The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
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Site Info

Members: 11998
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: KpopOt7Bias
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 28/11/11 - 05:50 pm · For: San-Kagetsu 13
Ah, no fight scene. Oh well. That just means we get to meet Keito and Madare. I hope that their parents are found. This war has scarred a lot of people. I would say I can't wait for more, but I'm not sure if there will ever be more. But like the faithful fan I am, I will wait and read the next chapter. This one was awesome, though. I love both it and your ocs. Both of them are absolutely amazing!

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 28/11/11 - 05:33 pm · For: San-Kagetsu 12
Ohh, I think I saw Jirayaya's quote:

All you need to be a shinobi is the guts to never give up.

Okay, on to the chapter. I was amazing. Like everyone else, I'm surprised by Sukoi's harshness seeing as he cares so much for his teammates most of the time. But he's just too determined to get the mission done and is letting that darken his personality. The fact it's their (unknowingly to them) dying Sensei they're trying to find. I hope Nanami's patience and gentleness helps calm him down..

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 15/11/11 - 03:01 pm · For: San-Kagetsu 11
Well, first of all, I really like how you've been beginning showing us part of your ocs's pasts. I love that. I also loved this chapter. It was so amazing! I love the relationship that is building between the two teams. It's impossible not to love. And Sukoi's comment about Shikamaru not trying anything was cute =D. My favorite part, however, was the conversation between Nanami and Shikamaru. I loved it. I especially loved the promise at the end. It's really making me afraid they will find him just to have him die before their eyes. Sheesh, the farther into this story I get, the more I'm afraid of finishing =P. It was an amazing chapter, Abegayle-hime! I give it eight thumbs up!

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 31/10/11 - 03:29 am · For: Discontinued
Well, I guess this might give me time to catch up. Knowing me though I probably won't be able to find time *sigh*. Anyway, I hope that your inspiration returns. What I've read is very good. As for a character...... You could always write about one of the older people when they were younger. If it had to be a character in the present, though, I'd have to go with either Kiba (yeah, Silverwolf has me liking Kiba fanfic, though not as much as her), an OC, or Gaara. Just some of my first thoughts.

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 30/10/11 - 09:46 pm · For: Discontinued
aww :(
i see
is it just coincidence or are all my favourite stories going on hiatus T_T
and all my faavourite writers losing inspiration... :(
oh well...
all da best in wateva u do... :D
oh... u cn write a fic on Gai :3 u dnt see many fics on Gai...
xDDD just kidding... :P
Kakashi...!! :D

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 30/10/11 - 07:35 pm · For: Discontinued

This is so sudden! I imagined such awesome things for this story, it's so disappointing to know that it's discontinued! Aww... I'm not going to force you to write it, I know what it's like to lose inspiration for a story. I'll miss this, but thanks for the heads up.

Um... Requests... I immediately want to say Kiba just because I love him, but I'm honestly open for anyone. I'd much prefer a story centering around someone who is not as popular in the plot (meaning not Naruto or Sasuke or something like that). But whatever comes to your mind will be fantastic. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

Author's Response: I'm sorry! I have a lot of ideas for this story, but I just can't find ways to write it down. Hopefully something magical will happen and I'll start writing San-Kagetsu again. I actually had Kiba in mind! Although, he is sort of a popular character, I don't see many fanfics about him. Thank you Silver! c:

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 17/10/11 - 01:55 pm · For: San-Kagetsu 10
Wow. That chapter was absolutely amazing. You had a mixture of emotions within it, and you did well at showing all of them. Once again, absolutely amazing! I loved that Hinata's slowly building confidence, and I really hope that it can build. Go Sukoi for helping her! Make sure you continue to do that. And Yoichi -_-' Well, he sure is one of a kind. He seems to have a devious side to him that only comes out when he wants food. I mean, seriously, what would he have done if he hadn't found Ino? And poor Ino. Why'd she have to tell him she'd make him rice balls? She's doomed herself to a life of servitude. Then you had that super sweet Tsukiko moment. Now that was really sad. I'm so glad that Nanami helped comfort her. Nanami seems to be the type of person who can comfort anyone. I hope she continues that, because that's one quality that's good to have. And then the Raido scene. Man, Raido, get to your students already! I barely even know him yet I hate seeing (well, reading) the state he's in. And oh my gosh, that rainbow thing T_T. That was just so beautiful! I absolutely love it. I hope that their rain disappears soon. And jeez, Yoichi seemed like a major smartbutt then..... Anyway, overall this was a beautiful/humorous/amazing chapter. I'm so glad that I got around to reading it. As for the ending of Naruto, I think that it will end with Sasuke dying, and as he's dying, he sees the light. He either says or does something that gives Naruto power, and then he goes on to fight Madara/Tobi/WHOEVER THE FREAK THE MASKED GUY IS!!! (if you don't understand, read the newest chapter of Naruto). Then he'll come close to losing, but then something gives him power (possible he's so pure even the nine tails has changed because of him and dies for him), and he kicks Whatshisface's butt!

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 16/10/11 - 10:05 am · For: San-Kagetsu 13
Tht ws small bt sweet indeed.... :D
another example of sukoi's hot-headedness -_-'
so new friends eh? :)

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 16/10/11 - 09:58 am · For: San-Kagetsu 12
Wth is wrong with sukoi.... -.-'
y is he bhavin like such a butthole....!! No offense....
I luv yoichi n nanami....
Bt smetimes sukoi... U jst cnt undrstnd wts goin through his mind.... :/
oh well.... A fight already...
Poor guys.... Rathr poor raido.... :( hw much longr will he hv to wait....!!
Awesome chapter abegayle :D

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 15/10/11 - 03:15 pm · For: San-Kagetsu 13
Hmm, slightly depressed that there is no fight, but that's alright, this was still really awesome :D

There were admittedly a few mistakes. Probably the most noticeable one for me was:

Sukoi thought to himself as he swung his hell like punches.

It was honestly very funny XD

But other than that, great job! I was very happy to see an update for this, and it was still awesome. Keep up the amazing work!

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 10/10/11 - 01:29 pm · For: San-Kagetsu 09
Seriously? I mean how can one charccter *cough Yoichi cough* be so great and caring one moment and then the next, well, goofballish? First the flashback and him caring about getting some energy in from losing it while worrying, caring again, the who thing, caring, and then he notices Tsunade's large chest out of all things?!? Man, Yoichi. I also liked Nanami's caring attitude. The writing was amazing. You made this a serious yet humorous chapter. It was absolutely amazing. I love this story, Abegayle-hime. I hope that the person who posted your story as there own gets some sense or brains. I guess that means he/she thought it was so amazing it needs to be posted twice. He/She is right about it being amazing, but that's no excuse to steal your story.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 09/10/11 - 03:06 pm · For: San-Kagetsu 12
Jeez, Sukoi is so mean. The character portrayal is awesome, don't get me wrong, it's just... jeez, man. He needs to calm down...

Then again, I guess we should all know he has a good reason :P

Anyways, the mission has finally begun, and with only 69 days left. Ugh, I sure do hope they make it. But what the heck, they're attacked AGAIN?! Can't people just leave them alone?! They're trying to find their sensei, for crying out loud!

Awesome chapter! I really enjoyed the character insight. Keep up the awesome work!

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 04/10/11 - 07:03 pm · For: San-Kagetsu 08
Wow. I was kinda surprised when I saw one of the things I often think/say in Silverwolf's review (HOLY FLYING MONKEYS). She's right, though. It was amazing. I absolutely loved it! The fighting scene was awesome, and I liked their formation thing. It's was really good. And then you went and had that happen to Nanami. I mean, seriously, she's just seems to be getting all the crap. First the sprained ankle and now this? If Yoichi doesn't get her to the hospital soon, I'll teleport in there and whack him.

And then the ending. That was just phenomenal. It was really cute, and it's hard to believe he could ever be better than her. I mean, he's just so..... Well, I guess he's kinda like Naruto with that goofball personality, so I can't say that he's such a goofball since Naruto was a goofball and look at where he is now. I liked the promise thing at the end. It was sad yet intriguing. Sometimes I really hate that they don't have a loved option.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 04/10/11 - 05:23 am · For: San-Kagetsu 11
*squeals like a fangirl* Ah! So much fluff! It was adorable! I really enjoyed this, it was very cute and even inspiring with all the words of determination and encouragement to find Raido. It makes me even more eager to find him. I really hope he lives long enough for them to locate him! XP Great job with this chapter, it was probably one of my favorites so far ;) Keep up the awesome work, Abegayle-hime!

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 03/10/11 - 10:31 pm · For: San-Kagetsu 11
This ws kool.....
*so 'nade'..... When do.......'
tht ws funny.... Wht nerve... xD
lol.... He is one awesome guy.....
N lol everybody always mke sukoi pay....? :P
first Raido nw sukoi.... xD lolz....
N haha quite a family..... The Naras....
They al r starting to gt super close.... :D
cnt wait fr the nxt chapter....
Keep up the awesome job....!!

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 02/10/11 - 04:07 pm · For: San-Kagetsu 07
*puts hands over eyes, takes them away, and groans* Darn it, it's still there. The happy moments thing. Please please please don't let them find their sensei. If they do, he might just let himself die then. Sheesh, you did the only thing that would make me not want them to find them.......

-_-'...... Ino does realize just what she's put herself up to, right? That she's going to be making rice balls for, oh.... All eternity? Yeah, all eternity sounds right. But they are cute, and I can't wait to see what you do with the battle scene. I'm not sure when I'll get to it, though, because I've been a little busy. Though I hope I get to it soon =D. Then again, we are off until Tuesday, so I probably will get to it *fist pump*. Anyway, this was amazing, and I can't wait until I get to read the next chapter. You rock, Abegayle-hime!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 02/10/11 - 05:16 am · For: San-Kagetsu 10
Aww, I really liked this chapter. It was very sweet in almost every scene. The YoIno scene was more comical than sweet, but it was still just as awesome :D *shakes head* Oh, Yoichi...

Aww, the rainbow thing was really nice. Very sweet and very true. It describes them all very well.

Hmm, how do I think Naruto will end... Well, I think that years into the future, there will be peace all over the world, thanks to Naruto, he will become Hokage (or King of the World, I haven't decided yet), but Sasuke will be the only real threat to the world. There will be a final clash between Naruto and Sasuke, probably enough for ten chapters :P The very last image of the very last chapter will be of Naruto and Sasuke clashing with Rasengan and Chidori, and we will never know who won or what happens afterward. Yup, that's what I think, and you?

Anyways, awesome chapter Abegayle-hime! Don't worry about no ShikaXNana action; the Tsukiko scene totally makes up for it. Excellent job on this chapter, keep up the amazing work!

Author's Response: Haha, I don't think Yoichi and Ino will ever have a super sappy scene, or one that won't involve food at all. xD As for my theory on how naruto will end, I have 2 ways. First: Naruto and Sasuke will fight, and while they're fighting Sasuke will have some sense knocked into him and notice that what he's doing doesn't make any sense at all, and go back to being a good guy, theeen both Naruto and Sasuke will fight mandara together, and win. Then after that everyone's just happy happy joy joy. Then! I have the depressing version, Naruto and Sasuke will fight, Sasuke has a change of heart, so both of them go to fight Mandara. They kill him, but die in the process also ending the war but leaving everyone heartbroken. Once everything calmed down in Konoha, they'll give Naruto the honor of being Hokage and carve his face into the Kage monument. Then there'll be a fast forward with another kid that looks just like Naruto, Sasuke and Gaara, but they'll go down a completely different road, leaving us fans completely dumbfounded on how their life will be. But I seriously doubt neither of those ways will ever happen. But I feel like if Naruto could change Gaara who grew up hating people, he should be able to change Sasuke, who just recently grew hate for everyone. But that's just me. c: Thanks Silvy. (:

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 02/10/11 - 12:55 am · For: San-Kagetsu 10
he did all tht just to gt rice balls frm ino...xDDD
aww... nanami is so nice... :)
n wow... nice...
without no rain... no rainbow... kool quote...
lol again at yoichi... :P

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 28/09/11 - 09:13 pm · For: San-Kagetsu 09
nw yoichi is officialy my favourite character..... xDD
Tsunade's entry ws the best part.... Lol....
Yoichi hasnt 4gotten those riceballs yet.., n wants 2 use ino's services...... xP
anyways quite an interesting chapter....
Update soon.... :D

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 28/09/11 - 08:18 pm · For: San-Kagetsu 09
“Not really. I’m still worried, but worrying takes a lot of energy, which requires a lot of food. I’m running on empty now.”

“Her boobs are huge.”


Seriously, I love Yoichi. He's the best. Plus, we got to see just how deep he actually is. And sweet, aww :)

Wonderful chapter, Abegayle-hime. I loved the characters in this chapter, especially Yoichi. I like how you seem to center on one character per chapter, it adds a lot of insight to their pasts and personalities.

Great job! And I hope things work out with this person who tried to steal your story. *sigh* Anyways, keep up the awesome work!

Author's Response: I love Yoichi too! He's definitely my favorite character to write about. c: I'm actually thinking about writing a oneshot for him and Ino, which would be weird since he's a guy. Thanks. c: I think it's a lot easier to write a story if I focus on one character each chapter, and periodically focusing on all of them. I don't even care about that person. -_- Just as long as they don't post anymore of my stuff is fine. Thanks again for reviewing. c:

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 28/09/11 - 05:17 pm · For: Character Profiles & Intro
Um... this is awkward... Uh, if you haven't seen it, I'll tell you that it seems someone is trying to pass off this story as yours. On this site too... same character names and everything... It's called Our Sensei by thelastuchiah. You can definitely report this, as it is your story...

Author's Response: thank you! I definitely wouldnt have noticed if you ddidnt bring it to my attention. :\ ill report them for sure as soon as i get home.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 27/09/11 - 07:42 pm · For: San-Kagetsu 08

I don't even know what I'm supposed to say...

HOLY FLYING MONKEYS! That battle was better than I imagined! Your hard work paid off, well done. It was an amazing fight scene.

Oh my gosh, I wonder what will happen to Nanami... The flashback was a really nice glimpse into the past. I find it funny that Yoichi was the talented one at the younger age ;)

Anyways, this was an excellent chapter. Your dedication and hard work paid off, definitely. Well done, Abegayle-hime. This was awesome.

Author's Response: Hehe, Flying Monkeys. xD Thank you so much Silvy! c: Haha, and now he's a total goofball. thank you thank you thank you thank you. c:

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 27/09/11 - 03:48 am · For: San-Kagetsu 07
No, no, no! Raido is thinking about good times! No! That means he's not going to make it! And his last line makes me think there is some evil foreshadowing going on. No!

Ugh, you're so mean, Abegayle-hime...

Aww, YoIno XD They did have their cute moment, it was very sweet. Though I hope Ino realizes that she'll never get to stop making rice balls for Yoichi, since their deal was that she would make him as much as he wants ;)

Ooh, battle next chapter. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Nice job on this! I look forward to more, keep up the awesome work, Abegayle-hime!

Author's Response: hehe. I'm sorry. >;D But don't worry, the ending (whether it's happy or sad) will hopefully make up for it. c: Haha, for the rest of her life. c; Thank you! (:

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 27/09/11 - 01:41 am · For: San-Kagetsu 07
haha... inopig xDDD
that ws a good one abb xp
uh.. i gt confused at the pairs doin night watch... i mean at da end of the yoino scene...
n ah undrstd yoichi's ability... :) thnx
haha.. i cn sense the fight is gonna b awesome... cnt wait fr the update...
hmm... two new characters... :D
n Woah...!!! Raido is alive :D barely D:
not good >_<
OMG he is alone :/
uupdate soon =)

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 26/09/11 - 01:13 pm · For: San-Kagetsu 06
I really liked this chapter. It's nice to see them bond when in the last chapter they were fighting each other(except Yoichi, who surrendered for rice balls....). I loved the pressure point thing. It was a great way to get them to bond and was pretty interesting to learn. I mean, if it does work, since you (according to your response to silverwolf) got it from ehow. And then Hinata's confidence is always a good way to open up bonding. She really does need more confidence. The two of them are SO cute, and I hope Sukoi can help her build her confidence within that couple of months. Man, with how awesome you've got these two, I can't wait to see YoIno. You're amazing at this, Abegayle-hime. I'm so glad that you decided to write it.

Author's Response: aww, thank you sasaui. :) i dunno about the pressure point thing for sure, but i tried it and i could feel some difference. Im glad you liked hinata and sukoi, i have a lot of cute moments planned for those two. Aaaand as for yoino, i have sooo many silly moments for those two that would of course involve food in some way. Thanks again! c:

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