The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

Main Categories

Het Romance [1090]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [643]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
General Fiction [1738]
Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [860]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
An area to store fanfic information, such as bios, maps, political histories. No stories.

Site Info

Members: 11998
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: KpopOt7Bias
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 06/10/11 - 09:27 pm · For: Return: Chapter 1
That ws nice..... :D
i lovd the neji-lee clash.... XD
pfft who dosent.... Anyways.... It ws kool.... :P
u gt all characters..... Almost....
Bingley....? Grace...?
Yh i sure do hv 2 read its prequel....
N reading this one... I feel it'l b awesome too.... :)
kool chapter

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 06/10/11 - 05:35 pm · For: Chapter 7
Yay! I love updates for this!

Oh, just so you know, the spacing was kind of lacking in this. Everything was scrunched together.

But anyways, it was an awesome chapter! Grace is so... upbeat. I love it XD Her personality totally clashes with Neji's, and I loved how awkward those two were together. But I can't believe she accidentally stole his necklace! Gosh... can't wait to see how that turns out ;)

Oh man, the entire first scene was amazing. It opens up so many possibilities, but then you left it hanging! I can't believe it! I wanted to know more, but then you ended it! Ugh!

Well anyways, it was great to see an update for this! I was so happy to see a new chapter! You're doing awesome with this story! Keep up the great work with it!

Name: Geishagrl (Anonymous) · Date: 22/08/11 - 07:38 am · For: Return: Chapter 6
What does grace think of the whole Sasuke situation? I'm really curious about what her thoughts are on the subject of emo child...I know if I were her, I'd be a bit pissed off, but mostly just sad. Really, really sad. It seems like the realization that he's gone hasn't really hit her in the face yet...What is she going to do about it??? So curious Dx Please update soon!!

Name: RawrTheDinoLycan (Signed) · Date: 16/08/11 - 05:31 am · For: Return: Chapter 6
Sooooooo. Just gonna' review again since there has been a lack of update... ToT I'm weeping

In all seriousness though, COME ON! This story is so amazing and then you gotta go and make us wait for another bout of awesomeness.

You rock! Please update! All of your reviewers love you and wish to encourage you (I'm just sayin'!)!

Name: belovedly_loveless (Signed) · Date: 15/08/11 - 03:04 am · For: Return: Chapter 6
I have followed this girl since the very beginning, and I have to say, the character development is soo great. You have such an amazing understanding of all these characters and their emotions. You've created a very compelling story and I love it :]

Name: felarn (Signed) · Date: 11/08/11 - 07:19 pm · For: Return: Chapter 6
I know I already reviewed it, but I felt I should emphasize my point. I'm excited to see the exchange between Grace and Gaara. I'm also freaking out, wondering what will happen when Sasuke finds out she's still alive... and Kabuto and Orochimaru were experimenting on her right under his nose... Not to mention what will happen when Akatsuki comes for Gaara? Will she still be there? Will she be captures too because of her "ability"? Sorry... I'm really really really really really excited. :D Can't WAIT for the next chapter.

Name: Felarn (Anonymous) · Date: 01/08/11 - 02:46 am · For: Return: Chapter 6
I am VERY impressed by your writing! I just caught up (I started reading your first story two days ago). There are a few grammar errors here and there, but nothing too distracting :) LOVE LOVE LOVE it so far.

Name: 57bears (Anonymous) · Date: 29/07/11 - 09:41 am · For: Return: Chapter 6
I love this chapter! Grace is hilarious. I don't think i've left any reviews before, for this or truthspeaker, because I don't have an account on this site, but I just realized I can review anonymously. Anyway, this story, and truthspeaker, are my favorite naruto fanfiction stories of pretty much all-time. Grace is funny, and I really like that you don't sugar-coat the unpleasantness or tedious-ness of her situation--she still can't read, and it will take a lot of work to get there; she looks malnourished and bony; she has no hair; etc...most writers try to make their OCs as perfect as possible and it gets annoying after a while. I can't wait until the next chapter!

Name: RawrTheDinoLycan (Signed) · Date: 27/07/11 - 09:53 pm · For: Return: Chapter 6
BAH! I am officially obssessed with this story. I expect regular updates woman!... I love you *puppy eyes*

:D Amazing story!

Name: Fire_and_Ice (Signed) · Date: 16/07/11 - 09:28 pm · For: Return: Chapter 6
THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR THE UPDATE! I love this story so-freaking-much, it's crazy! :D I hate this new guy, the tutor, he's rude... >:[ But maybe that's just because I hate being cut off? I loved the conversation between Grace and Sai, and I reeaaaalllly want something to come up between Grace and Neji or Gaara! ;) And then when Akatsuki hears of her, so will Orochimaru, and so will Sasuke, but by the time she finds her and she confronts him for the whole i-confess-my-love-to-you-and-you-get-me-almost-dead-for-years, and he'll get mad cause she'll have someone else! :3 She better be a hard-ass to him! He's a jackass for everything he's done! So thanks again for the chapter, I will adore you forever, so long as you get more chapters up soon! X3

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 16/07/11 - 03:57 pm · For: Return: Chapter 6
Yay! You're back! And with an awesome chapter, no less!

This was amazing! It's so good to see how Grace is readjusting to her life and her new assignment. I'm really glad you're taking the time to walk her through life in the Leaf Village, as it really helps bring out her personality and other people's reactions to her.

Meeting Sai was the funniest! I love what she told him about rubbing Naruto on his lower back. I definitely can't wait to hear how that went :D

As I said, I just love how you're writing this. It's at a perfect pace with entertaining inner thoughts, feelings, and dialogue. The characters are written well, and Grace is as likable as ever. It truly is as if she never left ;)

Keep up the wonderful work with this amazing story. This really is a fantastic sequel to an awesome story, and I'm so thrilled every time I see an update. Don't worry about updating too quickly, if it's that stressful. I'm happy with whatever and whenever you update, as it is always worth it ;D

Name: Sam (Anonymous) · Date: 18/05/11 - 10:58 am · For: Return: Chapter 5
First and foremost, I love everything you've done with the story. I started reading it yesterday - early afternooon - and didn't stop until 3AM only to pick it back up five hours later. XD

I'm not to fond of OC-centric stories, but your's is an amazing exception.
I love the relationships she has with each of the characters, and you always keep the cannon chars in character.

I'm really going to miss Ryuichi. He was awesome, and then you go and kill him. :( It was to be expected that someone dies, after all, they're *ninja*, but it's still very sad.

Anyways, I love your story. Especially the amazing relationship Grace has with Naruto (it really makes my day). And I can't wait to read more.

Watch out FunkyToes, you have a new stalker. >3

Name: Tom (Anonymous) · Date: 29/04/11 - 01:21 pm · For: Return: Chapter 5
whens the next chapter coming?! This is AMAZING!

Name: xepiccookie (Signed) · Date: 12/03/11 - 02:36 pm · For: Return: Chapter 1
I love this fanfiction its the only good one with an oc in it!

Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 20/02/11 - 12:18 pm · For: Return: Chapter 5
Okay, so I haven't read this story in a long time! I'm really excited to get back on track!
So, I'm really glad that Grace is now back in the Leaf Village! :) It makes me happy.
I can't wait to see what happens next! I wonder how Sasuke is going to take this if he ever finds out?
Great couple of chapters! :)

Name: Fantasy Madeline (Signed) · Date: 16/02/11 - 06:19 pm · For: Return: Chapter 5
Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update!!! Thankyouthankyouthankyou! I love the sand diplomatic thing so much! i hope for some Gaara-Grace-SandSiblings drama. Truthspeaker is my favorite fanfiction I have ever read and this is even better! I love gaara (i have to admit before shippuden) and i secretly hope he will NOT be all like 'I am so sorry for what i have done and i hope in your heart you will forgive me.' etc. I would hate that. It would mean the world to me if you read and reviewed my fanfic 'One Little Girl.'
I love the idea of a spinoff fanfic, yet none of the two ideas listed really interest me, so i think you should continue working on this one. Edit soon please! keep up the amazing work.

Author's Response: THank you for the review :)rnI'm glad that you're excited about the sand arc, because I'm also excitedrnAnd yes, there will be a lot of Gaara-Grace-Sand siblings drama/humor. And no, Gaara will not be all 'please forgive me i was a monster' with Grace... because I try to keep characters close to their original personalities... I am going to enjoy writing this arc because I like the Sand siblings and it'll be nice to have the setting in a different place (with a lot of new characters)rnrnAnyway, I'll be updating soon and I'll keep that in mind about the spin offs (any suggestions?)rnAgain, thanks for the review,rnFunkytoes

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 16/02/11 - 04:01 am · For: Return: Chapter 5
Yay! Sweet chapter! I love Grace so much! And now she knows what's going on everywhere, which is good. And now she's an ambassador?! Holy snap! Tsunade is just trying to work her to death (no pun intended)! And the scene with Konohamaru and Bingley and Grace was so touching. It made my heart melt.

I'm very excited to hear that there might possibly be an alternate universe of Truthspeaker. I wish I could tell you to write the modern world and the pirate version, but that is way too much work. But.... I love pirates! I guess that's kind of evident since I'm writing my own pirates/Naruto story. But yours would probably be way better. However, you already had such an interesting plot going when you did the Valentine's Day special in Truthspeaker. So I guess I would probably vote for the modern world version because you've already gotten so many fans for it in Truthspeaker.

Anyways, I'm so happy you updated! Keep up the fantastic work, please!

Author's Response: no no... puns should never be unintentional... lolrnThank you so much for the review! I'm glad you liked the chapter :) I was a little nervous about posting it because I hadn't updated in so long... Plus Grace is a difficult character for me to write about because she's so confused and somewhat angsty with a dash of mary-sue (ok, so maybe the lid to the pepper got unscrewed but still...)rnAnyway, I'm glad you liked this chapter and the next chapter will be updated soon :)

Name: DonniiE (Signed) · Date: 01/01/11 - 01:45 pm · For: The Return: Chapter 4
Amazing chapter! I'm so glad Grace is back. Keep up the good work.
I love this story. (=

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 26/12/10 - 06:28 pm · For: The Return: Chapter 4
Yes! Update! I love this story so much. And with each new chapter, I get more and more excited. So much happened in this chapter, and it was simply amazing. The mission to the Sound was well-written, and I was so happy to see Grace wake up finally! Grace is such a great character, and you wrote her really well considering she's been dead for a while. You're writing style is simply fantastic, and your story is incredible! I can't wait for your next update!

Name: waffles_x (Signed) · Date: 13/12/10 - 03:58 pm · For: Return: Chapter 1
Thank you so much for creating a sequel! The ending to Truthspeaker was just so sad I don't if I'd be happy if you just left it off there XD


What in the flying monkies were they doing to Grace 0_0

Name: Fantasy Madeline (Signed) · Date: 28/11/10 - 11:49 am · For: The Return: Chapter 3
first..thx for posting a sequel. I do not think you should do a thanksgiving chapter just because i am one of those people who thinks you should just stick to the plotline. (dont you hate us?) I do think you should do another alternate universe fanfic, but i tink you should finish this first. Please if you actually read this read my other reveiw on Truthspeaker because what i said still holds true. Please also read my fanfic One Little Girl and comment, it would be greatly appreciated. DOing a great job i know sequels are tougher than the original. Keep posting!

Name: Fire_and_Ice (Signed) · Date: 12/11/10 - 06:55 pm · For: The Return: Chapter 3
Yay! I love this story so much, and I can't wait to find out what Naruto does! By the way, we last saw Sasuke and Grace confess their love and kiss. (I'm pretty sure...) Then it moved on to this sequel. Is Sasuke really this oblivious and uncaring that he doesn't care about her anymore? But nevermind that for a moment. I live in Canada, so we share mostly the same holidays and what you're doing is fine by me. Plus, the alternate-world-fantasy from Valentine's might make a pretty cool story! I can't wait to read more about Grace, be it through this story or another! ^^ Great writing, as usaul, and thank you so much for updating and making my week!

Name: Akishima (Signed) · Date: 10/11/10 - 12:26 pm · For: Return: Chapter 1
I absolutely love this. The only reason I get on this website is to read this. More soon please? I'm dying here!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 02/11/10 - 08:15 pm · For: Return: Chapter 2
Oh my gosh, you're story is so good! I read Truthspeaker, and I absolutely loved it. I can't wait for the next chapter. Please update soon!

Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 30/09/10 - 04:44 pm · For: Return: Chapter 2
Whoah geez!! This is gettin' good!!!!

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