Reviews For Ensooka Nanari: Sound Reborn
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 19/07/11 - 12:49 pm · For: Chapter 7 Start Cadence: Exams
Whoa, that's crazy about the dream. Which I loved, by the way. It was so elaborate and beautifully written.
I also really like how you add your own spin to the exams. The rules are different, and they really seem to make the exams that much more intense and interesting. Especially the end, that part had my heart thumping at the intensity illustrated in the ending dialogue and description.
But my favorite part had to be Kakashi's speech. It was wonderful. There really are no words to describe how amazing it was. It was very like Kakashi to do and say what he did, but we always hear about how Kakashi favored Sasuke. I think what you did is even more in character for him and beautifully unique as well.
Fantastic work with this chapter. It was great. Keep up the awesome work!
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 16/07/11 - 06:24 pm · For: Chapter Six - Allegro por Sand Siblings
Much better! They're very much in character during that scene, so the two hanging out together seemed not as OOC, good work.
I LOVED how you actually changed the encounter between the Leaf and the Sand. It was so different, and the dialogue seemed to flow amazingly. It makes me wonder what you have in store for these two teams now :D
Excellent work with this chapter! This was one of your best chapters. Your description flowed; it wasn't awkward when being fitted into the story, which a lot of writers have issues with. Your dialogue was great, and I just enjoy reading your original perspective on the Naruto universe. Great job, I can't wait for more! Keep up the incredible work!
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 12/07/11 - 07:17 am · For: Chapter 5 - Choir of Genin
I think the characters are pretty close to their personalities. I like how you're illustrating them. But what I really liked was Naruto's inner thoughts, it was so different than what we're used to, and I think it was a beneficial factor to show his deeper thoughts. Nice job.
Actually, the fact that Ino is running off with another boy seems OOC, just because she is so desperately hooked on Sasuke, possibly worse than Sakura, during this part of the series.
Other than that, I really like how you're writing this. It's really interesting and unique. Keep up the good work.
Author's Response: Oh yea, I did OOC Ino a bit, sorta forgot I did that when I was writing the end notes lol. But yea, for the sake of the story I decided to tweak Ino a bit. Thank you though!
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 11/07/11 - 02:45 pm · For: Chapter Four - Exposition Ensooka Nanari
Wow. First off, that was really cool with Ensooka. His character seems really interesting, as he really does stand out as not just a random shinobi, but the fact that he was brought up differently really makes him special. I like him so far, just don't Mary-Sue him, it won't benefit your story.
Everything else was still awesome! I had to smile when I read Kakashi's line about how they left later than he said. It was so funny.
Keep up the good work with this story!
Author's Response: Haha no worries, I know he came off very Mary-Sue. He has a very large weakness that will be revealed shortly I imagine.rnBut thanks so much =]
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 09/07/11 - 03:32 pm · For: Chapter Three - Glissando por Yugakure
I was just about to ask a bunch of questions after reading this chapter. Evidently, you had already asked them all in the end notes. No need to repeat :)
Excellent job describing each of the characters! I think you hit each character right on the mark in terms of personalities. Great work! And it was a really good idea to describe how everyone is heading to the village, nice thinking!
Keep up the fantastic work with this story, it really is going good so far!
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 08/07/11 - 06:49 pm · For: Chapter Two - Atonal Beat
*nods head* Very nice.
I like how you still placed the conversation between Kakashi and Iruka in there. It is an important and intense conversation that brings in a lot of plot developments, in my opinion, and I always find it sad when a writer completely disregards it.
And wow, what a conversation between Jiraiya and Haden! It explains quite a bit while also leaving some unanswered questions. Great job writing it! The dialogue flowed really well, and your description was awesome!
There were still a few errors here and there, not too much though. Don't worry, it was still good.
This is a really interesting story, and I seriously can't wait to see how the Chuunin exams go. Keep up the awesome work!
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 08/07/11 - 06:29 pm · For: Chapter One - Verismo Major
Wow! This was quite the twist. I like originality, I think it's very unique of you to change the universe a bit.
There were a few spelling errors here and there, just a quick proofread will fix that all up ;D But Team 8's captain's name is Kurenai, just so you know for next time ;)
I do really like the originality here. The village you created sounds a lot different, as most people just go and create another random ninja village. A metropolis is really unique, and I like how you are explaining everything.
Great job! Now I'm off to read the next chapter!
Author's Response: Thanks! I'll have to proof read better next time. XD
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 08/07/11 - 06:58 am · For: Prologue - Verismo Minor
Wow. This was really good. You're right in saying that it does not introduce a whole lot into the plot, but I think it introduced just enough to captivate the readers. Your tone was immensely dark, and not in a creepy way. With this time and setting, the writing should reflect the dark atmosphere that occurred, and I think you hit it spot on. Your description was great, each word just seemed to flow right into the next.
I agree with you in saying that it is possible that Jiraiya raged against Orochimaru. It is highly probable actually, in my opinion.
Overall, this was a really good introduction to what I believe will be an excellent story. You have the talent for writing, and your tone and description is flawless. Keep up the amazing work with this story, and I hope you continue with this soon.
Author's Response: Thanks so much! I am glad you get where I coming from. Hope the future posts do not fail to excite! Much appreciation for your compliments. Means a lot!rnrnAnd yea, ontop of Jiraiya rage, I think he would be easy to get to rage since he has lived so many years feeling like he failed due to Orochimaru's descent. Not to mention this is when he was 'younger'.