The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

Main Categories

Het Romance [1090]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [643]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
General Fiction [1738]
Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [860]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
An area to store fanfic information, such as bios, maps, political histories. No stories.

Site Info

Members: 12004
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47377178
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40727
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: shikimarus left ball
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other

Summary: Naruto is not the holder of the Demon that attacked his village(You can choose who is) but part of a clan that was just as powerful as Sasuke's and Itachi did not kill off his family but there was an attempt by someone else. The story should be like the the real story line but with Naruto as being very smart(I love smart Naruto fics)and Sasuke parents knows Naruto's as well as Neji's and Hinata's family. Plot wise again should be like the real story line with changes like Naruto smart as stated before and him not being a joker in fact he is very serious, Sasuke should be how he would be if his family was not you can choose how she acts towards Naruto and Sasuke. Naruto bloodline could be a mix of Sasuke and Neji's or something else of the writer choosing. Let it follow them as they grow up and as they all get together with the ones they love. Please this story should be Yaoi SasuNaru and of course uke Naruto and if you can make Uke Neji as well would be a plus(Choose who will be his Seme..I like Gaara..or Itachi). Humor could be in the fic but not all silly, work out the relationships with the characters. Thank You for reading this!
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: Because I found out I can't write it. XD I'd like a SasuOro (yes, you read that right). Preferably one with batshitcrazy!Sasuke. Because that's more fun. Make it as graphic as you want. Multichapter, oneshot, doesn't matter. Just make it violent and make Orochimaru the bottom. 8D
Categories: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance Characters: None
Summary: okay, i don't want this to sound bossy but this is what i want... i want a story where sakura is the main focus. she has to choose between naruto... her ex, the class clown who is sweet, funny, truely cares about her,and is younger thand her and sasuke... her ex that she still cares for deeply and every time she sees him she get butterflys and feels a spark, she truely cares for him, but she's not sure if he likes her back anymore, and he's four years older than her. only there is a catch. her friend hinata is going out with naruto. she tells hinata it's okay... but it's not. and... she thinks her cousin ino (in this story ino's her cousin) likes sasuke too.
Categories: Het Romance > Top Six Pairs > Naruto and Sakura, Het Romance > Top Six Pairs > Naruto and Hinata, Het Romance > Top Six Pairs > Sasuke and Sakura Characters: Sakura Haruno, Hinata Hyuuga, Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, Ino Yamanaka
Summary: Heh, yeah...again, craving some strange pairings as of late..but this is what I want! hmm I'll be a bit more specific this time: AU, both over 21, work together, and hmm...give Naruto the challenge of trying to win over Shikamaru ^__^ (if you have other ideas that don't fall into my requests, I don't care..go for it! I just want some Nar/Shik/Nar!!!) Thanks!
Categories: Het Romance, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance Characters: None
Summary: I have been craving some serious Kak/Nar/Kak smut as of late, and there has been about 3 stories on all the sites I read at that have them as the main pairing. So here I am, asking you, yes, YOU, to please write me some Kak/Nar/Kak loving goodness.

Storyline is all up to you..only thing I ask is for Naruto to be at least 18. It is just too wrong if he's any younger :p Preferably a multi-chap, tis up to you on how long you want to work on it. And if you didn't notice, Kak/Nar/Kak as well ^__^ Uke's deserve a chance on top too!! :p Oh, AU or canon is fine...I myself, prefer AU..but if you have an idea that works better as canon go for it!

Mmm...I think that's it. Ah, if you need a beta, contact me and I'd be happy to work on it with ya!

Thanks! *hugs*
Categories: Het Romance, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance Characters: None

Summary: I recently saw Brokeback Mountain and personally I thought it was smexy and HOT!!! Sure, gay cowboys....who cares. Look what I write so why should SEEING it make it gross to me? Okay, its gotta be about gay cowboys and a mountain, but neither one of the gays can die. THE ENDING PISSED ME OFF!!! And its gotta be a choice between Kakashi and Iruka or Neji and Gaara or my fav. SASUKE AND NARUTO!!!!! Your pick. Oh, and since there was a lot of sex in da movie I'll allow a graphic lemon. ^_~
Categories: Het Romance, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Kakashi and Iruka, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto Characters: None
Summary: I'd like to read a fic involving Deidara or Itachi and Naruto as 'brothers'. They however can't be blood related unless it's an alternative fic like real world or something. It can be any time period, like when Naruto's a kid, or when he's a genin, anything. I don't want them to fall in love. No OC. I don't want deidara nor itachi with any girl because i just can't see them with a girl. They can however be with some boy. I want some humor involved and maybe a little action. I'd also like it to be family-oriented. Other than that anything goes.
Categories: General Fiction > Character-Centric, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Fluff (Shonen-ai/Yaoi), General Fiction > Naruto, Alternate Universe & Crossovers > High School Fics, General Fiction > Pre-Series, Alternate Universe & Crossovers > Real World, General Fiction > Timeskip, General Fiction > Naruto Shippuuden, Alternate Universe & Crossovers > Minor AU, General Fiction > Timeless Characters: Deidara, Itachi Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki
Summary: Neji and Tenten have been dating for three years. But when Neji sees Tenten hug another boy, their relationship starts spiraling down. A while after, Neji wants to start over and build up their relationship but how will he do it and how will Tenten feel?
Categories: Characters: Neji Hyuuga, Tenten
Summary: Neji has fallen for a girl. She's smart, shy, and pretty....not to mention his close cousin! His love for Hinata may never triumph for that reason and because the family refuses to allow the two branches of the clan to mix. Risking it all, will Neji be able to make it past this obstacle? Can Hinata bring up the courage to step up and start taking control? Or will everything come crashing down upon them? I got this idea when I was thinking about a different challenge I issued a while back. I figured fans of HinataXNeji(although I'm not really a fan of it myself)would enjoy writing this. It probably would only be a few chapters unless you get really into it.
Categories: Het Romance Characters: None
Summary: Challenge description: Must be a complete parody of the many pairings possible in Naruto. All characters are welcome, with a minimal of the Rookie Nine. Try to make it sensible, as this kind of thing has been written before, albeit very crackishly and grammar-less. Must include: All of the Rookie Nine and Team Gai. Team Sand is optional. Must be mostly in-character. No OOC, try to make everything comprehensible. Pairings allowed: Het, Yaoi, and Yuri are all accepted. OCs are fine, as long as it's for the purpose of the parody Ratings: U to 18. Nothing explicit. Genre: Humor/Parody Warnings allowed: AU, Incest, Yaoi, Yuri, Death
Categories: MadFic > Parody, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Fluff (Shonen-ai/Yaoi), Het Romance > Fluff, Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance > Fluff (Shojo-ai/Yuri) Characters: All

1. The title of your story can not be named after the challenge - Please be original.

2. Neji was sent on a mission where he became a prisoner of war. He is believed to be dead and so is survived by his wife, Tenten and their unborn child.

3. Within days of the news of Neji, Naruto has completed his promise of a lifetime, after many years, he has finally brought Sasuke home.

4. Sasuke, though accepted back into Konoha, carries the title of a traitor (Naruto doesn't seem to notice).

5. Somehow Sasuke and Tenten become close.

6. Neji, after five long years, finally escapes and returns home, only to find his wife is no longer his wife and his son calling another man his father.

7. Story must have at least one of the following lines:


Sasuke: I'll be damned if I let my son call another man father.

Neji: Your son?

Sasuke: Yes, my son. The boy I have raised since his birth!


Drunk!Sasuke: And I shall call him squishy! And he shall be mine! And he shall be my squishy!


Sasuke: I will accept nothing, but the truth. . . Do you still love him?

Tenten: Sasuke, please-

Sasuke: Answer me.

Tenten: Forgive me. I do.

Categories: None Characters: Neji Hyuuga, Tenten, Sasuke Uchiha


1. The title of your story can not be named after the challenge - Please be original.

2. At the age of 26, Rock Lee finally has one of the things he has always wished for in his life. . . the heart of Sakura.

3. Neji is on an extended trip as an Ambassador for Konoha, leaving Tenten and Rock Lee to complete missions on their own.

4. Without Neji dividing their attention, Tenten and Rock Lee slowly begin to learn more about each other and as they do, feelings Rock Lee knows isn't suppose to happen, start to develop between the two.

Categories: Het Romance > Top Six Pairs Characters: Sakura Haruno, Neji Hyuuga, Rock Lee, Tenten

Summary: 1. The title of your story can not be named after the challenge - Please be original.

2. Shizune knows that the love she shares with Naruto is wrong, but neither can help the way they feel.

3. While Naruto is away on a mission, Shizune seemingly falls ill. Tsunade checks her over and informs her that she is pregnant.

4. Tsunade soon starts to question Shizune about the father of her child. In a panic, Shizune mistakenly allows Tsunade to think that the child belongs to Kakashi.

5. Naruto returns home from his mission and so enters chaos.

(My first choice for this would be a Humor story, but if you think it should be a little more dramatic, go for it.)
Categories: None Characters: None


1. The title of your story can not be named after the challenge - Please be original.

2. Why has Orochimaru never placed a seal upon Kabuto? The first reason, he couldn't risk his death because of the high death rate. The second, because he took great pleasure in knowing that Jiraiya's illegitimate son, stood by his side faithfully.

3.. But as Kabuto learns of his parentage, and his Lord's true intention for him, will he remain faithful to Orochimaru? Or has he already betrayed him, when he took up a secret relationship with Shizune?

Categories: General Fiction Characters: Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Kabuto Yakushi

Summary: I really love the movie Chicago, and I was thinking one day, 'wouldn't it be cool if someone wrote a story with Sakura as Roxy and Ino as Velma (or vice versa)' I think Rock Lee would be good as Amos, but that's not a rule. Rules: do what ever you want, it would be cool if you put in the songs and change the names, but the only thing i'm picky about is Ino and Sakura. I might just respond to this myself too! :)
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: I love the movie Chicago, and one day i was thinking, wouldn't it be cool if someone did a story where Sakura was Roxy and Ino was Velma. You can decide who the other characters will be (I think Rock Lee would be good as Amos.) if you really feel like it you could make it yuri. Any rateing you want and you can (with in reason) depart from the story at some points. it would be nice if you put the songs in and just changed the names, but the only real rule is that Sakura= Roxy and Ino=Velma. I might even answer this myself. (:
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: The Naruto characters get kidnaped out of the TV by YOU! then they are forced to be circus freaks and wear wierd outfits! You can do anything, but it MUST have Sasuke being forced to jump into the ring of fire in the nude or Kakashi crying couse his book got burned! MWAHAHA!!! and... You MUST make Yondaime and a fem Kyuubi the ring masters for fun! (and filling of my Yondy and fem Kyuu obsetion)
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: Okay. Here is my first challenge to you. You have to come up with a story that has coffee in someone's lap. This means that pouring, throwing, and dousing anyone of the charaters that really aggrivate you is allowed.

1. There must be some sort of cafe that has or is or will be popular for cute waitresses/waiters.

2. Naruto is a must for this one (personally, I think the knucklehead would do well here).

3. Hmm, I want you to be creative! The setting doesn't have to be Konoha Village. Heck, it doesn't even have to be in the same universe if you don't wanna.

4. I want one sentence in L33+!

5. I would love yaoi couples, but I love HinaNaru, so go for it.

6. Must pour coffee in someone's lap. You may get someone covered from head to toe in coffee, but you must, MUST pour coffee in at least ONE PERSON'S LAP.
Categories: None Characters: None

Summary: HET (Naruto/Tenten) or YAOI (Shikamaru/Naruto uke! Naruto). Instead of being placed on team seven with Sasuke and Sakura under Kakashi, Naruto is placed on team 3 under Kibin Dansa (female). His teammates; Hyiarashi Kisuke (male) and Tsukiran Tatsuki (female) each have their own hidden pasts and abilities that are both frightening and awe inspiring. Tatsuki and Kisuke having hidden their abilities appeared to be average students, but add Naruto and his newly discovered bloodline limits, the Sharingan and Hyoton, to the equation and the team people though would never succeed will prove the world wrong. As they move forward to become the next Sanins they will face new enemies and gain unlikely allies. Hyiarashi Kisuke- male - 12 yrs. old - Genin of Konoha Appearance: Chin lenght wavy pale blond hair and almond shaped warm brown eyes, pale skin, tall and slightly muscular. (Think a younger version of Urahara Kisuke from the anime Bleach) and definetely a completely different outfit. Abilities: A kenetic energy and echo user (please rename) - he can create earthquakes, destroy buildings and even use echoes to distrupt chakra within the ninja opponent. Because he can also replicate the flow of an echo he is able to use all chakra elements. (A side note - a genjutsu creates an illusion to the senses cast through a chakra echo Kisuke can manipulate or control this echo, so the Mankegyo Sharingan or any mind altering ninjutsus will not work on him) 1. He's a traps expert 2. He specializes in genjutsu 3. He's a master of disguise and stealth Tsukiran Tatsuki - female - 12 years old - Genin of Konoha Appearance: Chin lenght copper colored hair liberally highlighted with dark gold strands. Snow white skin and unusually tall for her age with a slender body. Abilities: She is a kenjutsu and taijutsu user, but she her chakra is volitile and dangerous to use. She has created a method of taijutsu to which she layers her chakra along her body and when stricking out she creates and explosion on contact that only effects the opponent. Uzumaki Naruto/Wanatabe Renji - male - 10 years old - Genin of Konoha Appearance: (his abilities are unrefined, but he has potential) After releasing the seal on his appearance he looks like a mixture between Sasuke and Haku with long hair and teal cat-like eyes. NOTES: 1. Naruto was accept to the academy early, but every one believes he is older than they rather than two years younger 2. After releasing his seal on his appearance he adopts a new identity in which he can really show his intelligence and skill (he's no Shikamaru, but his stealth and feild strategy is unpresidented) 3. He hides his Sharingan under contacts for the advantage Abilities: 1. Different Hyoton attacks than Haku 2. He's a seals expert 3. He excells in survival tests 4. His stealth is amasing 5. He can challenge Lee's speed even without Lee's weights 6. He has learned to control his chakra perfectly 7. He leans towards medical jutsus 8. He also has a hobby of creating new jutsus and weapons, which he intends to create as his clan's legacy - after feeling slighted, when at eight years old, Kiba boasted that only those with clan abilities would succeed. He later discovers his chakra elements are: wind, fire and earth Dansa-sensei - female - 34 yrs. old - Jonin of Konoha She is an exiled main house Hyuga because of her radically views and her invention of a far more deadly style of the gentle fist the utilizes her lightning element. She is a great sensei determined to help them master their potential and surpass all. She doesn't favor any of them. Also after they pass her test the three orphans are moved into the three of the guest houses in her compound at the edge of a byou.
Categories: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Warned (Shonen-ai/Yaoi), Het Romance > Warned Characters: Naruto Uzumaki
Summary: Naruto, at age 12 gets turned into a half demon fox by kyuubi. No time skip. characters: godaime tsunade, haruno sakura, hatake kakashi, zabuza,yamanaka ino,uzumaki naruto, kyuubi, umino iruka, uchiha sasuke, yakushi kabuto, sabaku no gaara, temari, rock lee, orochimaru, nara shikamaru, kankurou, jiraiya, inuzuka kiba, shizune, haku, aburame shino, akimichi chouji, miterashi anko, kureni,
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: the title says all. i dont care what kind or its contents, i just find it annoying that there are none at the moment.
Categories: Non-Naruto Fiction > Death Note Characters: None
Summary: Imagine an alternate universe where after Sasuke leaves the village (Sound 5 arc) Instead at the valley of the end Sasuke loses and it taken back to Kohnohagakure No Sato. Well what happens when a bored genius (Sasuke) Finds the note book of a bored death god (Ryuk).
Categories: General Fiction Characters: None
Summary: We all know there have been various character deaths in the series of Naruto. Sandaime. Zabuza and Haku. The Sound 5. Kakuzu. Hidan. Sasori. Deidara. But there are also some parts where death could have occured, such as the Valley of the End. I want a story written from first person POV about a person's feelings about the death of another. For example, Iruka's feelings about the death of Sandaime. Can include flashbacks as well. Nothing short either, at least 1500 words.
Categories: General Fiction Characters: None
Summary: I want a story where Iruka and Kakashi's relationship is discovered by Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto. Be creative with your plot! Something original that nobody has ever done before! It has to have lots of humor and needs a twist of lemon! So if you think you're up to the challenge, I encourage you to take up the task at hand.
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: here's my request: Bondage, major domination, maybe some dirty talk if you like. any yaoi paring will do. oh ya, biting too please, all part of claiming dominance ne? this can be twisted and turned in any way you want. aka: romance, angst, one-shot, long story, etc. thank you to anyone who chooses to take this challenge! :D
Categories: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Warned (Shonen-ai/Yaoi) Characters: All