The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

Main Categories

Het Romance [1090]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [643]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
General Fiction [1738]
Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [860]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
An area to store fanfic information, such as bios, maps, political histories. No stories.

Site Info

Members: 12004
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47377178
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40727
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: shikimarus left ball
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other

Summary: I would, presonally, LOVE a story about Kakashi trying to convince Iruka to get rid of some of the stuff he keeps around the house- mostly presents given him by students. Iruka must have sound reasoning for keeping each one, and I'd like it best if he won in the end! Feel free to add OC students to give him stuff as well as the known ones.
Categories: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Kakashi and Iruka Characters: None
Summary: -NOT ANBU- Konoha has a group of people that only the Kage knows about. Their goal is to protect and guide Konoha without it's knowledge. They are master manipulators that hide in plain sight, playing the rolls necessary for their goal. STONG IRUKA!! *sniff* not allot of those... Main Members: Itachi- Current Mission - play roll of psychotic 'cracked' nin' Eliminate Uchiha Clan Threat (Complete) then rendezvous with our Akatsuki Spy and integrate into organization. Sasuke - Current Mission - Play roll of 'Angry, revengeful little brother' graduate top of class (complete). Attract attention of Orochimaru (complete), Join Orochimaru. Naruto - Current Mission - play roll of 'hot headed emotional idiot' Fail graduation to draw out Mizuki, graduation on completion (complete). Have Akastuki feel un-threatened. Hinata - Current Mission - Play roll of 'Shy quite girl' Silent support. Information gather. Ino - Current Mission - Play roll of 'Sasuke's Fangirl and Sakura's rival' Silent support. Information gather. Kotetsu - Current mission - 'errand-boy or "gopher" and irresponsible' Information and Data. Masters Mouth. Izumo - Current Mission - 'errand-boy or "gopher" and Responsible' Information and Data. Masters Mouth. Master: Iruka - Current Mission - 'sensei' scout potential members, keep track of info and data. "Secret Keeper". Iruka is somehow threatened to exposure, or death. This leads to the new Hokage, Tsunade, to learn of them through a confrentation with Izumo and Kotetsu. - use seals and jutsus to ensure the secrecy of the group. THEY CANNOT BE FOUND OUT!!! Konoha would fall apart if it did not have the silent guidance. little lovin? Don't Care the rating just if you do pair them up... >< KakaIru? Of course Kakashi CAN'T KNOW until Tsunade does... I am sure that can cause a lot of relationship issues.
Categories: None Characters: Akatsuki, Bijuu, Clan Uchiha, Hinata Hyuuga, Ino Yamanaka, Iruka Umino, Itachi Uchiha, Izumo Kamizuki, Kotetsu Hagane, Kyuubi (Kurama), Mizuki, Naruto Uzumaki, Orochimaru, Pair KakaIruk, Sarutobi Hiruzen (Sandaime Hokage), Sasuke Uchiha, Tsunade
Summary: I'd like to read a good story about Kyuubi becoming released from Naruto but he is a cute little fox pup. He still has his mass amount of chakra but he can't access it because of a collar or something that is controlled by Naruto. Naruto however is able to access Kyuubi's power. I want the story to go on about how Naruto and Kyuubi eventually bond or something and they battle Sasuke or someone powerful. Rules: 1. Non-romance focused 2.Good fight scenes 3. Must contain at least one chapter of fluffiness with Kyuu and Naruto. 4. Must be at least 10,000 chars/words long. 5. I'd prefer it take place during the Shippuden 6.Everything else is up to you.. Note: I can co-author or betaread for anyone who accepts this challenge.
Categories: General Fiction > Character-Centric, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Fluff (Shonen-ai/Yaoi), General Fiction > Naruto Shippuuden, Alternate Universe & Crossovers > Minor AU, General Fiction > Post-Naruto, General Fiction > Timeless Characters: Kyuubi (Kurama), Naruto Uzumaki
Summary: A baby boy is the product of Sasuke and Sakura`s brief union. For her, it was love. For him, it was lust. Sakura is left alone to raise the child. She trys to keep it a sercret.Their child is very powerful. He carries the powers of Sasuke and Sakura. The boy`s heart becomes filled with hate, when he discovers the secrets surrounding his birth.He hates his father for leaving him and hurting his mother.The boy becomes a threat to the hidden leaf village.The boy becomes like the person ,he never wanted to be ... His father. In the end, Sasuke must confront and fight his own son.( Only one rule: keep it clean!) No lemons please
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: Well, where to begin.... I guess I'll start with that concept that we all love so much. The idea of a real world person suddenly falling into the Naruto universe. Now, don't get me wrong, the concept is amazing. I myself am a total sucker for that kind of thing. But I think it's time to be different. Instead, let's have a Naruto character end up in the real world!


1) The world of Naruto MUST be a manga/anime in your fic. There is a difference between normal alternate universes (examples are high school fics) and a character realizing that he/she is in a different world.

2) The time period is the 21st century. Technology and all. A few instances where the character has difficulties using any form of technology are greatly welcomed.

3) The character has to learn how to survive in the real world.

Your choice:

1) You can choose how old your characters are.

2) You can choose which character enters the real world. Naruto is probably the main choice, but anyone is accepted.

3) Romance? Sure, why not.

4) The Naruto character can either stay in the modern world or try and find a way home.

If you wish, I can beta your story, all you have to do is ask me. Okay, now I'm done. Have fun!
Categories: OC-centric, Het Romance > Fluff, Alternate Universe & Crossovers > Real World Characters: OC

Let's put them spotlights on some of the lesser-seen yaoi pairings!

I'd like to see some Asuma x Shikamaru (consensual, please!), Shino x Kiba, Neji x Shikamaru, Neji x Kiba, Kankuro x Shino, and Kankuro x Kiba happen! I prefer plots to pwps, and it doesn't make much difference to me if it's a oneshot, or multi-chaptered.

I offer to BETA any and all responses, if he author so desires.

Categories: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance Characters: Shino Aburame, Neji Hyuuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Shikamaru Nara, Asuma Sarutobi
Summary: At the heart of a war-ravaged Otagakure, where a battle for the rebels of Sound ensues, are the nin of Konoha. And among them are the Fire Country's finest of warriors - the now full-grown Rookie 9 and Team Gai. It is their way of the ninja to fight in the name of all that is good and right, but as Lee is haunted by visions of one blue-eyed Sound-nin, he begins to see that war deserves no glorification - it's all so wrong. 1. A Lee-centric story. Gai will be the next major character, as the tale should dabble in the likeness of their father-son relationship, as well the way in which Lee is losing faith in the 'power of youth' and killing for the sake of killing. 2. The war is between Orochimaru, his sound subordinates and the ninja of Konoha, who fight alongside the Fuuma Clan (a group of people who intend to regain their freedom from Orochimaru). I want this war to be very dark and very real. This'll be a serious, angst-filled fic, intended for an eventual character death. 3. The choice to use the idea as a one-shot or series fic is entirely up to you. 4. Pairings may be included, but strictly as back-story. No Lee x Gai.
Categories: General Fiction > Character-Centric Characters: Rock Lee
Summary: Hey guys, this is my first time posting a challenge here! I hope it'll be interesting enough for you to write it hehe~ ^^ So, this is a Naruto high-school AU. Reader-insert! It's going to be somewhat dark, or just plain dark, mwahahaha. The reader is an average highschool girl: she's quite studious, has a couple of friends which she sees regulary outside of school and has a great relation with. She's a curious girl and like the adventure, but is careful where she steps at the same time. When dared to do something, she doesn't like to back off and be seen as a coward, she has pride and want to be acknowledged as a strong girl. Her life is pretty simple and uneventful, that is until she meets a certain someone. That guy will gradually change her life for the worst and cause her downfall. The guy doesn't seem bad at first, he's quite friendly, but doesn't talk that much and has that mysterious aura around him and his mischievous/sneaky smile (as if he's always up to something). He seems to be an average student with really good marks, that is even if he skips school sometimes. There's some rumors about him and his group of friends (like stealing, fighting, causing mayhem, smoking, drugs, etc.) but it's nothing to be alarmed of. (In fact, it's all true, but the reader doesn't need to know that at first mwahaha) SOME POINTS. -The reader will slowly hang out with the guy and his friends and they will introduce (more like influence) her in doing things out of her comfort zone. (like trying drinking for the first time, smoking, minor shoplifting, going to partys, etc.) Obviously, it's going to get more important as the story develops. -It'll lead her to have a whole new behavior: skipping school for no reason, getting bad grades, stealing when she has no money on her, picking up fight, etc. and all of that, without the influence of her new friends anymore. -The more she hangs out with the guy, the more she neglects her studies and her friends, who will obviously start to worry a lot. It will worsen to the point of her being mean to them and treat them like shit. -I would like this to be long or not rushed (if possible :3) so that we can clearly see the psychological change that occurs on the reader and the relations that gradually increase or decrease. -You're totally free to decide the guy's friends and the same goes for the reader's! :3 -Bad or good ending? Your choice! -You can put violence, abuse, swearing, rape, drug use, I don't mind~ -It may have whatever pairings you wish! But it must be a readerxmain guy! It can have sides pairing with the reader, I have no problems with that. ^^ -It must be a multi-chaptered story, obviously. -You can change the title if you wish, just mention somewhere that it's my challenge ^^ Now, with the main guy's character, it can either be: Naruto, Sasuke, Madara, Sasori, Itachi, Gaara or Pein. I think that's all~ I hope I didn't scare you guys with all theses requests hahaha! I really am looking forward to read it if someone chooses my challenge! Feel free to message me if you have any questions. :D
Categories: OC-centric, Alternate Universe & Crossovers > High School Fics Characters: All, OC
Summary: Nagi is a tomboy who just moved into konoha, she has no family they were all slaugterd when she was young, she dresses like a boy, acts like a boy and fights like a boy too, she hardly talks to anyone, she has a cool attitude towards other people but rather be left alone but one day her lonelyness disapeard when naruto came into her life
Categories: Het Romance Characters: None
Summary: yeah i know the name is lame, but right nw im craving for a tayuya/sakon(or ukon) pairing, a Tayuya/Kidoumau pairing, a Kin/Dosu pairing or a Kin/zaku pairing....actually anything involving kin or tayuya would be fine but prfereably one of the couples mentioned...yeah...romance please and i dont care how much or little lemon you put in it
Categories: Het Romance Characters: None
Summary: I had a dream that Madara was like evil overlord... and he had slaves... and he captured my boyfriend and I and made me his sex slave. So I was hoping someone could write a story centering around the main character (whoever it may be... perhaps an oc) as the sex slave. Doesn't need to match my dream... just something along those lines...
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: xD Here's a challenge. There isn't many MadaraxOC fics out there. And plus, he's quite a hard character to write~
Categories: None Characters: Akatsuki
Summary: Okay, I love these. All you have to do is make a fanfic that looks like it came from the akatsuki chatroom. it can be smutty, or FUNNY, and anything in between. MUST HAVE ALL AKATSUKI appear at at least one point in time or be mentioned. GOOD LUCK
Categories: General Fiction > Naruto Characters: Akatsuki
Summary: Shino loses his glases and jacket. A lot of girls see him while he's looking for them and... LET THE CHAOS ENSUE!!!!!!!!! Sasuke wants to kill shino for stealing his fanclub, Shikamaru wants to kill him for stealing Temari and Ino, Tsunade tells Naruto he's never going to be Hokage and she going to pick Shino (you can tell what he's going to do) and now he wants to... yes, KILL HIM!!!! Jiryah(did i spell it right?) wants to kill him for getting him thrown in jail for being a perv, Orochimaru decides he wants Shino to be his new vesle, kiba... ok you can choose from here on out but you must 1. folow the discription somewhat 2. do what ever the frick you want as long as its hectic 3. have Choji pledge eternal vengence on Shino for eating a bag of chips!! 4. try to have a... ahh who the heck cares as long as it's funny!!! shino harem
Categories: MadFic > Other Characters: Shino Aburame
Summary: 5.) Main Characters: Naruto Pairing: Naruto/Zabuza, no SasuSaku Premise: Naruto is sent back to the beginning. Where his ninja life started. But he's broken. He's emotionally unstable, erratic, his hear and soul were ripped to shreds. So he changes his dream. Instead of being a konoha shinobi he becomes a missing nin and the physical age of 12. The boogie man that would protect Konoha without the village knowing about him. Rules: 1. He has to decide to be a missing nin in wave. 2. Somehow he has to convince Zabuza to trust him enough to kill Gato and leave the mission behind. 3. During the exams he has to fight and almost defeat (or defeat it's your choice) Orochimaru.
Categories: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Warned (Shonen-ai/Yaoi) Characters: Naruto Uzumaki
Summary: You Can Take Any OC You Want From My Story "Children of Today, Rulers of Tomorrow" And Create A Background Story For Them, Using Whatever Info I Gave In The Bingo Book. Have Fun Expressing Your Creativity!
Categories: OC-centric Characters: OC
Summary: ok. I need a story where sakura Deeply hurts Naruto where he comes back a changed man. I also need to have Sakura deeply regret doing that to him and i need her to try undo her mistake and win him back. I don't care where you take the story, as long as it there is eventual naru saku you can put other pairings in there as long as the main paring is naru/saku. peace
Categories: Het Romance, Het Romance > Top Six Pairs, Het Romance > Top Six Pairs > Naruto and Sakura Characters: Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki
Summary: i want Naruto to have a older brother who is an in a secret group known as the hokage's right hand and 3 years older then Naruto who doesnt know bout him yet and Naruto has a crush on Ino instead who rejects him at first but secretly harbors feelings for him and the hokage's right hand is a group of 10 elite nin who act as guidance for the genin while naruto's brother(dont care what you name him) is asigned to Naruto's group oh and Naruto's mother is alive and takes care of naruto but doesnt know her oldest is still alive and that he has awakened the Uzimaki bloodline which puts the sharingan and byakugan together to shame dont care what it does or what you name it but i have 4 rules 1.NO DEATHS 2.ino is in narutos group instead of sakura 3.naruto's brother has red(exact same red as his mothers) spiky hair 4. some naruino romance plz dont see enough of it........ i would do this my self but i suck and writing things so plz someone do this
Categories: OC-centric Characters: Clan Uzumaki, Ino Yamanaka, Kushina Uzumaki, Naruto Uzumaki, OC
Summary: I have never seen this pairing done in fanfiction before and I am currently obsessed with it. It is... Ranma SaotomeXNaruto Uzumaki!!!!!! There is to be no Ranma turns into a girl permanently. It also has to involve a dream between the two and a confrontation (On Ranma's part) with the fiancees and the others. Oh and for good measure, throw in some liberal amounts of angst. Other than that, you can do what you want. Have fun!
Categories: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Angst (Shonen-ai/Yaoi), Alternate Universe & Crossovers > Crossovers Characters: All
Summary: im not really good with lemons so am gonna ask someone to do it for me!(Yes i am that lazy) Alot of the times we see Sasuke as a seme and Naruto the uke. Sure he's cute and huggable but hey! he needs a turn on top too! So anyone who would like to write one of these Naruto seme X-rated ficcies please let me know! Oh and if you know any storys were he is a seme please, dear god, let me know!!!!! THANK YOU!
Categories: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto Characters: None
Summary: naruto has to be the slut of the town (he needs to be the hotteset slut) all of the guys want to get into his pants nobody an resist him and he always gets want he wants naruto is always the uke and there has to be at least one scenewhere he is gang banged (and he enjoys it but struggles to not show it)
Categories: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Naruto and Gaara, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Sasuke and Naruto Characters: None
Summary: I want to read a story when the naruto gang go on a camping trip. 1.Must be funny 2.Must have Gaara,Naruto also sakura and sasuke(More if you want) 3.Needs one scene where they all play truth or Dare. 4. cant be super super short 5. Well besides those other rules anything goes!
Categories: General Fiction Characters: None
Summary: It is well known that Naruto wishes to be hokage but I don't see Naruto as the Hokage for one reason. That reason is that being the hokage probably means doing things that the hokage doesn't want to do but has to and I don't see Naruto doing this. So instead this is about Naruto and some others creating a group that will do any mission for the right amount of money. Note: Not evil just not super good. Some members of the group must be Iruka and others from Konoha. Dont really care about the pairings but must include Sasunaru (have to be together in the end) other than this it does not matter.
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: I am a big fan of Naruto, but an even bigger fan of The Rocky Horror Picture Show by Richard O' Brian. I want to see if anyone could pull of a Rocky Horror-Naruto Style fanfiction. It can include any of the Naruto characters...and I would like it to include the songs! You have fun with that now, I await the results. Please...propper grammer and what not while writing this though, I don't want to feel like stabbing my eyes while I'm reading it. And no 12 year old Naruto stuff, they need to be older.
Categories: General Fiction Characters: None
Summary: Naruto discovers that he has a the Hyuuga Bloodline. MUST be only bloodline. Must be a little before chunnin exam.
Categories: General Fiction > Naruto Characters: Clan Hyuuga