The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Site Info

Members: 11998
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: KpopOt7Bias
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 24/04/12 - 03:32 am · For: Chapter 14
Oh my gosh, more juicy info about Amanda. She incorporates science into her jutsu, making it seem like witch craft. That is so spooky and bizarre, just because no one ever stops to think of the science behind jutsu. That's a great outlook on it.

What really threw me off is that Amanda has designated times when she's not tolerant? That's so weird! Is that just because or is it because something dark happened in those months/moon cycles/etc?

Anyway, great chapter, Madeline-chan! This was a great chapter, I liked getting inside Dru's head because I feel like we hardly ever see her. Good job on this!

Author's Response: The more we open up about Amanda, Dru is opened too. They are sort of like a package. Neji was used, and still will be used, to transition things in the coven. But if it is centered around Amanda, then Dru will be used. I'm glad you like it, it was sort of short, but I will update soon!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 06/04/12 - 08:41 pm · For: Chapter 13
Oh my gosh... I don't think I thought I would ever feel sorry for Amanda. That first scene...we saw her lose everyone. But she didn't even take a last glance as she ran away.

And now she's killed the Hokage?!?! (I'm assuming it was her...) Itami is totally back to square one now...

Awesome update, Fantasy Madeline! Your new chapters just get better and better. Keep up the awesome work!

Author's Response: If I wasn't mean to my characters, no one would be. No, seriously, thanks so much for reviewing! *does happy dance* I am on spring break which means expect a new chapter by tomorrow. Stay awesome!

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 06/01/12 - 04:41 am · For: Prologue

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 04/01/12 - 01:53 am · For: Chapter 12
now tht is QUITE some insight on Amanda-chan...!! :OO
she ws like a totally different character b4... !!! O_O
i mean woah woah woah..!! didnt see tht cmin... i mean ofcourse.... she is a human being... n she ws deemed to hv turnd into wat she is cz of some past hppening... so she lost her Love :( Natahnial is it..? she lost him in one such mission...?O.o
She seemed pretty close to him D: poor Amanda... (lol i ct believe i am sayin tht xD)
n itami.... hmm... i thought he ws an Assassain...or a bounty hunter or something...
bt he looks more like someone... u Van Helsing or someone similiar... xDD xPP LOli knw i am wrong again XPP
anyways...first i'd thought he might b related to this Nathanial in some way...maybe nathanial himself... but tht isnt possible... since he'd knw who n what n where tht 'K' ws...
bt still i hv a feeling he knws somethin bout this Nathanial...
I love where this plot is going... :DDDD
Update soon...!! :DD
n oh...
~Happy New Year~

Author's Response: I love to see fans guessing. I can't tell you much, I need to let the story speak for itself. Though I can say honestly I have never seen or read Van Helsing. I don't know the plot. Thanks so much for reviewing and staying loyal. Just for you, I shall update this week! XD

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 30/12/11 - 07:35 pm · For: Chapter 12
So... much... beautiful... insight.

This was really amazing. I love how it changed from Itami to Amanda's flashbacks. It provided great transition. And the actual content of this chapter was definitely amazing. This story truly has taken a wonderful turn with some great twists, I really love it.

Great work, Fantasy Madeline! This fic is definitely shaping to be a fantastic story. Keep up the amazing work!

Author's Response: Yay!!! I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out, but I'm pleased with this chapter. Giving some nice moments for the horror to soon follow.....kukukuku...

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 20/12/11 - 10:35 pm · For: Chapter 11
You r one of the few people who actually mentioned me... :')
Thank you very very much..! :DDD
i really appretiate it... ^^

now for the review...
wow... That really was Amanda.. :O lol
i imagined her room to b filled with blood n bones n stuff xD
but wow.... She looks n lives like a solitary princess... :D
a lonely, beautiful, confused,much feared & solitary warrior princess... :P
the description of her room ws pretty good :D
n nathaniel.. :O her brother...? O.o
ah....i feel Konoha has somethin to do with her separation from Nathaniel... ?_?
wow... Amanda is tryin to undrstand her coven n get close to them :D tht'd really b awesome... ^^
well... we'l get to see it all pretty soon :D
Another awesome job of a chapter Madeline :D
Keep up the Awesome Job n thnx again ^^

~compliments of the Season~

Author's Response: A smile has slowly creeps onto my face. =) I said the name Nathaniel once, and you immediately picked up on it. I'm impressed. You actually are so close, yet so far, with the predictions about him. She would like to get close to them, but they are ruled by fear. You can see her problem. She is filled with these insecurities and the feelings of loneliness and confinement. It adds another layer to the story you THOUGHT you knew. I will try to update soon, have a wonderful holiday.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 17/12/11 - 09:25 pm · For: Chapter 11
Aww, you're so welcome for the support. You deserve every ounce of it :)

Now, as for the chapter... wow...

I really loved how this showed a bit more about the mysterious Amanda. This chapter was placed in such an appropriate time in the story. Showing her doubts, her thoughts, and her true self was just amazing. I loved learning about her, even if it was only a few hints and such. She has a heart, even if it was shown in a very subtle way. She cares for her coven, and she has sentimentality.

Great work on this chapter! I loved the narrative, it was a great way to show insight to this amazing character. Keep up the good work with this!

Author's Response: Yea. At first I thought about calling it a bonus chapter because it was different, but I thought better of it. Bonus normally implies that you don't have to read it for the story to make sennse, but I thought that this was a crucial point. I have a few things like it planned, and from here on out the plot begins. I will be laying out the following points: -Itami perspective, -Amanda and Dru perspective, -Neji perspective. Utilizing these three views of the story, I hope to add depth and another layer of thinking to the story. I hope to update within the week. -Fantasy Madeline

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 14/12/11 - 07:17 pm · For: Prologue
n old rival than...? :P

Author's Response: nope. Closer though. =D

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 14/12/11 - 02:43 am · For: Chapter 10
now thts interesting... :D
the meeting ws intriguing..
n Itami...huh? he looks like a interesting some kinda assasain..
anyways... so they've all gotten serious bout Amanda...
n lol... i like it wen Danzo's mouth gets shut... xDD
Awesome job at this chapter... :D
Update soon plz :)

Author's Response: Yea, I like Itami too. Assassin? Not quite...rnHe's not an assassin. Try again! Mwahahha...

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 10/12/11 - 08:07 pm · For: Chapter 10
Oh my gosh, you're alive! I was honestly worried about you. I hadn't seen you around in a while. When you didn't review my updates these past months or update your own stories, I was concerned. So glad to see you're alive ;)

Anyway, yes! A plot! That's so exciting to hear! I wonder who Itami is, first off. She already sounds like an epic character to read about. And wow, such an intense meeting over Amanda. I find that really interesting, just because so many people showed up to discuss who the heck she is. Obviously, no one knows, which makes me even more curious about her.

Great chapter, Fantasy Madeline! I look forward to reading more about Amanda and Itami, keep up the great work!

Author's Response: Yea, I'm alive. It's been really busy lately. I just had a really close person to me die, and I have been busy trying to support my best friend's family. I also had NaNoWriMo, and my family has been pressuring me about college and grades. But I should be able to start updating now that everyone is busy with Christmas. rnrnI have a plot! Yea! I know exciting, right? Oh, and Itami= he not she. You will find out plenty about Itami to come, but yea. I am positive people will like him. I had originally made the character for my vampire Naruto fic, before I abandoned it. Now, I am sure that he will be great in this one. =D

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 02/10/11 - 09:06 pm · For: Chapter 9
'witch of darkness' n practicer of dark magic...
there is a difference...? i fail to see it... :/wel anyways... lol that explains da ink xD danzo is involved... he wants Amanda killed? or sasuke...?
n woah... she actually burned his paperwork... oh hw i wish it was tsunade n nt sarutobi... xD
things would've more funny xP
imagine the two ladies tryin to glare each other down... xP
anyways... this chapter was awesome... :D
n lol sorry madeline for my previous review... >_< :P

Author's Response: No problem. The whole point of the witch of darkness thing was to add contradiction, by the way. She thinks Witch of Darkness sounds less evil than practicer of black magic. There isn't really a difference. rn I know, I would love Tsunade in this too. But don't worry, she is not forgotten. I have plans with her.... (kukukuku *evil laugh* )rn rnThanks for reviewing!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 02/10/11 - 07:41 pm · For: Chapter 9
XD A Witch of Darkness, that's rich. A lovely way to end such a chapter.

Well, now we know Danzou is creeping on Amanda...or I sure hope it's Danzou, otherwise, Sai is just being a creeper XP

Anyway, the plot has thickened, and now everything is heating up. Personal training sessions, an angry Amanda, and ANBU spying on the coven, this is definitely getting good! Keep up the awesome work!

Author's Response: Lol, yes. Danzo is creeping on Amanda. ROOT is going to be a key concept in this story! =D I will try to update soon!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 30/09/11 - 03:15 am · For: Chapter 8
Haha, Neji, how naive, thinking Amanda-sama needs help. Pfft, how innocent XD

When Amanda walked in, I wanted to laugh and hide in a corner at the same time. I can never imagine that angry, so it's both comical and frightening. However, when she yelled 'Nine minutes' from the top of the stairs, I had to laugh. She's definitely not too happy ;) The Hokage is going to be in for a huge terror now.

Great work, Fantasy Madeline! This chapter was both dark, as usual, and relatively funny. It makes me eager to read more and see how the Hokage reacts to Amanda's fury. Keep up the great work!

Author's Response: Aww, thanks for reviewing! I thought the whole 'I'm splattered with ink and ready to murder someone' was a comical look on Amanda as well. She was pretty annoyed, and you will see why next chapter. I hope to update soon! XDd

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 29/09/11 - 08:53 pm · For: Chapter 8
woah... thats lik a pretty long time since u last updated right...?
lol... that felt funny... hours for amanda overbey...??
woah... that might've been some opponent... n she ws splattered inn ink...?? xDDD
nw that is a funny funny sight xP
anyways... cliffhanger...
update soon plz... :D

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 31/07/11 - 12:30 pm · For: Chapter 7
Yup, it's official.

I'm scared of Amanda's true power.

This was so dark that it had me on the edge of my seat. And I know I said this, but your writing has seriously improved. You describe the little things, hinting here and there at the dark atmosphere and the fear in the room.

I forgot to mention this before, but I kind of like how you describe things through Neji's point of view. He's the newest member, and the dark tension affects him more because he's not as used to it. I like that idea.

Great work, this was amazing. Keep up the awesome work!

Author's Response: ee! Thanks so much for your review. They always make me so incredibly happy. I am glad I wrote the fear and atmosphere well! I try my best. Now I have to face eighth grade, but I still will update as often as possible. Thanks so much! I'll update soon!rn

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 24/07/11 - 12:04 pm · For: Chapter 6
Wow! Once again, the darkness radiates from this story. And the fear that everyone feels was really intense, it was just that descriptive. The confusion and such in the beginning kind of shows what the coven is thinking/doing when Amanda is nowhere around. I find that really interesting.

0_0 Amanda beat Sarutobi in a battle of wits... I'm scared...

Wow, great job! Keep up the good work with this story!

Author's Response: Yea! I am home sick, which really sucks. But, it does mean that I can spend every second writing!rnThanks for reviewing, I love when I hear from you. I will start writing the next chapter right now! Thanks!

Name: shadow4000 (Signed) · Date: 06/07/11 - 07:18 am · For: Chapter 5
well if if tsunade would've been in sarutobi's place... the scene would've totally been different... xD

Author's Response: Yep, but I make most of my stories pre-shippuden. So, Sarutobi it is.

Name: shadow4000 (Signed) · Date: 06/07/11 - 07:13 am · For: Chapter 5
note the authority in the way Amanda talked xD
she maybe was thinking of the hokage of her own level... or even less :P
small but awesome n intense chapter.....
cnt wait to see wat happens in da meeting.....

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 03/07/11 - 12:24 pm · For: Chapter 5
Hokage-san? Hokage-san... holy crap... Yeah, I blanched when I read that.

I have to agree with the Hokage; Amanda has some very formal way of speaking. But I liked it; definitely adds to the dark style of the story.

I think the Hokage was very in character. He wasn't completely dumbfounded by Amanda, only enough that he would be a bit bewildered and surprised.

Wow, awesome job with this chapter. I liked it. It was nice to see Amanda in a different setting yet still hold her scary and powerful aura over others. Especially the Hokage... poor old man....

Author's Response: I am so happy i did a good job of making the Hokage in character. I wanted to make Amanda a believable dark character, without making her all 'I will kill your children and feast on the blood of puppies'. So, I am happy that both her and the hokage were in character. Hokage-san. Yea. I looked at it from this perspective. You are used to growing up your whole life happily obeying your leader who you respect. Then, you meet someone else 'important'. You wouldn't have as much respect for them. rnrnThanks so much for reading and reviewing!!! =D

Name: shadow4000 (Signed) · Date: 27/06/11 - 02:43 am · For: Chapter 4
now that was mouth-watering..... xD
n 14 dayz of such feasting?!!
lolz they're lucky!! hahhaa........
wow... ur just 13? seriously??? O.O
u r pretty awesome writer for ur age =)

Author's Response: Thanks so much for reading and reviewing my story! Yea, I'm only 12, turning 13. I get that a lot. rnrn

Name: shadow4000 (Signed) · Date: 27/06/11 - 01:15 am · For: Chapter 3
oh kool!
so this was to describe part of the inside.....
anyways... the plot is bout to start in the nxt chapter i guess....

Name: shadow4000 (Signed) · Date: 26/06/11 - 11:52 pm · For: Chapter 2
kool!! oh well sounds bad they'll b separated.... but looks like the members might b separated in the different groups...lik.. sasuke in group 7,shino in kurenai's team, neji in guy's team...
but the mystery is were will the Coven go?
wow... all seem pretty scared of amanda eh...? even guys lik sasuke n
take a look at neji... the poor guy...
anyways awesome story!!

Name: shadow4000 (Signed) · Date: 26/06/11 - 11:37 pm · For: Chapter 1
totally cult...
so wat exactly did she do to him? does Amanda really practice black magic???

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 26/06/11 - 05:55 pm · For: Chapter 4
Aw, you're going to be thirteen? How exciting, you'll be a teenager! Happy early birthday!

And as a birthday present, some more praise is in order!

Once again, your improvement has astounded me. The dark style you used to write with has greatly improved, making even an enjoyable feast seem dangerous and threatening. Your character is very well-developed as the scary and dangerous girl you make her out to be. I commend you on this amazing dark writing style; it has impressed me more than it did 5 months ago when you first started. Great work, and I hope to see you continue to be amazing!

Author's Response: Aww..thanks so much. You have been with me on my stories for the last five months, and I appreciate it so much! Thanks, i really love my writing style now. Thanks so much for your support. =D

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 24/06/11 - 04:15 pm · For: Chapter 3
Yay! Another one! Wow, you're really working hard on your stories. Good for you :D

Once again, excellent work! The pain that Neji felt was very evident and described very well. The surroundings were also elaborated very nicely, not just dully explaining 'this was here...' and 'that was over there...' It actually had a nice flow to it.

It was also nice to see how the fold acts without Amanda around. It was a little expected but still pretty funny to see how everyone was so chill.

Nice job! I look forward to more, this is definitely going very well! Keep up the great work with your stories!

Author's Response: Yep, I have been finishng school, and to make up for my being basically M.I.A on this site, you get mega fast updates! rnrnThanks! Yea, well, who wouldn't be more serious with super creepy girl hanging around you like a hawk? Thanks for the review!

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