Reviews For DestinyGirl's Bingo Book
Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 01/01/12 - 05:03 pm · For: BtD: Yami Misa
Sheesh. I can't not love your characters, DestinyGirl. They're all absolutely, positively amazing. There's nothing that will ever change that. She's a good contrast to Hikari, and yet she's similar to her. I don't know exactly how to compare the two. They're similar, yet so different. I can't decide which of these two characters I like more. I'm gonna have to say it's right in the middle with both characters.
Author's Response: Haha, thx so much! Your comments mean a lot to me!:D That's how I always pictured the two, and that's how I picture Darkness and Light... In the end, they both need each other, both halves of a whole. Thx so much for reviewing!
Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 14/10/11 - 10:25 am · For: BW: Hikari Kyoko
cnt wait to read yami's bio :D
i think i like yami mre than hikari :P
bt hikari herself is a cute character... =D
Author's Response: Thx so much! Yeah, I can tell when those stories are over with I'll have a fanclub for Yami and then a fanclub for Hikari, lol:P But I love them both so I could never choose between them!:P
Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 11/10/11 - 01:59 pm · For: BW: Hikari Kyoko
Man, I so love Hikari. I think she's absolutely wonderful. I love both of the stories she is/going to be in. Heck, I love the character herself! As well as Yami, but seeing as this isn't her bio, I wasn't going to mention her. I really like the picture. It suits her.
Author's Response: Thx! I so love her too, lol:P Hikari is a REALLY important character to me, she actually stars in a lot of things of my imagination besides Naruto... Oops! Look at me rambling:P Thx! I love the picture, though I wish her eyes had been gray, then it would have been perfect:D