Reviews For Keeper
Name: nina (Anonymous) · Date: 10/10/13 - 08:41 am · For: Chapter 1
Wow the i understand very cleve. Very good I loved it. Please update!
Name: MaryAnn (Anonymous) · Date: 13/10/11 - 06:53 am · For: Chapter 1
This is truly one of the best fanfics I ever read. Thank you for making my day! *smiles*
Name: Tarou (Signed) · Date: 11/01/11 - 12:59 pm · For: Chapter 1
Oh dear indeed. Wow. Hot. *fans herself* I've always loved KakaYama, and this threesome works very well, too. Someone might say that hey, they were totally out of character, but I wouldn't be so sure - at least it didn't bother me at all. Clichés? Some, perhaps, but I couldn't care less. Summa summarum, I think this was absolutely lovely. Thank you so much.