Reviews For Locked In Darkness
Name: RawrTheDinoLycan (Signed) · Date: 22/08/11 - 02:32 pm · For: The Dream
Meh, might wanna make your chapters a bit longer.
Anyways, I liked this chapter, and I'm looking forward to seeing where this story goes.
I hope you introduce the Naruto cast rather soon though!
Kimimaro O.O kldfnewpoerfien fopewnf;oewinfoewunf! That'll be interesting...
Can't wait for your new update!
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 21/08/11 - 09:50 am · For: The Dream
This is really good. Everything seems so original, and it is all described very well. This story has great potential, and I look forward to seeing what else happens. The way you introduce her past is very good and even suspenseful. Can't wait for more, keep up the great work!
Name: RawrTheDinoLycan (Signed) · Date: 16/08/11 - 02:23 am · For: Life as an Assassin
Ooooh, interesting and well-written, I like :3
I'm looking foward to see where this story heads so update lol
Name: Fantasy Madeline (Signed) · Date: 15/08/11 - 07:22 pm · For: Life as an Assassin
A few grammatical and spelling errors..
Other than that, I look forward to seeing where you take this. It is an intriguing idea, and I can't wait for more.
Author's Response: Yeah, I'm sorry about the errors. And I loved the idea, too, when Sasaui told me about it, which was why I had to do it. There's no way this idea can go unwritten. I'm glad you enjoyed this and hope you enjoy the next chapter whenever I get it out.
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 15/08/11 - 07:03 pm · For: Life as an Assassin
Wow. This is really good so far. I especially enjoyed the bolding and then the normal words. Sasaui and you make an awesome team :D
There were a few spelling errors, but overall, I'm really impressed with this. It has a good hook so far, and I think it has great potential. I definitely look forward to more. Keep up the awesome work!
Author's Response: Yeah, most of this chapter was her idea =P. I thought it was video game-like, so I especially liked it. I'm sure she's glad to see that someone else loves the idea. And I'm sorry about the errors. I wrote this pretty quickly on Tonfa instead of word, so I couldn't exactly save it and work on it. I'll try to get more out soon, but I can't promise it will be awesome.