Reviews For That beautiful and irresitable idiot
Name: nina (Anonymous) · Date: 11/10/13 - 05:51 am · For: Chapter 4
I am the type of person who has to have things spelled out for them. That bieng said please do so!!!! Update I really enjoyed it! Thank you.
Name: nina (Anonymous) · Date: 11/10/13 - 05:34 am · For: Chapter 3
It was great. Raw human emotions and sinfully addicted love! What more could we want!!! Please update i have to know what happens! Thank you.
Name: Jade (Anonymous) · Date: 31/12/12 - 08:01 am · For: Chapter 4
Please dont make naruto fall in love with shika and have gaara and sasuke hit it off this is what its starting to look like in all but im wondering how youll handle it when shika goes back to school or sasuke finds out about shikanaru or vise versa. Please keep writing half the time i doubt that you still even read this. I really love reading others works and yours is especially intresting so im hoping to see what happens.
Name: NakoniKutone (Anonymous) · Date: 07/07/11 - 09:53 pm · For: Chapter 1
Luv luv luv luv luv! Moar moar moar! I NEED moar! :D
Name: yaiolover07 (Signed) · Date: 16/06/10 - 08:15 pm · For: Chapter 1
This is a interesting story and I can't wait to read what happens next.
Author's Response: Thankyou :) I'm glad you like it. I thought it was a bit dark but if one person likes it I'll keep writing! :)