/02/12 - 04:03 pm · For: Let's Hit the Road
hehe Naruto always starting an argument as usual...I like the feeling between Kiba and Hanabira, it's a mysterious slow romance (if that makes any sense). Good Chapter, gonna go read more now :D

Author's Response: Haha, he does, doesn't he? He doesn't even realize when he's causing trouble, that's the funny part. Heehee, I'm happy to hear that you like the budding romance between Kiba and Hanabira. It really is a slow romance between them, but just you wait to way down the road when the dramatic love confessions start. Oh, but I've said too much already ;) I'm glad you liked this chapter, and I hope you enjoy the other chapters! Thanks for reading and leaving such a nice review! You rock my socks!

Name: Shizake Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 28/02/12 - 03:56 pm · For: Troubles of the Heart
Damn...I feel so bad for Taishi, that whole story made me sad :( Good chapter though

Author's Response: Yeah, I always have something bad happen to my ocs. If they had a normal past, where would the fun be? Though you are right. I was mean to my ocs. I think I'm mean to all my ocs on here.

Name: Shizake Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 28/02/12 - 01:39 pm · For: The Second Mission
aw poor Hotaru, I'm curious as to what happened (gotta keep reading). I know his feeling though. Great chapter and great characterization.

Author's Response: Yes, that part of the story is quite depressing... But you will have to read more to find out the whole thing ;D I'm glad you like the way the characters are being portrayed. Since Taishi wasn't my creation, I'm always afraid I'm messing him up. But I'm really happy that you like this so far! Thanks a bunch for reading and reviewing!

Name: Shizake Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 28/02/12 - 01:18 pm · For: The Warrior Princess
Hell, all three of you collaborating is genius! I love this so far! The development is so good and the characters are amazing too! I cant wait to read all this

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm so honored that you decided to read our group project :) I'm glad you like the plot development and the characters. At this point of the story, we didn't plan as much, but it all starts to tie in the more you read. I hope you enjoy the future chapters! Thanks for reading and reviewing, we all really appreciate the feedback!

Name: Shizake Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 28/02/12 - 06:32 am · For: The Tiger Child
Hehe I like the rivalry between the three, great chapter!

Author's Response: Yeah, it's definitely fun to write about. Though very much later, there is a great chapter with these two that I absolutely love.

Name: Shizake Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 28/02/12 - 06:28 am · For: A Spirit Girl And Her Crush
Oh wow I can't believe I haven't read this yet! Well now I have a lot to read :) I like it so far can't wait to see this mission. Good job you three!

Author's Response: Thx so much for noticing it and reading it!:D And thx for leaving us a review:) We try to update it as much as we can. So be expecting more and more chapters!:D

Name: Rowanrose (Signed) · Date: 25/02/12 - 04:57 pm · For: Night Walk
Well written and concise without too much unnecessary dialogue. Perhaps a bit of background as fars how far they're into their journey or something would help.
Oh, I see it in the end.

I really liked the encounter with the spirit. An original idea, I believe, on TONFA; I've never seen a spirit OC before.

Author's Response: Haha, yeah I've never seen an OC with ties to the dead like Yuki... She's one of a kind, I suppose!:D

Name: Rowanrose (Signed) · Date: 25/02/12 - 04:52 pm · For: The Warrior Princess
Ah yes, the Inuzuka's secret weopon, puppy eyes! Makes sense ^^

It seems to me that Kiba knows that she's got a crush on him? It's probably obvious, the way she's acting... I hope not, it's best the crush doesn't know about the crush until he's told! Otherwise it'd be too embarrassing.

Some parts a bit confusing; at the beginning, you show Kiba to be "taking in a deep breath"; do you mean to say he's gasping? Perhaps, then, showing a little bit more pain on all their parts would be better. Also, there's a lot of dialogue, which is well written, but not a lot of background. A brief idea of where they are would set the stage for the rest of the chapter.

I'm really loving this story for some reason, haha, cuz it's amazing?

Author's Response: Well, of course! I think it'd be a disgrace if an Inuzuka couldn't use the puppy eyes ;D Yeah, he probably does know that Hanabira has a crush on him, but then again, I can list off a lot of guys (so pretty much every guy I personally know) who are just completely oblivious to a girl's feelings. So I guess that all depends :P Well, yes, he's taking a deep breath just to refill his oxygen levels, basically. I see what you mean about the pain, I guess I was thinking more along the lines of needing air rather than worrying about any cramps or whatever. I'm usually pretty stern with myself with describing the scenery, I guess I wasn't feeling it here. I apologize. Despite all of my glaring mistakes, I'm glad you like this story! Thanks so much for the honest review, and I hope you continue to enjoy reading!

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 24/02/12 - 01:20 am · For: What's Inside
i forgot wt happend in da previous chaps... :L damn T_T
well... so i dnt exactly remember wt happend to Kasumi... I'll go read it nw....
n the young Kasumi is cute... =D bt poor her... >_<
it sounds so bad wen small kids go through such experiences... >_<
anyways... split personality aye...? kool...!! =O
and its "worries* forgotten" =P
awesome chapter... =D

Author's Response: Well, I guess that's why it's good you can go back and read, huh? Yeah, she's cute, but she's definitely troubled by what everyone says/does. It doesn't seem to matter to me whether or not they're young, I'm just mean to all my ocs. It's just not right, but it's how I am. More will be explained about Hoka and Kyou, but until then, let's just stick with split personalities.

Name: Rowanrose (Signed) · Date: 23/02/12 - 05:07 pm · For: Departure, Team Neji
So, do the three of you take turns writing? And you guys can start from where the other left off, like you did Destiny Girl, or you can start a branching story like Sasui?

This was a good chapter - except for the part where Tenten threw the paper bombs and "the ninja came out". I would think eight ninja would come out in a more menacing way, right?

I'm puzzled too^^ Let me guess why they ran away tho- Maybe the wierd happenings are in the spiritual nature? So Yuki can help or something, and the family name freaks them out?

Author's Response:

In the beginning, whoever was there first added their installment. Now we all take turns in our organized list. Yes, that's normally how it goes. You're creating a story together, so you just add to whoever left off on the Rp.

Haha, probably. I was kind of in a writer's block in the moment and just threw in something. So sorry if it was lame.

The last sentence was correct. About the Hiragana clan name having an effect on them. Plus, they realized just who Yuki was... And now they're going to their HQ....

Thx for reading and reviewing!:D

Name: Rowanrose (Signed) · Date: 23/02/12 - 03:55 pm · For: The Tiger Child
Wow, Sasui, I loved this chapter. Lighthearted, and realistic (cat vs dog, LOL). There was enough spacing to make it not seem so crowded, and there wasn't any unnecessary description. Cooliomazingesome! *sigh* sorry, I try not to be dorky... ^^

Author's Response: People seem to enjoy the cat vs dog thing. I thought it was fun, and it seems everyone else does to, which I'm glad about. Yeah, it's pretty lighthearted at first, but it'll get a little darker later on. Not very dark, but less happy and everything. I'm glad that it was nicely written description-wise. Hehehe. Cooliomazingesome. I like it. I don't care if it's dorky or not. I like it.

Name: Rowanrose (Signed) · Date: 23/02/12 - 03:51 pm · For: A Spirit Girl And Her Crush
Nice start. ^^

Author's Response: Thanks!:D

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 23/02/12 - 12:48 pm · For: The Demon's Leftovers
"are we there yet?" xD
poor naruto's partners :L i can imagine their frustration.... Bt hanabira indeed took a real leader-like decision by ignoring his Rants xPThat shows she's got potential to have ignore a noob like Naruto xDD
and lol at how everybody takes turns to tell naruto to shut up n give up on him wen he asks again =PP
They have truely started to work like a team now =D
Wow... poor taishi O_O' havin to search for over two hours without finding anything xDD well...
wat exactly is that.. the way taishi talks with Shikon...? Telepathy? or does he simply understand his language.. purring.. growling w.e =P
hehe... the cabin scene ws scary especially the part when shikon ws sensing someting wrong with it... but wowoa... taishi is as arrogant as kiba :L o.e
the way u typed tht thing tht dead body... i was wondering if this is s ghost story or something. Dead body.....o_o' ._.
this plot is goin really deep. its seriously intriguing...!! =O and AWESOME!
keep up the good job guys..! =D
wait... =O so kasumi is that monster isnt she =O
well anyways... uruphoo nice job at this chap.

Author's Response: I love scenes like that, with the constant groaning of not reaching the destination yet. Naruto is just impatient in times like that, it's not really his fault. Though you're right in saying that Hanabira has learned to control her temper...a little bit, at least. They do make an interesting team, don't they? The connection between Taishi and Shikon is mind-based. Basically, Taishi can hear Shikon's thoughts, and Shikon can read Taishi's mind. I enjoyed writing this chapter just because it was scarier than some of the other things I've written. Yes, tha was Kasumi's house, but you'll hear more about all this in the upcoming chapters ;) Thanks so much for the lovely review! I really appreciate the praise.

Name: Rainbow Fire (Signed) · Date: 21/02/12 - 05:49 pm · For: What's Inside
That's so sad... Poor little Kasumi, I feel even worse for her now. I was already picking up the fact that she had a bad life, but this makes it so much sadder.

I loved your description and emotion here though. Fabulous work here, I really did enjoy the insight in this chapter.

And now there is no Next button... how disappointing. *sigh* I guess I'll just have to wait for you ladies to update then. Darn it! Well anyway, keep up the good work everyone!

Author's Response: Like I said, I'm not nice to any of my ocs. Kasumi I'm especially cruel to. I don't know why, but it's almost like I completely hate her, but at the same time I love her. Hard to believe with how I treat her, huh? I'm glad that you liked it. She'll eventually be happy (I'm not that mean to my ocs), but until then, yeah, I'm torturing her. I'm sorry there's no next button. Maybe there will be soon, though.

Name: Rainbow Fire (Signed) · Date: 21/02/12 - 05:47 pm · For: The Demon's Leftovers
"face pace" Did you mean fast pace?

Other than that, this was such a suspenseful read! I can't believe I didn't make this connection before: the Tear Village asked for Konoha's help to get rid of Kasumi. I'm so dumbfounded, I feel so stupid.

Wow, this was an amazing chapter, a great way to throw in more plot development and keep the story rolling. Great, excellent, terrific, fantastic work, Wolf-chan!

Author's Response: I fixed that right after I saw you point it out, thanks for telling me :P I'm glad you liked the suspense and drama in this chapter. This is personally one of my favorites of the installments I've written. Ah, don't worry about not connecting the dots; I was honestly worried I had made it not as clear anyway. Thanks so much for the awesome praise, you have made me so happy right now! Thanks a bunch, Rainbow-chan, you rock my world!

Name: Rainbow Fire (Signed) · Date: 21/02/12 - 05:44 pm · For: Entities, And Demon Sealing
I really love the tidbtis of Yuki's past you show us. It helps for her character development. And in times likes this, it's a beautiful setup for unleashing her amazing powers. Wonderful!

And who is this little Oni? What's a six-year-old doing helping the Konoha team when everyone else was too scared to go near Kasumi? Hmm...

You have me curious. I must read more now.

Author's Response:

Thanks, honestly, I enjoy writing them. Aw, thanks so much. Your words are greatly inspiring!

Oni will become a major character as the story progresses. Let's just say, she's a little fearless...

Thanks so much!XD

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