Reviews For Cherry Blossom
Name: belovedly_loveless (Signed) · Date: 29/08/11 - 09:03 pm · For: Chapter 5
Good, although things are moving pretty fast, maybe you could slow down slightly, add more depth? And is Sasuke meant to be out of character? I'm a fan of his usual pensive, cynical self. It's hard to imagine him like this hah.
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 28/03/11 - 04:52 pm · For: Chapter 5
Awww..... so cute! It's kind of OOC, but it's still adorable to see Sasuke so mushy! I enjoy this, I really do. Your plot is so good, and I just adore forbidden romances! There are still spelling and grammar mistakes throughout this story, I really hope you go back and fix them or proofread before posting your stories. The errors are the only thing bad about this story. Everything else is simply amazing! Please continue and please please update soon! I really really like this!
Author's Response: Thank you so much for your positive reviews. :) I'll do my best.
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 28/03/11 - 02:27 pm · For: Chapter 1
Wow.... interesting. Quite a few spelling mistakes here and there, but nothing that can't be fixed. I will continue reading because it sounds like a really good story.