Reviews For The Oneness of Hearts
Name: Fantasy Madeline (Signed) · Date: 06/03/11 - 09:33 am · For: Chapter 1
... =o wow. simply wow. OOC much? That's ok though, some of my favorite stories are OOC. Congratulations. You have made it onto my exclusive fave authors list. YaY another Anko+Oro fic! I love these one-shots so much! Well written, so much fluff! At one point you buried me alive in fluff. It was fluff-tacular! Thanks for posting. Please write another soon! *puppy dog eyes* For this sweet innocent Orochimaru and Anko lover?
Author's Response: Thank you so much! Glad to know I've improved, at least somewhat. I am working on more, so don't worry. Hopefully I will get my ongoing fic updated before the end of the month, so I can focus on some lemon! Or would that be bad for an innocent OroAnko lover?