Reviews For The Butterfly Effect
Name: Maia Nishikawa (Signed) · Date: 12/10/13 - 01:12 pm · For: Chapter 1
This is an excellent idea for a fanfic. I myself have wanted to do something like it but I never dared to. It's a difficult and thought provoking endeavor, but it seems you've done very well. I thank you for writing this. :)
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 29/01/12 - 07:05 pm · For: Special NOT
Aww, very cute XD Anyway, I hope to see more stories from you! Can't wait!
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 29/01/12 - 08:52 am · For: Chapter 10
Wow! Just as the whole invasion scene was getting intense too. Sasuke being completely evil and all was just an amazing portrayal versus our honorable and noble Itachi. Nearly everyone died though, which really sucked...
I did like the little twist there though. The Eye of the Future was an unexpected and very interesting twist. I don't lersonally don't it was necessary, since this story is about what would happen if Itachi didn't kill his people; the sad ending of killing Sasuke probably would have sufficed.
But this ending did have more of a lighter note. It finished in the way we all already know, and you told it through Itachi's view very well.
I really liked this chapter! If you add more, I can't wait to see what it is! If not, this was a great story anyway. Nice job!
Author's Response: The next one would probably explain some things. Thanks for reading. Truly! hugs!
Name: Rowanrose (Signed) · Date: 28/01/12 - 05:03 pm · For: Chapter 1
*sighs* seems like such a good story.... I should catch up on Naruto so I can read these stories, but the problem is, when you go all the way, you can hardly wait for the end! You've always got to wait for the next episode, and....
Anyways, after what episode would there be no spoilers for me? Is there a chapter in your story from which I can start without getting any spoilers?
Author's Response: I know what you mean. I only started reading Naruto manga around July last year and then I went on a full month Anime marathon to catch up. I'm a zombie now. The answer to your question depends on how far along you are on the episodes. The story is strictly canon-based and it relies heavily on Itachi's character as revealed by Tobi. If you've seen up to around Ep.140, you should be able to read up to Chapter 7 of this story. If you're up to Ep 211 about Danzo, then it's safe to read the whole story, I think. I hope you do catch up, it'll be great if you read this. Thankee!
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 28/01/12 - 04:38 am · For: Chapter 9.5
Wow! I love how you touched on everyone! It all flowed very naturally, and everything that happened just seemed so...amazing. The epic fights and everything was just so awesome. I really liked all the intensity of war portrayed here. Though I'm upset that Tenten is dying! Oh my gosh, I hope she lives...
Great chapter! It truly was a nice chapter to write before the upcoming finale. Keep up the awesome work!
Author's Response: Thanks. This chapter was more of an afterthought but I'm glad I got to tie some loose ends with it. But I'll have to leave some things up to the imagination. Thanks again! Last spurt!
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 24/01/12 - 06:11 am · For: Chapter 9
That was a completely epic invasion scene. I would think having Itachi be there would slightly ruin some things, but it didn't! It made everything so much more interesting, to see it through his perspective. And the actual Akatsuki invasion is so much cooler because nearly all of the members have infiltrated along with Pein.
This just gets better and better. I can't wait to see the intense fight between the Uchiha and the Leaf. Nice chapter! Keep up the awesome work!
Author's Response: Thank you. :-)
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 18/01/12 - 03:55 am · For: Chapter 8
What?! You're going to finish in the next chapter?! It just sounds so sudden. But judging from how the story has progressed thus far, I know that the ending will be epic.
I really liked this chapter. It seemed like things were looking up once Itachi returned. But now the attack has begun, and I can't wait to see what happens.
I will say that it surprised me that they're using eleven shinobi will Uchiha eyes. I honestly didn't expect that...
Anyway, nice job on this chapter! Keep up the good work!
Author's Response: Yep, I never intended for it too run this long in the first place. But an epic ending would be setting your expectation too high. I'm just hoping it will be a good ending. Re 11 sharingan, it's supported in canon. For most background of this sort, I had to do some digging. Thank you Narutopedia! And thanks, as always!
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 17/01/12 - 04:44 pm · For: Chapter 7.5
I think you enjoy making me feel sad... I actually choked up a little in the end there. I actually do know Kotetsu and Izumo (yes, I'm one of the few :P ), but I've never had the pleasure of reading a tribute to their friendship. I'm really glad you decided to write this, it was really wonderful. Just simply amazing. Great job on this, keep up the awesome work!
Author's Response: Yes, you're kind of my test subject. Just kidding. Thanks.
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 11/01/12 - 03:26 am · For: Chapter 6.5
I was so sad Sakura in this chapter! It was so heartfelt and sweet and depressing and everything, I really felt bad for her. And then it was Naruto's POV... seriously... *facepalm* It's times like that when I want to smack him for his oblivious mind... Nice bonus chapter, Yui! I really liked the emotion (at least from Sakura's side) portrayed here. Keep up the good work!
Author's Response: Define "density" - the existence of at least one super dense person in every manga/anima/j-drama (when it comes to love, that is) ^^ Gotta admit, Naruto's cute that way. ^^
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 10/01/12 - 07:59 pm · For: Chapter 7
Oh wow, so much plot development, I love it. I can't believe Sai killed Danzo. That was so unexpected. And then be went and got himself killed, jeez... Yay, Kakashi as the new Hokage. That's exciting ;) And what the heck is Itachi doing there?!?! That's so crazy, I wonder what he plans on doing!
Nice update! This story always gets better, I never see the twists coming. Keep up the awesome work!
Author's Response: Yep, gone and killed Sai-kun. I didn't meant to... honest. Just sort of went with the flow. rnrnThanks.
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 04/01/12 - 08:01 pm · For: Chapter 6
Awesome! I really enjoyed the intensity in this chapter, even if it is the calm before the storm. I love learning about what you've done to the other characters. It's like they've changed without really changing. And the plot twists just always thrill me because I never expect them.
Great job on this! Everything was terrific. Keep up the good work!
Author's Response: Thanks! ^^
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 01/01/12 - 08:27 am · For: Chapter 5
I love this new take on the Konoha shinobi. Even though you've changed a huge factor of the plotline by writing this story, everything that's happened thus far seriously makes sense. All the characters and their personalities are different (yet similar in some ways) because of the coup and the deaths that resulted from it.
I just really enjoy this story. Everything is so well thought out, and everything you write about just seems to fit so well.
Probably the only thing I'd want to mention is POV. Since the first part of this story was written in first person through Itachi's view, will you be going back to that whenever he's involved? I'm just curious.
Anyhow, good job on this! I like this story more and more every time I read it. Keep up the good work, and Happy New Year!
Author's Response: Thank you! And the answer to your question is...Yes! ^_^
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 27/12/11 - 08:50 pm · For: Chapter 4
Aww, I'm sorry you're sick, and around Christmas no less. That stinks... Oh my gosh, you got a puppy?! That's so cute!
Ahem, anyway...
Hmm, I can't pick a favorite scene. This entire chapter was very good. The entire coup and all the battles were greatly orchestrated, and they came out really well. The way you described everything was graphic enough for me to visualize everything.
So far, the story seems to be taking a very realistic turn from all the twists. I'm really enjoying all the plot changes and twists.
Nice job in this chapter! Keep up the awesome work!
Author's Response: You're too kind-must be on the account that I'm sick, right? LOL! Anyway, I've been discovering through this chapter the difficulties of writing in the first person and in the progressive. Made me wish I could just project the images with a camera from my brain. And I'm sure I've made some grammatical slips as usual. Will edit later. Thanks for reading! Happy New Year!
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 18/12/11 - 06:24 pm · For: Chapter 3
Yes! It is much better! This chapter was much better in respect to flare. There was no spot in which it was dry, you definitely took my advice, and it paid off.
Hmm, I agree, I think it should just be The Butterfly Effect. Unless you have a whole series of novels planned in which you change something from the manga, then it would make sense to have Uchiha Itachi in the name, but other than that, The Butterfly Effect is catchy all on its own :)
I really like the twists you threw in here. This story definitely has a nice pace to it, and you're tying up all the loose ends that the manga never explained in detail. So far, everything seems to be falling into place. I really like where this is going.
You're only issue now is grammar, and even then, I can't pinpoint any recurring mistakes. Just mostly commas or tense uses (which I think I mentioned in another story, but it's definitely much better than before). Even your mistakes are minor to the point of not even being able to notice them.
Great job on this! I look forward to seeing more of this, I really love where this story is going. Keep up the good work!
Author's Response: Thanks for concurring. From here on it'll be just "The Butterfly Effect" :) rnrnGrammar LOL! You're right. I sometimes get this feeling that I'm being superfluous with my punctuation marks. I add commas depending on how I pause when I read aloud. I pause a lot. semi-colons are trickier. When I'm done, I hope I get to edit back from the beginning. Thanks!rnrn
Name: Opalinaaa (Signed) · Date: 15/12/11 - 10:42 pm · For: Chapter 1
That's all I can think of to say about this first chapter. I've tried reading many other theories about Itachi and the situations with his clan, but none of them were able to draw me in as well as this one did. Everything was illustrated perfectly. Itachi's feelings and worries, as well as those of Shisui.
Oh, the suspense that has already been lined in just the first chapter! I'm very very anxious for the rest of the story.
Then, the teaser for the second chapter is just as amazing. I wish I didn't gave school tomorrow morning just so I could have the opportunity to continue reading. -.-
Keep up the amazing work!
Author's Response: Thank you! ^_^
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 14/12/11 - 06:10 pm · For: Chapter 2
Yeah, you were right to end this chapter with 'her'. It was really cute and really sweet. I wish she had a name; it annoys me that she doesn't in the manga. But I guess it can't be helped....
I loved the way you seem to be tying things in together. Shisui's death, Tobi's appearance, Danzo's involvement, you're really playing all this out very well. It's obvious you've done your research and are paying attention to the anime/manga. This is really well thought out. The only thing I want to mention is when you narrate. It's kind of dry in some places, basically just: "I did this... I just had breakfast..." etc, etc. Add more flow to it, and it'll be better. Though I did notice that it was really only in the uneventful portions did this happen, so you actually do well in the intense parts. But adding more flare to even the boring sections will make it seem more eventful ;)
Great job, I can't wait for more! Keep up the amazing work!
Author's Response: Interesting point. I'll consider it. I'm currently keeping to a self-imposed rule to keep each titled part to around 1k words so I'm careful not to over-elaborate on things that will have no significance to the whole. When it says "I just had lunch," my intent is merely to set up the condition then go on to lead the reader to something that's hopefully more interesting. I don't know, I'm just going by the flow at this point. I really appreciate your feedback. Really really do. Thanks! ^_^ Oh and I wish she had a name as well. I can't muster the courage to give her one. The mystery is kinda romantic in itself...maybe.
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 12/12/11 - 05:30 pm · For: Chapter 1
Wow! I've always wanted to read a decent story about Itachi not killing his clan. Unlike most other versions, I think I'll like this one. Just the way you described his internal struggle and feelings and background all went really well, and I can definitely tell that this story has promise. I can't wait to see how you continue this. There were very few minor spelling/grammar errors, but as I said, very minor. Great job on this first chapter. I can't wait to see what you cook up next. Keep up the good work!
Name: Tragedy (Signed) · Date: 11/12/11 - 05:36 am · For: Chapter 1
Its Good. I Like It. It Shows Itachi As Human(Emotionally), But It Doesn't Make Him OOC, As Only Shisui And Sarutobi Has Witnessed It. And I Really Like Dibergence Stories, Like This One, Im Thinking Of Writing One Myself. That Being Said, Im Really Interested In Seeing Where This Will Go.
Author's Response: Thank you! I just put up Chapter 2. Hope to know what you think. rnUhm, I notice you capitalize each of your words. Really curious why. ^_^