Reviews For Tick Tock
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 04/03/12 - 02:13 pm · For: Dreams and Memories Tangled: Part 1
This was so sad... I know it's going to get much worse, but the whole Shikamaru and Sakura tension makes me feel really bad for them. They just seem so lost and upset. All the stress is really getting to them.
I really love your description. Just the way you write everything: the surroundings, the atmosphere, the emotions, the actions, just everything is written with a very nice flow.
There were a few mistakes concerning homonyms, but those things can be fixed.
Great work on this chapter! I really enjoyed this! Keep up he awesome work! And please don't worry about taking so long to update, it's quite understandable that life gets in the way.
Name: Wuksee (Anonymous) · Date: 12/01/12 - 10:12 pm · For: Childhood Innocence
This story is amazing!! You're doing an awesome job :) can not wait to read more!!
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 18/12/11 - 11:52 am · For: Wings
I'm honestly quite happy this is a ShikaSaku fic now. I've never read one, and from the previous chapter, I was worried about how any GaaSaku would appear. I'm kind of glad the romance in this story changed, my opinion of course.
But anyway, this amazing fic continues to leave me breathless. Each passing word leaves me almost in tears. The entire plot is just so depressing. But I can tell that everything is incredibly well planned out, and you've definitely given this story a lot of thought when writing it. This is truly amazing, and I am honestly quite entranced with it.
There were a few mistakes in this chapter, mostly just misspellings or leaving a word out when it is needed. Though the most noticable thing had to be that you tend to write the word "quiet" as "quite". Just something to watch for.
Anyway, great job on this chapter! I look forward to more, and I can't wait to see what you have planned next. Keep up the awesome work!
Author's Response: Thank you so much for your reviews! I always look forward to reading them :) Yours are always uplifting.rnrnI'll have to go back and fix the mistakes. The keyboard on my new laptop is ridiculous. Like, the keys are out of place because of it's size, so I'm still not used to it. Plus I sometimes lose myself in my sentences. And actually, I would really like a beta reader, if you'd be interested for future chapters.
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 12/12/11 - 03:33 am · For: House Call: Part 2
T_T This is so sad and awful... I was shivering during the entire buildup to Shikamaru and Sakura finding Ino. Not only that, but I just thought they would find her dead in bed. But she drowned herself, holding the arms of her lover! Not husband, but lover. That's so sick and twisted and tragic...
My goodness, I know this story is probably nowhere close to being finished, but I sure hope there's a happy ending coming over that horizon...
Great job on this depressing chapter. It was really well done. Everything was so vivid and well-written. Keep up the amazing work with this story.
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 06/11/11 - 12:15 pm · For: House Call: Part 1
Wow, this was a great chapter. The suspense being shown through Sakura's point of view is really wonderfully written. The chaos that this plague is causing is portrayed really well. I like where this story is going already.
The deaths are really sad. While I'm glad Kurenai's daughter is alive, it is still awful to see the files of those who have died. I wish I could beg you to not kill any if the major characters, but it wouldn't surprise me if that's the direction this story is going.
Excellent job with this chapter. It was an incredible buildup for more suspense and drama. Keep up the awesome work!
Name: SabakuNoAkane (Signed) · Date: 06/11/11 - 10:59 am · For: House Call: Part 1
Ok, so I read the first two chapters last night, and then this one today, honestly I didn't really understand what exactly was going on in the first two (although I suspect that was kinda the point) but now I got it. Just wanted to say that this is really well written, which is why I decided to go ahead and read the 3rd chapter as well to see if it would make more sense lol. I really like your writing style and thank you sooooo much for not killing of Asuma's kid lol :) But if you kill off Naruto idk what I'll do lol... OH and I really liked figuring out what all the subtle hints were in the first two chapters. However, one question, so was it Hinata's kid who died before? That's what I am most confused about is who those people were.
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 05/11/11 - 03:42 pm · For: Seven-Hundred Fifty-Six Square Feet
Wow, I really like this. Your description is beautiful. It's so elaborate and I can see everything in my mind so well. And I like your setup for this story so far. I was surprised that you didn't dive right into the plot right away, since most people do that all the time; but I like that you've made such a nice setup for this story. It adds a lot more depth to the plot. I look forward to reading more of this, keep up the good work.