The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

Main Categories

Het Romance [1090]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [643]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
General Fiction [1738]
Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [860]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
An area to store fanfic information, such as bios, maps, political histories. No stories.

Site Info

Members: 12004
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47377178
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40727
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: shikimarus left ball
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other

Summary: Okay, I was listening to Les Misérables and I thought about it. Since it's about the French revolution, I decided that it would be cool to have Naruto characters put into a real war. Rules: 1) You must use a real war. Foreign or otherwise. You're free to choose your war. 2) When choosing your war, please pick one you know about or do some research. 3) You can use characters that are yours or someone else's. As long as you give credit to the person who created it. (You don't have to give credit to yourself, but if you want to, you can.) 4)Have FUN! Fun is good because we can tell if you're bored with your own story. :)
Categories: General Fiction Characters: None
Naruto Leaves!! by Freedom
Summary: Something like when Naruto leaves Konoha for some various reason and becomes incredibly stronger while he meets someone. He comes back in 1-5 years for Konoha just in time for Chuunin Exam or Juunin Exam. Like it to be Hin/Nar
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: I want to read a story that has Shippuuden Naruto still lusting over Sakura. Hinata confesses her love to him, and he still doesn't give up on Sakura. Lust taking over him, he uses Hinata as a replacement for Sakura.
Categories: Het Romance > Top Six Pairs > Naruto and Sakura, Het Romance > Angst, Het Romance > Top Six Pairs > Naruto and Hinata Characters: Hinata Hyuuga, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno
Summary: Write a stroy with this basic idead: Jiraiya takes Naruto to visit his old friend, Chef from South Park. He uses a weird Jutsu to get them there, and forgets how to bring them back. Chef must be Pre-"Tom Cruse won't come out of the Closet" Chef, not the "The Return of Chef" Chef.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: I might write this myself...but I want to see what you can come up with also. | | Dojutsu of the Furyan, the "Eyeshine". | Anko as Teacher. | Takes up Silent Killing from Zabuza. | Speed Training from Haku. | Knife training from Asuma. | Gets the Summoning Contract for the Bioraptors. | Semi Dark not Evil Naruto. | Badass times Deauce Naruto. | Sarcastic Naruto. | Sasuke/Sakura/Kakashi Bashing. | Remorseful yet still Sadistic Kyuubi. | Female Kyuubi. | | Info: | Naruto's Custom Hand Knives. | Each of the knives is shaped like a teardrop, and are held with the tip of the "teardrop" pointed to the right side of the Right wrist for the Right Hand and to the left side of the Left wrist for the Left Hand. essentially Naruto holds them in a reverse grip. Like Asuma with his Knuckle Dusters. | They are are made of Furyan Steel which is found only in Uzu no Kuni and is a metal that is stained red from the blood of the Furyans of the past. It can only be wielded by a true Furyan. | When he activated his bloodline the Sandaime was forced to give him a scroll that was left to him by his mother before she died. In the scroll was many things for him including enough Ore to make a pair of Charkra Enhanced Hand Knives. | | Furyan: | The Furyans are a near extinct race of passionate warriors. Naruto is the last of the Furyan race and, due to the Genocide of Uzu no Kuni, he becomes the Alpha Furyan, which is the strongest and leader of the Furyans. | The Furyan Kekkai Genkai when accessed for the first time Physically forces a change on the Furyans body thereby making them stronger than a normal person allowing them to heft the impressively weighted Ore known as Furyan Steel, faster, tougher, harder to damage and injury, possess acute senses, immense stamina, and recover quicker than most of the Human races in the Riddick Universe. Riddick, the Alpha Furyan, the strongest and most powerful Furyan, possesses | Their "Eyeshine" is a Dojutsu, which allows them to see in the dark with an almost Infrared like view. | Naruto was born with the ultimate form of the Furyan Bloodline which is known as the Wrath of the Furyans, also known as the Furyan Rage which is the collective anguish, pain, suffering and anger of the thousands of Furyans who didn't escape the mass genocide of the Uzu no Kuni people.
Categories: Alternate Universe & Crossovers > Crossovers Characters: All
Summary: Okay, everyone's heard of Zorro. Has anyone ever heard of Zorro the Gay Blade? I didn't think so. It's about a gay Zorro basically who wheres a 'plum' colored uniform. I want Naruto to be a gay Zorro and Sasuke's the girl except he's a guy. They fall for eachother. Try making there first run in together a little comical but sexy at the same time. Like a Mike Meyers with Antonio Bandaras. Wierd combination, I know. Just do it. You can have anyone you want in the story.
Categories: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto Characters: None
Summary: I have searched for a naruto fic where naruto has kidomarus powers you can choose wich pairing it will be i dont care but i have two requests one NO YAOI two naruto can go over to orochimarus side but only if he returns to konohas side later just one more thing HAVE FUN :)
Categories: None Characters: Naruto Uzumaki
Summary: there is not so many naruto X harem storys so now i am setting upp a challenge the one that answers to this challenge first gets a cookie
Categories: None Characters: Naruto Uzumaki
Summary: okay, i for one have never read one story about naruto falling for anyone other than hinata and sakura. c'mon, lets get some variety going here! please!!!! The plot-line is yours to design and write, but please no yaoi, yuri, or graphic lemon or anything. take the relationship slow, like a real life relationship and not a "love at first sight because of an imprinting thing the nine tailed fox has or anything! and the longer the story, the better!!! :P Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!! ~Crimson Lily
Categories: OC-centric, Het Romance > Fluff, General Fiction > Naruto Shippuuden Characters: Naruto Uzumaki, Pair OCNaru
Summary: When ever I play my game named "Luigi's mansion", I was always itching to make it a challange. Can you make a story where Naruto gets a mansion in a contest that he didn't enter? Then he gets word that someone has kidnapped his friend sasuke Uchiha. Can naruto and the others save him? This is a little scare of the sort. Their is some other things that could be included in this story. Make it long, I love long stories. Make it scary, really scary You can make up the characters for this one too and put in any naruto character of your choice. Have fun writing.
Categories: Alternate Universe & Crossovers Characters: None
Summary: I want a team where Naruto (or any of the other Rookie 9, Team Gai or Suna Siblings) become jounin and get their own team. One per team can be a character from the show, but the other 2 should be OC. Any pairings are fine.
Categories: OC-centric Characters: None
Summary: Ok. I love fanfics where something happens that causes Naruto to leave the village and sooner or later get caught by Akatsuki. who for some reason can't remove the Kyuubi from him. They allow Naruto to join when he asks and Itachi trains him. Soon he becomes the new Akatsuki leader and heads to Konoha to destroy it...after he gets there, sakura is the new rokudaime and, after killing 2 of his friends, he and itachi have to fight her...will naruto come to his senses? or will he live his life as the leader of akatsuki, and the most powerful shinobi in the world?You decide!(preferebly itanaru but if you dont like writing yaoi then a non pairing story is fine as well)
Categories: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Itachi and Naruto Characters: Sakura Haruno, Itachi Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki
Summary: all i want is a NaruXHina starting at the academy all the way up til he graduates to jounin,marries Hina, fights Sasuke(Note:you don't have to kill him, you can make him come back to the village),someone kills Orochimaru, the Kyuubi demon is realeased, can be good or bad, your choice, Naruto has a son, Naruto's Hokage. (You can put these in any order you want to happen) i dont care what it rated, whether it's smut, fluff, but NO YAOI, i also dont care of there are any other relations in the stort, but it has to focus on NaruXHina, the characters i put down are mandatory
Categories: Het Romance > Top Six Pairs, Het Romance > Top Six Pairs > Naruto and Hinata Characters: None
Summary: You are a highschool student and a diehard NARUTO fan. One day, Neji is transported to your world and you meet him. You are supposed to teach Neji to mix in with normal people like yourself. The situation can be anything you like as long as it is funny and includes either Neji embarrassing you in front of the entire school or your best friend getting a crush on Neji.
Categories: None Characters: Neji Hyuuga
Summary: ok. this is one of the ideas that had been stuck in my head, and well, i wanna just see if somebody can write a story about it. it is (beginning) Naruto watched as Hinata walked out of the Konoha Gates and into the darkness that surrounded what was outside of the gates. Little did he know the person who unconciously gave his heart to is meeting the people whose sole purpose is to capture him: Uchiha Itachi and Hoshike? Kisame. over the years they bump into eachother ....the rest I leave up to you!! the challenge: make it NARUxHINA no matter how far apart they may be their love for eachother is strong. Naruto would trust her. Notes: Hinata IS STILL "GENTLE!" it should be a pretty long story with long chapters.
Categories: Het Romance, Het Romance > Top Six Pairs > Naruto and Hinata Characters: None
Summary: A crossover to resident evil and Naruto. The Naruto crew wakes up one day to find themselves in a village of living dead and must try to survive. Sakura is rescued from a zombie just in time by Naruto and decides to rethink her feelings about him. NaruSaku
Categories: Het Romance > Top Six Pairs > Naruto and Sakura Characters: None
Summary: I want someone anyone to make a story with the Naruto characters as children going to preschool. You can contribute OCs if you like but it doesn't matter. Have them talking like children should. They have to be at least 4-6 years old. Add the Sand Siblings if you want to.
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: Since I've seen a few Naruto/Pirates of the Caribbean crossover challenges, I'll add something similar yet different at the same time. What I want is a Naruto/One Piece crossover, preferably a long one. You can have Naruto characters go into the One Piece universe, or vice versa. You can even have Naruto characters growing up in the One Piece universe or vice versa if you like. Romance is encouraged, but not necessary. You can have yaoi, yuri, or straight. Smut is all right, as long as you know what you're doing.
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: Alright, since I love both Phantom of the Opera and Pirates of the Carribean, I wanted to mishmosh them with Naruto. You're allowed to have one or both that meet with Naruto characters and you can let the plot bunnies run wild from there.

Rules: 1) You MUST use at least four characters from both Naruto and the movie you choose. 2) Be creative! Put some crazy twists in the plot! 3) Please do your research on the movie. It's really hard to read a fic that doesn't make sense as far as the original goes (So don't make the Phantom's face flawless or the Kraken a bunny or something.) 4) Must have a part where the organ in played by both the movie and Naruto characters. 5) You MUST check for errors in spelling and grammar.

Rules for the Phantom people: 1) There must be some mention of what happened to the phantom's face. (Either the fire or the birth defect, whatever you like better.)
Rules for Pirates people: 1) You must mention the Black Pearl, the medallions, and/or the Dead Man's Chest.

Optional additions: Phantom: 1) Add a PhantomxNaruto Character pairing. 2) An argument over who plays the organ better.(Erik or a Naruto character) 3)You can have some songs.

Pirates: A name for Davy Jones' woman(maybe even add her in there somewhere). 2) A PiratesxNaruto character pairing. 3) An argument over who plays the organ better(Jones or a Naruto character) 4) You can mention why Davy Jones and his crew are part fish. (Make something up that sounds good since they didn't explain it in the movie.)

Have fun! I'll probably put one up too, just for kicks and giggles! I know this one's kind of hard, but I'll suffer with you!
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: I want stories about an OC of your creating, with one of the following Naruto Characters; Itachi, Deidara, Sasuke, Neji, Gaara, or Kiba. I would prefer long, but well written, or short and cute/fluffy. No parodies, or yuri. Yaoi is fine, just no F/F. Um...EVERYTHING is allowed as far as genres go, or content, as long as it IS a romance, with OC and a char. listed above. Thank you all very muches.^^
Categories: Het Romance > Warned, General Fiction > Naruto, OC-centric, Het Romance > Fluff, Het Romance > Angst Characters: Deidara, Gaara, Itachi Uchiha, Kiba Inuzuka, Neji Hyuuga, OC, Pair OCGaa, Pair OCItachi, Pair OCKiba, Pair OCNeji, Pair OCSasu, Sasuke Uchiha
Summary: An OC (boy or girl) falls into the world of Naruto with the knowledge of whats gonna happen in the future from watching the anime. But this OC lands near Akatsuki instead of the obvious Konoha. Yaoi allowed no Yuri. All ratings. Chaptered. Romance and Adventure, can add other genres too. Preferably pairing with Itachi, Sasori, Pain, or Hidan.
Categories: OC-centric Characters: Akatsuki
Summary: i would like to see a good OC and Itachi fanfic. the oc character must be male and younger then Itachi. that is all. thankyou. P.S. you can go all out with this one. put anything you want in it. the only thing that has to stay the same is that Itachi has to be with the oc. he can have lovers and so can the oc. and you can make it dark, agnst, or anything you can think of. i will enjoy reading them all. good luck to all of you who respond to this.
Categories: OC-centric, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Angst (Shonen-ai/Yaoi) Characters: Pair OCItachi
Summary: The official TONFA Valentine 2009 challenge

Pairings allowed:
Het, Shonen-ai/Yaoi and Shoujo-ai/Yuri; OCs welcomed
Ratings allowed: from U to 18; no R18 (PWPs) allowed
Genres allowed: all
Warning allowed: everything but Death and Rape

The theme for the challenge is Valentine day, there must be involved in some way chocolate, flowers and a ribbon.
Submissions are accepted from now until the 22th of February.
Categories: OC-centric, Het Romance > Fluff, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Fluff (Shonen-ai/Yaoi), Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance > Fluff (Shojo-ai/Yuri) Characters: All
Summary: I was wondering if I could see a fanfic where certain characters were secretly these characters from the game: Amaterasu/Shiranui (same character), Tsukoyomi, Susanoo, Oki, Ninetails, Yami, Waka, Orochi, and maybe the Satomi Warriors. The people I have already picked are Naruto-Amaterasu, Yondaime-Tsukoyomi, Itachi-Susanoo, and Madara-Oki. The story is that these people are undercover as their aliases as depicted in the anime/manga but are really special ANBU forces created by the Shodaime and Nidaime to protect Konoha & its allies from enemies and itself. The characters are not the gods but chosen reincarnations of the gods. Also, Shiranui is Naruto's second form in this one. They can transform to their divine/demonic counterparts. The nine bijuu are guides for each of the characters (thus why there are nine characters) but Naruto has one for each form: Amaterasu & Shiranui. Near the end where Pain attacks the village, Naruto and the others blow their covers and take him down. Sasuke can not be one the chosen, Sakura neither. OCs are allowed. Kakashi can be one. Also, if you pick a character that dies supposedly around that time, they don't die because, well, they're gods.
Categories: Alternate Universe & Crossovers > Crossovers, General Fiction > Timeless Characters: Naruto Uzumaki
Summary: Okane ga nai is an OAV series you can watch here: There's a summary on that page too. If you can work it out, I wanted to have Sasuke as the uke because it makes more sense in that he has a relative that sells him at an auction and Itachi is involved with a gang. But, it would be easier probably to make Naruto uke because of his character...Also he's smaller than Sasuke and blond like Ayase (the uke character in OGN)and Sasuke, being an Uchiha, stands a chance of actually having as much money as Kanou (seme in OGN). And it'd be cool to work in Haku as that crossdessing character in OGN who's name I can't recall. If no one takes this up, I'll write it when I have more time.
Categories: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto Characters: None