The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

Main Categories

Het Romance [1090]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [643]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
General Fiction [1738]
Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [860]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
An area to store fanfic information, such as bios, maps, political histories. No stories.

Site Info

Members: 12004
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47377178
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40727
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: shikimarus left ball
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other

Summary: A nice Sasuhina or OCSasu one shot please. It would be great to add lots of fluff, and I don't mind it being AU or not. As long as it's what I just mentioned and grammatically correct, I'm fine with whatever you want to add (maybe other pairings?). Oh, and if it's going to be OCSasu, let it not be yaoi. Thanks.
Categories: Het Romance > Fluff Characters: Pair OCSasu
Summary: don't jump in with both feet just yet, what I want is a BELIEVABLE romance. Sasuke was only pushed away by Sakura's infatuation, so what would atract him? power. Sasuke does NOT love your OC, so she has to make him love her. to put it simply, I want a Sasuke x OC story, with no OOC behaivior on Sasuke's part. oh, and no yaoi.
Categories: Het Romance > Warned, Het Romance > Angst Characters: Sasuke Uchiha
Summary: Hey y'all! I don't know about you people, but I'm really getting tired of all these pathetic SasukexOC stories. You know what I'm talking about-- some new, beautiful girl with amazing powers comes to Konoha, usually with some freaky bloodline limit. Though she's not interested and may even hate him, she somehow makes Sasuke IMMEDIATELY fall for her and blah blah yada. He acts OOC and it's really annoying. I need a really good SasukexOC story! No Mary-Sues, please. Lemon or no lemon, whatever floats your boat. Hurry! I'm going to die without a good SasukexOC.
Categories: OC-centric, Het Romance, General Fiction Characters: None
Summary: This has sooo never been done before *cough*, but I have been craving a story with this plot for the longest time. I've kept it in the back of my mind for a while now thinking that I may write it... but then I realized I have absolutely no talent in writing. So... if ~anyone~ would give it a shot it would be highly appreciated! (This is for an Angst x Romance SasuNaru fic .) ^_^ Anyway, the challenge is: --------------------------------------------------- Driven by the hateful words and hurtful actions from Konoha, Naruto goes to Godaime and requests a long term mission out of Fire Country (or at least far away from Konoha.). After she reluctantly agrees (Or you can just have him run away, your choice. You’re the author here, not me!) he leaves in the night so he does not have to face the questioning from those who caused him so much pain. --------------------------------------------------------- You can have every ones reactions how you like (within their own personality, no like, bawling Sasukes or screaming Hinatas, right?), but the general mood angsty. (Can’t get enough of good ‘ol angst!) If this inspires you, then great! If not, then you probably haven’t read this far so it doesn’t matter. So anyway, thanks for your time! Good luck to those/anyone who will try it!
Categories: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto Characters: None
Summary: NO fluff. NO insanity. REAL characters, with real personalities. Can be AU or follow the story. The Challenge: Write a Sasuke/Sakura story That shows how their relationship slowly develops from complete strangers into lovers, a light romance that doesn't escalate to passion too quickly. Think a real novel, but fanfic-sized. Go for it!
Categories: Het Romance > Top Six Pairs > Sasuke and Sakura Characters: None
Summary: What if sage level Naruto, in his determination to prove himself, refuses to accept the rank of Chuunin without passing the proper exams? I would very much appreciate if someone would write this! Terrified fellow Konoha genins and dumb-witted mocking, you're-too-old-to-be-genin-loser, genins from other countries who don't recognise him. Extra points for the exams being set in another country!
Categories: General Fiction > Naruto Shippuuden Characters: Naruto Uzumaki
Summary: Gaara becomes a slayer of rogues,murderers, related evil! and soon must face shakaku jis inner demon(literaly his inner demonLOL)...if you want have a bit of love...NO YOAI i dont care for it at all...sure go ahead with lemon...prefered couple if added would be him and hinata...(im obsessed with her pairings)devil may cry(good games)+naruto...add new characters if you want...gaara must become used to a sword!
Categories: General Fiction Characters: Gaara
Summary: OK, basically, I want a fic about an OC who is the son.daughter of an Uchiha and a Hyuga, and he/she should have some sort of cross between the two kekkai genkai. Also, if possible, put in a fight with another OC who has the Rinnegan.
Categories: OC-centric Characters: None
Summary: Based in the ''cherub novel series''if haven't read it Cherub is an agency that recruits children in between the ages of 6 to 18 trio perform special missions that adults can't do. But in this SHERUB recruits graduation exam failures like Naruto who have potential but no one gives em the push they need. So after beating Mizuki up Coz there's no team left for because sai got into team seven Naruto gets recruited into SHERUB . Rules The other agents all have to be oc None of the other rookies should find out about Naruto joining SHERUB They also shouldn't know about SHERUB at all The cover story for Naruto's disappearance should be he got killed by criminals who robbed him You can follow the canon missions but when tram seven is doing d-rank missions he should be training or taking on c-rank espionage missions that Take him all over the world The world may have real world continents but you have to fit in the ninja nations properly or you cold make each nation a continent on its own eg.Asia is land of fire Coz most look Asian(and the Forests) Africa is land of lightning they look African and Coz they live in a mountain (Kilimanjaro) Europe is land of earth they look European Middle East is land of wind cuz of the desert South America is land of water skin colour (bottom tip of Argentina had misty weather) Pairing should be OCnaru he should be on par with Sasuke on everything except that Naruto's stealth,stamina and endurance should be more than sasuke's and by par I mean Naruto should know 2 Jutsu of c-rank and 1 of b-rank in his own elements Yes I said elementS Coz Sasuke had two element (fire and lightning) Naruto's elements should be water and wind to counter sasuke's (but no element mixing so no ice release) He should get weapon he's good at Coz sasuke had the Fuma shuriken before the time skip so Naruto should also get one preferably a counter to the Fuma Naruto should get better clothes to wear on missions Coz its espionage and back at base its a uniform (ranked tshirt green army pants and combat boots. And last the ranking tshirts orange for guests(when Naruto wakes up in the base he wears this and nobody can talk to him before he decides if he wants to become a SHERUB agent or not ...obviously yes he does) Grey for trainees (Naruto gets this one after he says yes and starts his 100 SHERUB training so this is when team 7 is there 3 months of d-rank after 10 days of training with Kakashi) Light blue for graduates(Naruto gets this after he finishes his SHERUB training and a day before team 7's c-rank) Navy blue for outstanding performance (this he gets when he finish his first mission same time as the zabuza mission his mission for example could be killing gato after Kakashi called for backup after the first battle with zabuza too make things easier F0R team seven) Black for excellent performance a number of times (he gets this in shippuden after the mission where sasuke kills orochimaru why is he in team 7 Coz sasuke ran away so Naruto does what sai does in shippuden...replace sasuke. Oh and he gets a partner after finishing SHERUB training could be any oc
Categories: General Fiction Characters: Naruto Uzumaki, OC, Pair OCNaru
Summary: Inspired by my spree of Shika fics, him as the main character in a coupling I would like to see Shikamaru in the center of a love triangle, but not the traditional TemarixShikamaruxIno one I mean female characterXShikamaruxMale character...the two people after Shikamaru could be an OC or a Naruto character. In the end Shikamaru has to choose one to be with, one that he loves truly.
Categories: Het Romance Characters: None
Summary: So as of recently Shikamaru has become my favorite character and there are not nearly as many good stories on him as there should be. I'm not looking for any romance stories but rather "friendship-like" one involving him and any other character. I really would like to see a good teacher-student or father-son one with Asuma or Shikaku. There are a lot of stories involving Asuma's death in the Hidan and Kakuzu arc but I'd like to see an alternate universe where Shikamaru died. This "challenge" is really broad, but as long as it. involves Shikamaru it's good. I like long stories but one-shots are good too.
Categories: Alternate Universe & Crossovers, General Fiction Characters: Asuma Sarutobi, Chouji Akimichi, Clan Nara, Hidden Sand Ninja, Ino Yamanaka, Kiba Inuzuka, Naruto Uzumaki, Neji Hyuuga, Pair ShikaTema, Shikamaru Nara, Team Asuma, Temari
Summary: Majority of the story must be on a PLANE (not private jet). Eventually, one of the ninjas must try to FLY the plane (hehehe). No lemon. No yuri or yaoi (I have nothing against yuri or yaoi, it's just too common now). At least try to make it funny. Keep the characters acting like their usual selves. Don't make up any main characters. Good luck.
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: Write an AU fic a about any of the characters, preferably the Konoha nin, in their twenties. They are in a 'college' of sorts, and two of them realize that they are made for each other. The others decide to hold a joke shotgun wedding for the two after they date for a while, and it all just goes both uphill and down after that.

1) No gayness. I don't mind gay fics, but I DON'T LIKE THEM EITHER.
2) Keep everyone in character as much as possible, but if you feel the need to be random, GO FOR IT!!
3) Include the Sand Sibs if you want, but please make them allies.
4) If you want, use created characters, but keep it at one or two.
5) Lemon and graphic lemon are okey-dokey in my book. In fact, I encourage graphic lemon and lemon fics. The more there are, the merrier I am!
Categories: Het Romance Characters: None

Summary: Ok, I'm leaving this up to you to do what you want. The only thing I really want is some of the less seen NaruX____ pairings out there, such as ItaNaru, or ShikaNaru. I've read a lot of SasuNaru and NaruSasu, so I think the others should have a chance with the blonde. I don't care what category or who the guy is, just as long as you have fun with it while you do it. Also, I want plenty of graphic lemons.
Categories: General Fiction Characters: None
Summary: No one does song fics! So here's the chance to use your favorite songs and make a song fic! Here are the rules: 1)Must have at least one song incorporated. 2)Try to create something no one else has.(like you use a song no one's every heard. You can use a song you composed!) 3)have fun with it! :) Have at!
Categories: General Fiction Characters: None
Summary: This is a challenge I've been thinking about lately. Since most songfics are done using songs that are romantic in nature, I figured it would be a good idea to mix it up a bit. The challenge is simple: make a songfic using a song of your choosing, provided that the song you choose isn't a love/romance/lust/infatuation song. It can be about whatever you want so long as it follows this. Think up a clever title, and post it.
Categories: General Fiction Characters: None
Soul Memory by Titan of Saturn
Summary: Where Sasuke goes back in time, without Naruto. Method for going back in time must be accidental and somehow include Orochimaru, and Sasuke can not automatically decide to change things for the better. There has to be some angst in how he handles it. Otherwise story plot is totally up to you.
Categories: None Characters: None

A Sasuke X Naruto, slight AU, high school setting, story challenge based on the book called Speak by Laurel Halse Anderson. I would really love to read it. The characters should be around 15 or 16 years of age, hence, Naruto Shippudden category

Summary: Known as hyperactive, prankster, loud-mouth, during the middle-school Uzumaki Naruto was an average B-grade student with lots of friends. However, upon entering the 9th grade, he suddenly becomes mute and silent. His friends, especially Sakura, from old school hates him and treats him like nothing. And people / students he doesn't know glare at him from a distance. This is because he busted the end-of-the-summer party by calling the cops--a major infraction of the High-School Society--yet when they arrive he's nowhere to be found;he earns the hatred of his friends and peers, when they learn it was Naruto who busted them. In school, he comes to be known as the squealer who destroyed everybody's fun and party. His grades starts dropping, his relationship with his parents & peers deteriorates, and he starts skipping classes. Naruto comes to believe that the safest place is to be alone, inside his own head, and not to talk too much, which makes him even more mute and silent. But even that's not safe enough because there is something he's trying very hard not to think about. Naruto doesn't want to remember, something about the night of the party. No matter how hard he tries, it won't go away until there is painful confrontation.

Rules & Requirements

  • Rating / Type:Rated PG-16 or higher / multi-chapter
  • Pairings: Sasuke X Naruto, OC / canon character X Naruto, Minato X Kushina. Other pairings can be decided by the author/authoress (it can be het, yaoi, or yuri, whatever the author/ authoress prefers).
  • Warnings: graphic rape, graphic lemon, depression, references to cutting etc.
  • I should acknowledged as the challenge writer, and the author / authoress who writes will be acknowledged as the writer

Some additional fun stuff

  1. IT can be anyone you want make, canon character or OC, except Sasuke & or Itachi.
  2. Senior prom scene where IT's crime is revealed by Sakura (popular female freshmen) to the student body and the staff as whole chapter by itself. Sasuke (most popular male freshman) & Itachi (popular senior) will be there as well.
  3. Sasunaru relationship (friendship to relationship) should develop slowly, with a lemon in the end
  4. The writer of the can add any additional things if she/he wants.
  5. Happy ending. (meaning no character deaths)
  6. Thanks....
    Categories: Alternate Universe & Crossovers > High School Fics, General Fiction > Naruto Shippuuden, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto Characters: All
Summary: Any paring multi chapter story. Idea:When Yondaime sealed the kyuubi it was sealed into two people because it was too powerful to be sealed into just Naruto. Who ever the other (female) person the kyuubi is sealed into is to be paired with Naruto. No one but the Yondaime knew about the other kyuubi prison. Optional: Mental connection bethween the Naruto and the other person
Categories: Het Romance Characters: None
Summary: Naruto likes Sasuke more than a friend. One day he tells him how he really feels, Sasuke says that Naruto is like a brother to him so he can’t really think of having relationship with the blond. Sasuke asks if they can stay like that, Naruto agrees. Times goes by and Sasuke slowly starts to grow feelings towards the blond but does the blond still feel the same as before?
Categories: Characters: Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki
Summary: I want somebody to write about this- When Naruto was walking home and he saw Sasuke sitting on the bridge he walked over and talked to him and later on they becomes best friends and Sasuke never went for revenge. And when he saw Itachi he lost his memory and hugged him knowing that he is his brother. Itachi's eyes got watery and he went back to konoha and Itachi went to kill danzou and took the sharingans back. Charaters- Naruto Sasuke Itachi Danzou Sakura and Kakashi sorry about that
Categories: None Characters: Naruto Uzumaki
Summary: Naruto, Sasuke, Gaara, and Neji are vampires from a different dimension, they are being sent to Dimension Earth 1 with a single purpose, to save it. Their doubles in DE1 are supposed to grow up to become terrible rulers of the Naruto lands, with no remorse for anyone, they have to stop this before it can surface. They have 2 years to change their double's ways of thinking, if they cannot do that, then they must kill them.

Other rules

~Vampire Naruto is not to be stupid in this, hyper maybe, but he needs to be laid back like after the timeskip in the manga. V. Sasuke is not to be an asshole, and is to be on 'somewhat' friendly terms with V. Naruto. V. Neji has no caged seal, as they don't believe in slavery in their dimension. V. Gaara and V. Naruto are lovers, because that pairing rocks.

~If you take this challenge, make sure you use correct grammer, spelling, etc.

~Kyuubi is sealed in V. Naruto and Regular Naruto. He/She has the same personality in both realms. (i.e:Angry)

~In the beginning there must be some voice resonating from seemingly nowhere as they get their assignment.

~Must have one of the Reg. chars bumping into one of the Vamp. chars and saying: 'Hey, you look just like me!

~They can do anything you can think of as vampires, but they are not invincible. They'll die if they get hit in the heart and bleed too much stored blood, but sunlight doesn't affect them.

~Under no circumstances can they be 'Gary Stu's'.

~V. Gaara is 'somewhat' psychotic, R. Gaara is psychotic anyway. (Unless you decide to put this after the Chuunin exams, in which case, he's not.)

~Must have one instance where the vamps. are attacked by some gigantic monster coming out of the ground while they ride on the back of a cart.

~Can contain all or none of the characters listed that aren't main characters.

~Have fun writing, make it at least 10 'good, long' chappies. (Meaning 4-5 pages a chappie.) ^_^
Categories: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance Characters: None

Summary: I've always wondered about the Fourth Mizukage, and who he was before he was manipulated by Madara. So, I challenge someone to write about the Fourth Mizkage from before that time. The only rules are:No lemons or yaoi and such (though blood is okay), at least more than a few chapters, and at least good grammar. Anyway, to whoever answers this challenge: Good Luck!
Categories: General Fiction > Pre-Series Characters: None
Summary: Multiple Fandom CROSSOVER:
Naruto x Gundam Wing x Harry Potter
Pairings: Heero x Duo (1x2), Harry x Male of your choice, Sasuke x Shikamaru, Choji x Ino, Gaara x Hinata, Neji x Haku, Draco x Snape...

Time Periods: After Wave Arc (Start of Naruto part), Sixth year (Harry Potter part), When the Gundam Pilots are 16 yr.s old.

Summary: After the mission in the wave, Naruto's mask cracks as Sasuke basks in Konoha's misplaced worshiping, Kakashi ignores Naruto and Sakura ostracizes as she blames him for Sasuke's close encounter with death. Naruto's offered a chance at a new life by Kyuubi under the stipulation that they merge with a young Shinigami. Alone and desperate Naruto agrees. After merging with Kyuubi Naruto finds himself in the futures and a few years younger than he was. He soon becomes Duo Maxwell, Gundam Pilot 02. However as fate would have it Heero finds an old record that says that five boys, who called themselves 01, 02, 03, 04 and 05 appeared in the year 1996 and joined a second force called Konoha twelve (That include Haku) in protecting a boarding school Hogwarts from a history altering threat. Without much of a choice, since it already happened, the Gundam Pilots offer their services to Hogwarts in the year 1996. However, Duo has reservations and has been acting suspiciously since the Konoha Twelve was mentioned. When Duo comes face to face with his older teammates, he fights to hide his identity. However, a situation arises when he had no choice, but to reveal himself. Drama/Action/Romance.

Please contact me if you're interested.
- Casey

Categories: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance Characters: Shino Aburame, Chouji Akimichi, Gaara, Haku, Sakura Haruno, Kakashi Hatake, Hinata Hyuuga, Neji Hyuuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Shikamaru Nara, Rock Lee, Asuma Sarutobi, Tenten, Sasuke Uchiha, Iruka Umino, Naruto Uzumaki, Kurenai Yuuhi

Okay, so I want to read a really good Gaara/Sakura fanfic! I would like for it to be detailed, not rushed through - make it lengthy and worth reading! They still have to be ninjas and everything, it can take place whenever. And Sakura must become best friends with Temari and Kankaro! (I don't know why, it just seemed like it would be really cool to read) I like fluff! But no lemons, yuri, or yaoi!

I may try and write a fic myself, but until then I would like to see what any of the superb writers on here can write! So good luck!!!

Categories: General Fiction > Character-Centric, Het Romance > Fluff Characters: All, Pair GaaSaku