The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

Main Categories

Het Romance [1090]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [643]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
General Fiction [1738]
Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [860]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
An area to store fanfic information, such as bios, maps, political histories. No stories.

Site Info

Members: 11998
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: KpopOt7Bias
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Reviews For For Our Son

Name: nkbz (Signed) · Date: 25/09/11 - 02:11 pm · For: For Our Son
I have to echo what silver said.

Author's Response: Kk, thanks for the honest opinion :) (no hard feelings lol no worries)

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 24/09/11 - 09:39 pm · For: For Our Son
Um.... other than the fact that this is told through Minato's point of view, there really isn't any hint of fanfiction here. It's really a reiteration of that manga chapter. It has amazing dialogue and interesting description, don't get me wrong. It's just that there was nothing that made me think, "Oh, that's so unique and different. I never thought he would feel like that," or anything like that. Since this is a one-shot and your first fanfic, I will admit that this was laid out very nicely. Just for future writing purposes, be sure to add your own spin on things, instead of regurgitating what we know.

Sorry if I sounded mean or anything. I am just being honest and leaving constructive criticism....

Author's Response: No problem, I really appreciate the honesty (: I intend to try to write something not covered in the manga/anime, so that I can't use it a crutch next time, you know? And yes, I know I pretty much kept the dialogue pretty true to the manga (not sure how much artistic license I was willing to take for a scene that was technically already written) And I understand what you mean about it not being different, I will keep it in mind. (Oh I can't help but give a reason though, haha. For me, when reading the manga, I felt that the illustrations portrayed the feelings quite definetly, so tried to simply "flesh it out") I think this was more of an attempt to see a reaction to my "style" of writing, I suppose. Anyways, like I said, I appreciate the honesty :)

Name: tigerseye (Signed) · Date: 24/09/11 - 09:18 pm · For: For Our Son
You say that this is your first fic, GREAT JOB! I recommend reading through stories to make sure they run smoothly before posting. Looking forward to seeing more from you.

Author's Response: Well I didn't notice that all the paragraphs had run together when I pasted it into the box, so just went through and added them back in. :P and thank you sooo much! :D

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 24/09/11 - 09:17 pm · For: For Our Son
T_T. Ah man, that was just so amazing. I loved it. I absolutely loved it. It was so beautiful. I loved reading it in the manga version, but when you write it like this..... Well, it's just so much more amazing. You wrote this in the same way I pictured how Kishimoto would. If this is your first, I can't wait to see what you do in the future (if you continue writing more) since people tend to get better the more they write. Man, I'm still blown away from the awesomeness of this story. I wish they had a Love option as well. No, a Blown-Away option. And a Beautiful option. There's a lot of adjectives I could use to describe the wonderful piece of writing that is your story.

Author's Response: Awwww!!! Thank you!!! :D I think I literally blushed hehe :) And yes, it really is my first one, I wrote it a few days ago after playing Pockie Ninja LOL (Ik a weird thing for a 18 yr old girl, but still! haha) This review just made my day! :D

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