Summary: I am Uzumaki Naruto, number one supernatural bounty hunter in the country, and I still would have been number two if a certain someone on the top spot hadn’t switched sides. Not by choice, but that certain person definitely became one of the monsters, and eventually embraced it.
Categories: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto Characters: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor, Romance, Supernatural
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: No
Word count: 5932 Read: 9236
Published: 12/06/07 Updated: 05/07/07
1. Teaser - Start - Prologue by LeMoNs Chan
2. Dressing up with Guns and Knives by LeMoNs Chan
3. Blood, Eyes, and Brains, Oh My! by LeMoNs Chan
4. Breakfast with a Friend by LeMoNs Chan
5. Of Gypsies and Fortunes by LeMoNs Chan
Teaser - Start - Prologue by LeMoNs Chan
Author's Notes:
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Copy and paste, who, moi? :p
LeMoNs-Chan: Wow, it’s been a long time, minna. o.o’
Naru-chyan: Yup yup :D Yey, I’m starring~
LeMoNs-Chan: Yey, you’re once again gey! :D
Naru-chyan: What?!
LeMoNs-Chan: Er, nothing… Carry on ^^’
I looked him straight in the eyes and knew that it was either him or me. One wrong move, and the vampire would use that second he needed to rip my throat out. Just one bad move, and ultimately, my life could end in a flash of red and black coloring. Gone like the fickle flicker of a flame at its end. Gone.
-Morning Calls and Skating Walruses!-
I woke up with a cold sweat running along the side of my face. It was dark, save the red beam coming from my alarm clock. It was approximately three A.M., an ominous number also called for an ominous awakening, I supposed. I couldn’t go back to sleep, gooseflesh ran all along my body, tiny bumps that somewhat hurt to the touch as if I’d been plucked myself. Heaving a sigh, I pulled off my covers and swung my legs over my mattress until they touched the floor. Slipping on some walrus slippers—nothing wrong with walruses!—I headed toward the bathroom for a shower.
I tried to recall my dream as I worked shampoo into my hair. I could not remember, nor go back to sleep after having it. Yay for me, another sleep deprived night, or morning? Luckily, I did not have to work much until the late hours.
I am Uzumaki Naruto, number one supernatural bounty hunter in the country, and I still would have been number two if a certain someone on the top spot hadn’t switched sides. Not by choice, but that certain person definitely became one of the monsters, and eventually embraced it.
The thought of him also brought goose bumps to my tan skin, but this kind was different; they hadn’t formed so hard that they’d hurt, they were the sort that you get when a chill runs down your spine or when you think of something pleasurable. I didn’t know which it was really, but I knew that the ‘pleasurable’ analysis could be ruled out!
Washing out the shampoo and latter conditioner, I pulled on some more lazy clothing—a tank top and a pair of boxers—and plopped back onto my bed. I was just about to grab the T.V. remote when my phone rang instead. I ritually waited until after the first two rings to pick up, I mean, what if they just hang up after the first? The phone was silent until I said, “Hello?”
“Uzumaki?” questioned a somewhat laid back voice on the other end.
“Er, yeh, it’s me.” I replied, somewhat impatiently, but always calm. Couldn’t go ballistic because people didn’t get to the point right away, could you?
“It’s Shikamaru, we need you to stake someone today, right now.”
I turned my head to look over at my alarm clock, it was currently four fifteen and still dark out to be staking something. “Do you have an address or lead? You know how I hate wild goose chases.” My fingers were idly twirling the phone cable, unable to stay still. Nervous twitches? Never!
“Yes, the vamp’s name is Gilmore Jerry and he is currently hiding out around the red light district on Foundland.” Shikamaru said as if he were reading straight from the page. Knowing him, the lazy bastard probably was.
“Of all the places,” I whined and looked down, shifting my feet on the floor, skating walruses! “All right, I’ll get him, no problemo.” I waited a bit, said, “Anything else?” and waited some more.
“Nope, that’s it. Good luck.” And with that he hung up.
“Yeh, bye Shikamaru! Nice talking to you too!” I oozed into the buzzing phone line. Goody, wasted sarcasm, what a drag.
A/N: Hiya. Wow, a somewhat serious Naruto. Kinda scares me too, I know. Yeh, I’ve been reading a lot lately… maybe you’ll notice a bit of Stephenie Meyer and Laurell K. Hamilton influence. –shiny eyes- Anywho, hope you enjoyed the teaser o.o; More to come.. Give me a thumbs up or thumbs down… pl0x?
Dressing up with Guns and Knives by LeMoNs Chan
Author's Notes:
Ok, ok. I'm not a gun expert, but I'm trying.. i_i.. Any tips? -whines-
LeMoNs-Chan: Oh yey, I’m so glad ya’ll are enjoying this so far.
Naru-chyan: I’m kinda enjoying it too!
LeMoNs-Chan: Wow, even though I have something in store for you… that…
Naru-chyan: That what?!
LeMoNs-Chan: Oh, nothing, carry on… :D –cuts him off-
-Dressing up with Guns and Knives-
I dressed in a black wife beater with a pair of matching slightly baggy black jeans. I pulled on my orange light weight sweater—flashy much, me?—and slid my silver 12” dagger sheath down the side of my pants, then inserted the matching dagger, which was engraved near the tip with a cross. I wasn’t very religious, but the symbol, as well as the silver really did make the vamps unhappy. Crosses didn’t work much for anything else, save a few more undead, but the silver was likewise helpful toward Lycanthropes.
Though Shikamaru had asked me to do a staking, no one used actually wooden—or silver—stakes nowadays. It was just complete annihilation. I.E. Cut off the head, rip out the heart, rip out the spinal cord, some of the things that would assure complete lifelessness to the being in question.
Using a shoulder holster, I slapped in a clip with .40 S&W bullets into my Sigma. The bullets were special ordered, melted down with a blessed silver cross from the Christian Church of God located right in the middle of Konoha. The Sigma even had a chiseled in silver cross that was also melted from the holy cross. Faithful much, who me?
Well, when the world is full of monsters, you have to have faith that there is still something good in the world, no?
I flicked on the safety with my thumb and strapped my baby—er, the Sigma in. I likewise flicked the safety on, on my .45 ACP semi-automatic compact pistol—also courtesy of S&W and slipped it into my pocket. The compact pistol also had silver bullets.
The jacket was large, so it didn’t stick to my form but merely poked out in orange angles. Everything was unnoticeable. When one has to walk through crowds of people, you really don’t want to be flashing your goods—er, guns to people.
I looped a belt through the hoops in my pants and zipped the jacket only a bit, I needed it slightly open if I wanted to make a grab for the Sigma. I ran a hand through my blond hair, combed a bit at the lengthy side hairs—face warmers Kiba had called them—and suddenly I was presentable for the outside world. Thuggish looking supernatural bounty hunters didn’t get around as easily as clean cut, it would seem.
I shoved two extra clips into my pockets for both guns. Would I need them? Probably not, but hey, maybe I would need to kick more ass than necessary tonight.
I grabbed my keys and slipped a cross over my neck, it was ancient, an heirloom from my deceased father. It was embedded in the middle with three shards of crystal, a keepsake from one of my mentors, Tsunade. Sentimental much, nah!
I made a grab for the doorknob and stopped in mid motion as it started turning by itself. Dammit, how long had the door been unlocked?!
There was no time to act dumbfounded, I grabbed for the compact pistol and literally got low, slinking away from the door and toward the corner that led into my kitchen. There was a soft creak, and the door opened.
I stayed silent, breaths coming slow and quiet and damn near un-hearable. The person shifted and flipped on and switch and I surveyed their lower half. There was nothing in there hands. I flipped off the safety and took that moment to shoulder roll and aim at them.
“AH, HOLD ON NARUTO, IT’S ME!!” Shrieked a totally mortified Haruno Sakura, she had her hands up and was tearing up at the corner of her eyes.
“Er, ah, Sakura-chan!” I put flipped the safety switch back on and quickly shoved the gun back inside my pocket. “Ahaha, Sorry Sakura-chan.”
“God, Naruto, you’re such a fucking psycho, y’know that?” She breathed out, wiping a tear from her eye.
I scratched at the back of my head and grinned, “Well, you know what business I am in.” The grin stretched my face to the point where it almost hurt. I moved toward her to give her a proper greeting.
Sakura took a step back, staring me in the eye as she shook her head and replied, “Yeah, I know.” She threw a key onto my counter, it was the duplicate house key I had had made for her, “... and I’m tired of it, Naruto.”
My hand slowly fell from the back of my head, and so did my grin, “… w-what are you trying to say, Sakura-chan?” I kept my voice straight and firm. We weren’t children anymore.
“You know what I’m trying to say Naruto. I’m tired of always wondering if someone is going to come through my door because we’re together. I’m tired of the distance between us, and I’m tired of always having a gun pointed in my face when I come through the damn door!” She shouted the last part, then proceeded to cover her mouth with her hand, feeling as though she had said too much.
What Sakura had really done was say what I had needed to know for a while now. My eyebrows pressed together and I strained not to tear up. “Sakura-chan… Can’t we..”
“No, we can’t work this out and you know it.” She said dismissively, a finger rubbing at her temple.
I tried not to frown and took another step toward her, mouth forming a word but she spook before I could even utter a sound.
“Good bye, Naruto. I need a normal relationship, and you can’t give me that. I need you to stay away.” And with that, she turned around and exited the house, walking down the stairs before breaking into a run; her stiletto heels clacking against the concrete until the very sound became a distance ringing within the ears.
I didn’t chase after her.
My head pressed against the cool surface of the wall and I sucked in a big breath, and then released it. Honestly, the first thought that came to my head was ‘freedom,’ but then there was a part of me that would regret letting her go so easily.
Ah, well. If there was any anger about this within me, I was surely going to take it out on a certain Gilmore Jerry.
I headed toward the door, turned off the light, and stepped out. Locking the door behind me, I faced the cool night air. It was about five A.M. and I only had about thirty minutes before sunrise. Gilmore Jerry was going to be staked tonight, and sadly for him, his demise may come more brutally than necessary. Anger management in need? Naw!
A/N: It is rather odd to be writing again, but I find this AU supernatural world Naruto to be rather fun. I hope you all are enjoying it as much as I. It has been a while since I have been into my writing. Thank you for reading, and critique as well are comments are always appreciated~ :D
P.S. Yes, get Sakura bish out of the way so the REAL couple can evolve. –wink wink, nudge nudge-
Blood, Eyes, and Brains, Oh My! by LeMoNs Chan
Author's Notes:
Wow, three days in a row.. >_>;; Oh wait, it's 1 A.M. nuuuu... meh, enjoy... -faints-
LeMoNs: Thank you for your support, minna. I feel my young writing heart beginning to flutter with uh.. vigor?
Naru-chayn: Man, I feel so badass…
LeMoNs: Yes… there will certainly be some ass coming up…
Naru-chyan: e-eh.. why does that sound so ominous..?
-Blood, Eyes, and Brains, Oh My!-
It was five fifteen when I pulled into a parking space just a few blocks from the red light district on Foundland. I had more or less, fifteen more minutes to stake this guy before the sun came up and the guy was sent to hide somewhere that I would need an invite to enter.
You see, staking a vampire does not get easier in the least bit during the daytime. The blood suckers are nearly impossible to find! There is an underground section, a type of labyrinth that is only known to them… Their safeguard against wanderers and other hunters. The vampires called it their Black Sanctuary, and bounty hunters like me called it ‘Personal Hell’.
Also, high ranking vampires can walk within the sunlight. Dracula no more? Naw! Only the lesser, lower ranked vampires are reduced to sleeping during the day. Luckily for humans, there are not that many high ranking vampires. They are almost like a sort of royalty, a rare commodity. But enough about this, it was time to kill.
I slammed the door shut and pressed the lock button—wouldn’t want any loons getting in, right? I shoved my left hand into my pocket, close to the compact pistol and left my other hand free. The act was casual, free in this type of environment. Ah, yes, and the red light district was also not what it would sound to be. It was a monster’s paradise. A sort of rendezvous spot for all of the supernatural. Though, one could find hookers, there was more of a chance that they were not human in this area than in any other.
The red light district was also a place where the monster ran businesses were open. In this area, they were law. Calling the police in this area would be like calling mama to bail you out for a felony. It just wouldn’t fly, and you would most likely disappear before the human police even gave a second thought about delving their hands into some monster business.
Ah, yes, to the main point. How on earth was I going to find this Gilmore Jerry? Well, let’s just say it’s good to be ‘friends’ with some of the monsters.
I entered a medium sized establishment dubbed The Crimson Bucket—oh yes, aren’t they witty?—and walked straight to the bar. I pulled a fifty out of my pocket and slapped it on the bar top. “Gilmore Jerry.” I stated to the man who was currently wiping away at a beer glass. In my peripheral vision I saw a few heads raise, but dismissed it as most were female.
“Straight to business as always, Uzumaki?” The white-eyed man smirked.
“Yep, gotta do this staking tonight Neji, so if you could do your thing I could be done before sunrise.” I gave him a big cheesy grin and he scoffed.
“All right,” Neji stated before placing the glass on the counter and exhaling softly. He fell into complete silence and breathlessness. It would seem scary, but with Neji, it was like an art. The man was completely still, hands pressed together as he concentrated. Veins began to form on the sides of his temples and he looked into the circle he had created with his hands. “Gilmore Jerry,” he breathed, then looked up at me. “Right behind you.”
My eyes widened and I uttered a curse before throwing myself to the floor. A glass beer bottle hit the counter instead of my head and shattered glass into millions of little pieces. “Fuck!” I heard Gilmore Jerry shout as he cut his hand on the glass. Though, he didn’t let himself linger on that and threw himself at me.
I reached for my Sigma and flipped off the safety in one fluid movement. Just as he was about to make a grab for me I shot him in the right shoulder, the bullet following through and piercing bone.
“Arrgh!!” Gilmore shouted, the silver bullet hole in his shoulder sizzling like fried bacon. He hadn’t anticipated this, I surmised, since he clutched his shoulder and made a run for it.
I got up and slapped a twenty on the counter, “Thanks and sorry Neji,” I had no time to gauge his reaction, neither the reaction of the stunned customers as I chased after Gilmore.
Gilmore was running wildly through the alleys, twisting and turning, pushing people down and around. I knew exactly what he was doing. He was stalling. He wanted the sun to rise so that he could get to his precious Black Sanctuary. Well, guess what Gilmore. You are so dead.
I waited until he had brought us to a dead end to break my Sigma out once more. “Don’t move, Gilmore,” I warned, gun pointed two handed at the cocker’s back. This guy was unprofessional, unskilled, and totally unprepared for this staking. The new dead. The new dead were becoming a problem lately, tearing their fangs into whatever they could find.
When a new vampire is created, they need a mentor to show them the ropes, and you know, well, tell them what not to do. But sometimes there are new vamps that don’t have that influence and thus go renegade. This is where a lot of my paychecks come from. Other little Gilmore Jerry’s that just didn’t know anything about what they were. Did I feel pity? Not in the least. A monster is a monster. And when those monsters start hurting innocents, they don’t deserve pity.
Gilmore Jerry was dark skinned, medium built, and five foot eleven, just a tad shorter than me. Once I hit that grow spurt, I didn’t stop until six feet—sure did attract the ladies. Err, back to Gilmore. He had brown eyes and a buzz cut hairstyle. He looked like the perfect momma’s boy, clutching his shoulder and all.
I stepped closer, and he stepped back. That brought a smile to my face as I aimed at his left shoulder and pulled the trigger. He cried out and I tried to hide my excitement toward his obvious discomfort.
Gilmore fell to his knees, arms lifeless, hands limply pressed against the floor. He looked up at me pleadingly, “Please,” he said, “I couldn’t help it.. I didn’t mean to..”
“Save it,” I mouthed and aimed for the next bullet to blow through his skull, but in the second it took to firmly rest my hand on the trigger was a second too late to claim Gilmore Jerry’s life.
He fell to the floor, head rolling to the side of me, eyes wide with surprise. His body fell just like in the movies, torso plopping against the pavement. Except here, there was a small spurt of blood where his head should have been when the body fell. The spurt turned into an oozing and I had to step back so I did not get my pumas bloody.
I hadn’t noticed, but my eyes had been wide as well; mouth slack with the same dumbfounded look of my youth. I shook my head to recollect myself and grit my teeth. Fuck! Gilmore Jerry was my kill, dammit, mine! I aimed at his head and shot there anyway, shot until eye balls exploded, until brains spewed. I was mad, and Gilmore Jerry was my scapegoat.
“That’s rather unprofessional of you, dobe.”
My whole body went slack, and I didn’t need to look to know whose voice is was that was speaking to me. “Sasuke…” I turned around anyway, taking in the sight of the number one bounty hunter in the country—er the ‘used to be number one bounty hunter in the country.’
Uchiha Sasuke was dressed to kill like always, wearing a black—surely silk—blouse buttoned up to the point where there was only a peek of his collarbone showing. He wore matching linen pants that fit his form perfectly. His hair was in its usually form, cut short with two perfectly crafted bangs and a spiked back. “Naruto,” he mouthed back in amusement, fingers raising to his lips to lick off the blood that had come from Gilmore’s severed neck.
“Sasuke… you took my fucking kill!”
Ah yes, a very merry reunion. And there was hell to pay.
A/N: Waka waka waka waka.Ah, don’t ask, but yey~ Some Sasugay action. -twiddles thumbs- I’m excited, minna, and I hope you all are too! :D
Breakfast with a Friend by LeMoNs Chan
LeMoNs-Chan: Sorry it took a while to spew this chapter out. I am kinda not at home all the time.. –tears in eyes-
Naruto-chyan: It’s ok LeMoNs, I kind of like the breaks…
LeMoNs-Chan: But not the break ups?
Naru-chyan: What?
LeMoNs-Chan: Ooooh, nothing ^^; Let’s carry on~!
-Breakfast with a Friend-
Sasuke scoffed and rolled his eyes, “I take time out of my busy schedule,” the vampire took a step toward me, “And that’s how you greet me?” He feigned a hurt look.
“Like hell!” I cried, flicking on the safety on my Sigma and placing it back within the shoulder holster. I stormed over to Sasuke, about to give him a piece of my mind. “Why’d you do it? He was registered as my kill, Sasuke!” I whined, dammit, why did Sasuke always have to make me whine?
“Because I can,” He said simply, plainly, self-explanitorily. Hell, was that even a word? Well, even if it isn’t, Sasuke made it so.
I was about to yell once more and raised my fist, but I stopped myself and let out a big loud sigh. Growing up, who, me? “Do you need something, Sasuke?”
He smiled then, and good Lord when the man smiled he was a show stopper. Sasuke walked toward me, stopping just in front of me, only about half a foot separating us. “Not really, just came to check up on you, dobe.”
“Stop calling me that!” I looked up at him, yes, looked up at him. The bastard was still a bit taller than me. The height difference that plagued us both made me feel like his girl friend. “And what do you mean, ‘check up on me?’”
He chuckled softly—in his little condescending way—and raised a hand to run his fingers along the scars on my right cheek.
Yeah, about those. I got three scratch marks on both cheeks when I got attacked by a demon. I had been a trainee at the time, and the wounds had healed into dark lines—almost like fox marks on my cheeks—since then. Of course, when I became more experienced I repaid the fucker for what he had done. But all in all, the scars had sort of grown on me and became a distinguishing feature.
I didn’t exactly lean into the touch, but I sure as hell felt like it. I closed my eyes and turned my head away, “Sakura dumped me today,” I muttered, but I knew he would hear it.
He dropped his hand, eyes narrowing a bit, “What for?” His question was as equally quiet, but also interested.
I didn’t reply, merely stepped to the side and began walking forward, “Let’s discuss this over breakfast?” I made it a question, and began a walk toward the parking lot that held my car. Where were we headed? There was only one place I would ever eat breakfast this early; Ichiraku Ramen! It’s not a fact that ramen cannot be eaten for breakfast, and hell, it opened early. It was currently six thirty A.M. and by the time we got there it would be about seven something. I could already smell the ramen, and taste it in my throat. Maybe the day was going to get better.
I pulled into a parking space and we both got out of my car. We arrived promptly at seven ten A.M., and lucky for us, it was open and empty. I took a seat at the bar and ordered shrimp ramen with extra noodles. I got the extra noodles for free since I was a regular at the place. Mr. Ichiraku knew me well, and I was kinda like his own ramen-loving son.
Sasuke took a seat next to me and did not order anything—of course not, the dude WAS dead. He just sat there, motionless, unbreathingly, looking as ethereal as usual.
I concentrated on my ramen as it was placed before me, muttering a quick ‘itadakimasu’ before shoving the noodles into my mouth. My ramen loving had never changed, and I was glad for it.
“So,” Sasuke started, placing his head within his hand and turning to look at me, elbow braced against the counter, “Are you going to tell me why?”
I waited until I had cleared about half the bowl before speaking, “She said she couldn’t take my line of work... That she was afraid she might get killed because of what I do… and that she just couldn’t take it anymore.” Yup, that summed it up, and was basically as much as I wanted to say at the moment.
I still couldn’t put my finger on whether I was hurt by the break up or not. I mean, I was still standing, I had managed not to cry and I had also managed not to get depressed. If anything, I could conclude that I was just mad. Mad because Sakura knew what kind of man I was from the start, mad that she wasn’t strong enough to take it. Mad that the three years we had been together had been a waste, a fluke, a total pain in the ass.
“Naruto,” Sasuke repeated, and I finally looked over at him, tears pouring out from my puffy cornflower eyes. I looked away because even his face was shocked from the look of hurt and raw need I gave him.
I laughed slightly, sniffing up the snot that was building in my nose. The laugh was quiet at first, and then it grew a bit louder. “… and I didn’t even love her,” I heard myself mutter as I dug a hand into my pocket and pulled out my wallet. ‘Gochisosama’ came out quiet and watery from my lips as I picked out the bills to pay for my meal.
Sasuke had to have felt a bit awkward at this point. I seriously had no intention of bawling in front of him.
But I turned to look at his face as I slid down the bills to pay for the meal on the counter. His look was cool, calm, understanding. Fuck, monsters don’t have feelings anyway.
I wiped at my eyes with the back of my hand and stood, sniffing and giving another sudden choke of laughter, “God, why do I bother talking to you like you give a care, Sasuke?” I asked and started for the door.
Sasuke waited until we got outside to say something, “I do care, Naruto.” It was quiet, steady, but I knew it was true, and the fact that it was made my stomach hurt.
“I know you do…” I said in contradictory to myself and slapped my hand on the top of my car. I hadn’t noticed earlier, but I had been making a beeline for it. “… and I hate that you do… because…” I looked at him then, forcing the pricking tears in my eyes down. “… because you did the same damn thing!”
Sasuke frowned, and shook his head, “It wasn’t the same, Naruto.”
“But isn’t it?” I asked, and for some reason, I sounded childish even to myself.
“No, I left because I knew you wouldn’t be able to love a monster, that’s why.” And there was no room for argument in his tone.
“But you never stopped to ask, did you?” The tears fell and I cursed myself. Dammit, why did I have to get all emotional in front of the bastard. I shook my head and opened the door to my car. “It doesn’t matter,” I muttered and got inside. “Go, even you are not high enough of a rank to be out in the sun for long.”
The Uchiha turned to look over at the sun and squinted. He was of a high rank, he pushed himself that far, but he was not at the highest, where the sun is nothing but a fly waiting to be swatted. “I’m going to visit you again, Naruto.” Sasuke stated before vanishing. Well, he didn’t really vanish, but the speed of a high ranking vampire is so fast that it looks like they just vanished.
“Don’t bother.” I growled and slammed the door, mostly angry because of the fact that I was talking to myself. I sighed and rested my head on the steering wheel, not caring that it gave off a short honk. Man, this morning sucked, and I hoped that it would get better as the day progressed.
Sometimes I thought that I should get myself out of the supernatural drama, but then I also knew in the back of my head that it was a part of me that could never be easily gotten rid of.
Supernatural affairs was a drug that I was willing to meddle in, no matter how much the hit cost.
A/N: Uh-oh, a little SasuNaru preview/drama? I feel like saying something stupid at the end of a chapter totally kills the effect of it but what the hey, I’m funny… Right?
Of Gypsies and Fortunes by LeMoNs Chan
Author's Notes:
Double o.o!
LeMoNs-Chan: Mou ichido! >:O
-Of Gypsies and Fortunes-
I placed my keys down on the counter and raised a hand to rub at my forehead. I needed to call Shikamaru to tell him where Gilmore Jerry went down so he could send a clean up crew and wire my pay. So what if Sasuke had taken my kill? The bastard wasn’t going to fess up to it so I might as well claim the bounty and get the pay, right?
While dialing the number for Shikamaru’s phone, I found myself fiddling with the cord. I was restless, mad, tired, and ultra mad. Hopefully the mad would not show in my voice.
He picked up on the third ring, “Nara Inc. This is Shikamaru speaking.” Came his usual bored and boring voice.
“Hey Shikamaru, it’s Naruto,” I paused a second, pleased that my voice was not brimming with anger. “Gilmore Jerry is down, so send the crew to the alley behind the Konoha ST building. There is no light so the prick won’t fry.”
In the red light district, the Konoha ST was the most ominous. ST standing for Slave Trade. Though it was illegal to trade people like this, they used a system that made the establishment seem clean. Hah, what a world, right?
“All right, done and done.” And he hung up just like that. Just like always without saying a quick and courteous good bye.
“Bye Shikamaru,” I said sweetly and wondered if he always did not say good bye or if it was just like that with me. We’re such great buds.
It was nine ten and I was just about to disrobe when the phone rang. After two rings I picked up the phone and gave a somewhat beat, “Hello?”
It was quiet for a large amount of time, but then a small frail sounding voice came over the line. “E-eh… H-hello N-Naruto-kun…”
Ah. “Hiya Hinata-chan, what’s up?” I grinned, and tried not to sound teasing. I knew it must have taken her all the courage she had within that tiny body of hers to call me.
Another batch of shy induced silence and she replied after clearing her throat, which didn’t sound all phlegmy and nasty like a man’s, but quiet and delicate, “I-I’m fine, and y-you?”
“Peachy,” I lied, and was glad that she was unable to sense lies like all the other supernatural beings.
“Naruto, I have something to warn you about.” Hinata started, tone serious.
I knew Hinata was serious when she stopped stuttering. I gave a somewhat audible gulp and asked her what it was.
“I saw you… I saw you dead.” Her voice had become somewhat choked with tears.
My eyes widened and I gave an exasperated sigh, “This is a joke, right H-Hinata-chan?” Damn, my voice was getting a bit high, which gave away my anxiety.
All I heard in reply was silence, and beyond that soft crying. I knew it had to be true.
Ah, yes. How might Hinata know this? She was a sightseer of the Hyuuga clan. She was related to Hyuuga Neji but did not have the same power as him. While Neji could find someone with his powers, Hinata could see someone’s past, present, and future. A true fortune teller if you will.
“I-I’m sorry Naruto, but I-I thought I should warn you…” Her voice faded out but I knew she was still on the line.
She must have sensed how shocked I was because I was quiet for the longest time. The only thing audible was hers and my breathing. It took me a while, but when I had finally collected myself I asked, “Is there more I should know?”
“Yes, beware of red and black?”
Red and black?! I felt like demanding more information but I knew that a reading under stress only became less accurate. “All right Hinata-chan, thank you.”
“I know this is not something you wanted to hear so early in the morning, but I hope it is helpful to you.” She said in her soft serious tone.
“Yeah, it is very helpful… but.. may I ask one more thing?”
“What is it, Naruto-kun?”
“Do you perhaps have a time frame?”
There was a short silence that had nothing to do with her shyness, she was reading me, and in a moment she replied, “In two to three days. This is a bit hazy, but accurate.”
Two to three days. Two to three days before I die. I was still trying to decide if this information was anymore helpful than the last. I shook my head and said, “Thanks Hinata-chan, and good bye.”
“G-good bye N-Naruto-kun.”
And with that we both hung up.
To sum up this morning I woke up early, took down Gilmore Jerry, well, I let Sasuke take down Gilmore Jerry but that is beyond the point.
Oh yeah, I also got dumped, Sasuke said he was coming again, and now I find that I am going to die in two to three days.
This was definitely one of those days that just gets worse and worse, and I prayed. Prayed to He who is holy that nothing else will go so terribly wrong before my date of death.
It was about noon whtn a figure landed on the head of the fourth hokage. His black and red cape swished eerily within the slight breeze. He turned back to look at the five other cloaked figures that landed behind him and gave them a nod.
It was time to set the plan in motion.
A/N: Yes, it is very short but.. Um.. Two chapters in a row! –runs away-
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.