The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Site Info

Members: 11998
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: KpopOt7Bias
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Name: ShadowXNight13 (Signed) · Date: 12/03/12 - 04:33 pm · For: Chapter 18
i love it!! hmmm maybe keiko is grace's and sasuke's daughter. maybe the snake got sasuke's dna, oh god.. that is kind of sicking.. and then he put it with grace's dna... i'm not going to think of this anymore. love this story!!!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 12/03/12 - 04:08 pm · For: Chapter 18
Haha, I loved the discussion about the perverted book. It was so hilarious, I loved it. It was even funnier because it made the fertility necklace and everything so ironic and whatnot. It was just so comedic.

And wow, a bit of new info about Keiko... I think Keiko is some kind of clone of Grace's that Orochimaru tried to make so he cod have a copy of Grace's unique powers.

Anyway, great work on this chapter! Loved every bit of it!

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 06/03/12 - 11:46 pm · For: Chapter 17
Another epic chapter =DD
good thing Sakura punched tht moron =___=
or i'd enter the screen and punch him...
lol why do i seem to hate naruto so much in this fic =P
keiko.... keiko...
is she related to grace in anyway? O.o
i mean if she isnt human... as neji says...
orochimaru left grace just like that in the lab... meaning his research or w/e ws finishd bout her? or hmm... maybe keiko ws created from grace or something O.e
wow... me n my freaky imagination...X_X
awesome chapter =D

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 06/03/12 - 11:43 pm · For: Chapter 16
i Just Love the Kin scenes xDDDD
and lol at how fumio blushes at akai... :P
the meeting ws really intriguing...
and the idiotic moron... >_<

Jeesh he is the worst naruto character =L lol...

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 06/03/12 - 11:39 pm · For: Chapter 15
SasuXGrace fluff... xDD
Awesome..~~ missed tht :P
anyways... lol kinda wish he'd be succesful in kidnapping her... but gaara and akai saving her ws kool in itself....!!
Great job.. =D

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 06/03/12 - 11:37 pm · For: Chapter 14
For a moment i thought it ws naruto...
I felt like busting tht idiot..
than thankfully it was sasuke =DDDD

Name: RawrTheDinoLycan (Signed) · Date: 05/03/12 - 05:15 pm · For: Chapter 17
Damn your cliffhangers.

Name: ShadowXNight13 (Signed) · Date: 05/03/12 - 05:04 pm · For: Chapter 17
i wonder if sasuke is going to appear with naruto and sakura there? o.o blood bath no doubt about that. i wonder if she's gonna meet sasori? i hope so. i love him!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 05/03/12 - 04:20 pm · For: Chapter 17
*gasp* Keiko... I remember her! She was in Grace's dream once! I was wondering when we would see finally her!

It was fun seeing Team Kakashi and Grace together again. It's like old times, and it was a very nice moment to have them hugging and everything.

There were honestly quite a few mistakes in this. More than usual, actually. I feel like you rushed this, or at least didn't edit as well. There were a lot of things that just seemed misspelled, such as blanked when you meant blanket. Sometimes, you forgot to put a word in, such as to, and, if, etc.

But this was still an awesome chapter. Good job!

Name: ShadowXNight13 (Signed) · Date: 18/02/12 - 04:01 pm · For: Chapter 16
omg! this made my day! i'm glad that naruto barged wouldnt be naruto if he didnt do that.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 18/02/12 - 03:11 pm · For: Chapter 16
Haha, ah, gotta love Naruto and his...craziness XD I can't wait to see how you're going to end the Sand Village arc, though I guess I have a pretty good idea of what you'll do. Nice chapter, keep up the awesome work!

Name: RawrTheDinoLycan (Signed) · Date: 16/02/12 - 06:14 pm · For: Chapter 15
I completely agree with you! GET THE HELL AWAY, Grace, GET THE HELL AWAY! (And therapy. Lotsa therapy.)

I look forward to when this story gets down to the real 'romance'. lmao

I totally understand Grace's whole Gaara-phobie, I just wish she would get over it already (... Does that make me a horrible person? If so, I don't care =.=) I love Gaara

Name: ShadowXNight13 (Signed) · Date: 13/02/12 - 11:10 pm · For: Chapter 15
*screams in happiness* omg!! i love this! i would love if grace was a real person in naruto :D

Name: ilian13 (Anonymous) · Date: 13/02/12 - 04:28 pm · For: Return: Chapter 1
I agree :3 i dont read your story for the "OMG THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN EVERY CHAPTER!!!!" I read cuz there arnt many out there that do what you do >3

Name: Geishagrl (Signed) · Date: 13/02/12 - 04:27 pm · For: Chapter 15
I love this chapter!!
And it's so sad at the same time T~T
The whole Sasuke Grace dynamic is just such a tragedy. But I love them together so much! OoO You have to write more scenes with them!!! Well, actually, you don't HAVE to, since it's your story and everything...But that would be awesome!!

I also wonder what the relationship between Kin and Grace will turn out like. Not like that, obviously (I think? Kin is pretty iffy on her orientation xD) But as friends. And also the rest of the team, since they're all very unique.

And is Grace going to be there for the 'Rescue Gaara from Akatsuki' ark? That would make sense. Poor Suna. First a kidnapping attempt, and then an actual kidnapping! And the Kazekage, no less... It's like from bad to worse! And I wonder if Grace will ever fully forgive him...It must suck to have your toes ripped off. :( I'd have mixed feelings about that too...

I also wonder what exactly it is that Orochimaru DID to her...It's driving me crazy! I honestly can't wait for your next update, even if there isn't a cliffhanger this time xD

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 13/02/12 - 04:14 pm · For: Chapter 15
Oh jeez, seriously, if she left with Sasuke, I think the story would have just crumbled into nothing. No, I'm very glad he wasn't successful in taking her away. You did right with this chapter, in every possible way. Sasuke was not OOC at all (well, you know, considering he's in love with her and all). Grace's conflicting emotions about him were completely valid, and I very much respect you for describing every realistic feeling she had and question that came to her head. And Gaara's rescue was a great way to sort of patch things up with Grace, even though they are nowhere close to being buddies. But oh well, it's better than Grace giving him death glares all the time :P

Great chapter, Madame Funky! I loved this, keep up the awesome work!

Name: ShadowXNight13 (Signed) · Date: 21/01/12 - 08:19 pm · For: Chapter 14
XD i knew it!! omg i knew it was him! (well.... kinda... )

Name: ilian (Anonymous) · Date: 21/01/12 - 08:15 pm · For: Chapter 14
hehehe!!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!!1 >3<


Name: Mal (Anonymous) · Date: 21/01/12 - 05:32 pm · For: Chapter 14
it's about damn time sasuke made a debut!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 21/01/12 - 05:12 pm · For: Chapter 14
I knew it! The moment you said things got good at the end of this chapter, I knew Sasuke was going to show up. I should have figured he was the one spying on her and stuff.

Great chapter! I loved it! Grace yelling and Gaara and then now kissing Sasuke were both freaking amazing! I can't wait to read more, please update soon! Keep up the good work with your writing!

Name: shadow9000 (Signed) · Date: 16/01/12 - 12:01 pm · For: Chapter 13
haha... koolio...
i luvd this chappie... :D
ws it gaara tryin to apologize to buying her tht necklace...? its cute... :P
n lol...
Kin is plain Awesome... xD
tht bathroom scene ws damn funny... :P
n d fact tht she kinda knws so much bout Grace adds to tht humor... xD
n oooh... i lovd tht shop scene... xD
poor Grace :P
Awesome chapter Funk :D

Name: Geishagrl (Signed) · Date: 15/01/12 - 12:16 pm · For: Chapter 13
Oh, oh oh!!! It was Sasuke wasn't it!!?? Was it?? with the necklace?? Gyah! I can't wait for the next chapter!!

Name: RawrTheDinoLycan (Signed) · Date: 15/01/12 - 10:32 am · For: Chapter 13
Yay! Update!

And Ohmigoth who put that on Grace O.o .... Was it Sasuke? Gaara?... Temari? (no not really haha)

Anyways, love this story (as surely you know by now) and cannot WAIT for your next update!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 15/01/12 - 08:50 am · For: Chapter 13
That's so creepy! Where the heck did she get the necklace from?! Who gave it to her?! The suspense is killing me!

Oh man, oh man, Grace alone with Gaara? This little meeting should be intense. I can't wait to see the drama!

As a grammatical notice, I just wanted to point out bar you sometimes put 'wonder' when it should be 'wander'. A lot of writers do this, I just felt the need to point it out.

Anyway, great chapter! I love plot developments! I can't wait to see what happens next! Keep up the awesome work!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 14/01/12 - 05:49 pm · For: Chapter 12
That was an awesome illusion. You described it amazingly well, and it came out as a very nice read. I enjoyed this chapter, nice work!

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