Reviews For Opposite Meaning
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 06/02/11 - 06:57 am · For: Opposite Meaning
Aww, I wish there was more. It was so short, but I quite enjoyed it. For such a small one-shot, your writing was very good. And that's actually an accomplishment. Sometimes, it's hard to understand what is going on when there isn't a lot there. But you described the scene very well. I just wish there was more fluff! Good job! I hope to see more of your writing.
Author's Response: thank you so much for reviewing! That was my first naruto fanfic that i wrote and i was very nervous on how it would turn out. sorry i wanst able to reply sooner i kind of forgot i had an account here :P and maybe in the later future i will write more =)