Reviews For Taming the Beast
Name: NarutoLover (Signed) · Date: 19/09/10 - 12:19 am · For: The Impending Battle Has Come
Oh my god! This is soo good! I wonder if naruto can still hear and see what his body is doing.. Hope you update soon!
Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 31/07/10 - 11:54 pm · For: The Impending Battle Has Come
........Wow.... I like this battle. It's very nervous making at the end of the chapter. I can't wait to read what happens next.
Though I do have to say the battle seemed a little short and not as impressive as one would've thought as it would've been....mah; also not to be a pain in the rear...but, the kyuubi was so easily controlled because there was no host to control Naruto should've been able to fight that stupid trick...just saying.