The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

Main Categories

Het Romance [1090]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [643]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
General Fiction [1738]
Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [860]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
An area to store fanfic information, such as bios, maps, political histories. No stories.

Site Info

Members: 12004
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47377178
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40727
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: shikimarus left ball
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other

Horror Movie Madness by Horror Movies
Summary: All you have to do is write a fic based on a horror movie. It can be any movie and you can change anything you want. All I ask is that you stick to the main plot(s) of the original movie. Anything else is up to you. Simple, ne?
Categories: Alternate Universe & Crossovers Characters: None
Summary: All you have to do is write a fic based on a horror movie. It can be any movie and you can change anything you want.
All I ask is that you stick to the main plot(s) of the original movie. Anything else is up to you. Simple, ne?
Categories: Alternate Universe & Crossovers Characters: None
Summary: What if Naruto was to accidently kill Sakura, and decided to give up being a ninja. After he leave the village the Kyuubi offers one time deal to change him into a fox. Naruto was transformed into a fox but on the third day of being a fox he trapt and put on sale. He is purchased by the Hyuuga clan to help Hinata get over Naruto.
Categories: General Fiction Characters: None
Summary: I'd love to have a deep love story between Neji and Gaara. A very sad one as well, with lots of dreadful things happening to both of them (sorry). There could be social differences between them or anything you might think of. And I want a terrible end. One that could make everyone cry. Yes for graphic lemon scenes, but make it rather realistic please (no sex without deep love). I don't care if there are any other pairings as well, yaoi or not. The protagonists, in addition to Gaara and Neji, must be Naruto, Sasuke and Haku. You can add whoever you like as second characters to help the plot (shikamaru should be a priority). Gaara must be 18 and Neji 15. Since he's the youngest one in the story, I want Neji to be a slightly bit innocent. Not really shy but innocent, because of the circumstances (come up with something) in which he lives.
Categories: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance, Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Top Pairings > Gaara and Neji Characters: None
Summary: I want a story where Sasuke tells Naruto that he's always there for him, no matter what happens. But when Naruto truly needs him, he's never there. He's off somewhere with Sakura because he doesn't want anyone to think of him as homosexual. Naruto gets depress although no one notices but Hinata, who isn't allowed anywhere near Naruto because of Sasuke. Soon, Naruto can't take all the hurt inside of him and kills himself. Sasuke, along with everyone in Konoha, starts to hate himself for the cause of Naruto's death. There could be lemon or no lemon. I don't really care. just want a sad story that makes people cry. xp
Categories: None Characters: Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha
Summary: Put your ipod on suffle and write a one-shot or drabble based around a character or pairing that you think relates to them!
  1. anything goes; yaoi, yuri, smut
  2. have fun

  3. Categories: General Fiction > Character-Centric Characters: All
Summary: Write a multi-chaptered fic (at least five chapters but no more than thirty) where either Itachi or Sasuke is trying to kill you (reader-insert) and the other brother has to keep you alive (for his own selfish reason). Try not to go overboard, but come up with a good reason as to why either would want you dead/alive. No pregnancies, no all out romance (unless it's well developed and doesn't take over the story), no yaoi, and email me when you've started/finished. Bonus points if you can avoid making the reader a Mary-Sue.
Categories: General Fiction > Character-Centric, General Fiction > Naruto Shippuuden, Alternate Universe & Crossovers > Minor AU Characters: Akatsuki, Itachi Uchiha, OC, Sasuke Uchiha

Style: Time Travel

Pairings: Kakashi/Naruto or Iruka/Naruto or Itachi/Naruto or Male Kyuubi/Naruto or Kabuto/Naruto (Naruto must be Uke) 

Changes: Itachi is innocent, Kabuto is a spy for Konoha, Naruto was always far more intelligent and perceptive than he let on to ANYONE.

Original Timeline: (By Naruto's age)

6 yrs. old: Naruto meets Kabuto, who begins to teach him medical jutsus and the his pecial way of fighting. Kabuto keeps Naruto's secrets and Naruto does the same for Kabuto.  

7 yrs. old: Naruto disappears for two years and the Sandaime has no idea where he is. The council can't have Naruto listed as a missing ninja because he was never in the academy.

9 yrs. old: Naruto reappears and is obviously traumatized by whatever happened. He never speaks of it. However, his abilities have improved drastically. He's faster than before and has more control over his chakra. When he returns he enters the ninja academy. Naruto presuades the Hokage to have the Academy have the pretense that he failed 3 times already.

All follows the same events as in manga, but Naruto is hidding his genius and power. It aruptly changes when he dies after dfeating Gaara. Time travel happens. 




1. Naruto is not an ice prince and should never be

2. Naruto is perceptive about human interactions and acts according to how he wants people to want him to act. He's also very empathic and sympathic. He subtly fixes nasty situations.

3. He's diplomatic but desiguises this with his manipulative skills.

4. Naruto must have two bloodline limits, one original one and the other Haku's

5. Naruto must have long hair

6. Naruto must not be malicious or have any negative intent during his time travel. He must now be looking out for himself.

Please contact me at:

When you post the first chapter! 

Categories: Characters: None
Summary: I would like to see a Ino and Hinata love story. After a mission the two girls grow feelings for each other but can they keep their love a secret from their fathers and their clans. Must be 4 chapters long each chapter must be 661-704 words long. Please let it be a yuri and hentai story.
Categories: None Characters: Clan Hyuuga, Clan Yamanaka, Hinata Hyuuga, Ino Yamanaka
Summary: After coming to the conclusion that it would be really interesting, my friends and I went on a hunt for Iruka/Mizuki fics. Unfortunately, our hunt was nearly fruitless except for a small flower titled 'Day and Night' (found on this board). You may use Iruka/Mizuki in any way you would like (former lovers/rape/present lovers). Whatever! It's up to you!
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: Here is the challenge: tell what is weird about Fanfictions in general, but TONFA in particular. I plan to be posting a few, just so you get the idea.
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: A situation in which it was Hizashi, not Hiashi who became a member of Main Branch. Show how it would affect Neji's personality and Hinata's personality. No particular genre other than Hyuga centric.
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: I would like to see a awsome fight between Itatchi and anyone from the Naruto universe(except dead people). Do it however you want, have them fight for any reason. Just no romantic reasons or Yaoi. Also, if you want to read a cool Action/Adventure story with Rock Lee, Kiba, and Naruto check out my story, Full Moon Over a Mysterious Forest., today
Categories: General Fiction Characters: None
Summary: Hey. So, the other day, I was reading a fanfiction about Gaara, and i thought 'Why are the only fanfics about jinchuurikis about Naruto or Gaara, why aren't there any about the others?' So, here is my challenge: write a fic about either the two, three, four, five, six, seven, or eight tails. You can make up you own host, or you can use an already existing one. I'd prefer the jinchuuriki be female, but that's just becouse I'm a girl. Other people who read it might like a male protagonist better. Anyway, I'd like it to be a romance and I don't care if it has lemons or not. Good luck to whoever accepts the challenge.
Categories: OC-centric Characters: None
Summary: What if the reason Jiraiya is such a pervert is that he's never actually been with a woman? What if everyone found out? *Evil grin*
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: First off, I'll explain what a joint story actually is. A joint story is when the writer comes up with the idea but allows members to submit their own original characters in a review or through contact. Then the author places the OC into the story, writing the fanfic with all of the accumulated OCs.

The author can choose how many characters they want in the story, any specific requirements in creating an OC, etc, etc.

The challenging part is writing about characters that aren't yours and getting their personalities right. Also, creating a story out of a bunch of random characters is a difficult task all on its own.

So what do you say? Are you up for the challenge?
Categories: OC-centric, General Fiction > Naruto Characters: All, OC
Summary: No matter how hard I look, I have yet to find a fic where Naruto, Sasuke or any of the rookie 9, suna siblings or Gai's team become jounin and take on a genin team. You can have any pairings but the main focus should be on the genin. The genin should be OC.
Categories: OC-centric Characters: Team Rookie Nine
Summary: Well, basically the challenge is this: Naruto and friends defeat go toe to toe the Akatsuki and save the world. Simple enough idea right? There should be tonnes like this to steal from... Wrong. I have scoured the entire internet and the onlt thing remotely like this that I have found is the Manga itself. In this challenge, Naruto (and/or others) are a lot more powerful than their canon counterparts and can basically go toe to toe with the Akatsuki and make it so that the outcome can tilt either way. Requirements: Decent fight scenes One or more of the rookie nine (including Team Gai and Suna) with sannin level power. Akatsuki only killed by said 15 characters Anything else is up to you. Shonen-ai, and Character Bashings are disouraged, but allowed.
Categories: General Fiction > Timeless Characters: Akatsuki, Team Gai, Team Rookie Nine, Team Sand Siblings
Summary: Ok, I have looked through the yaoi archives, and I don't believe I found a single KabuNaru story! There needs to be some good KabuNaru fluff on here D: SO, here is my challenge! I want someone to write a bit for that pairing! 'Course, I have my rules too. 1. I want it to be FLUFFEH. So I'd prefer it to stick around a PG rating, 15 is the limit. 2. There can be hints of outside pairings or one-sided love, or whatever. 3. Please, please, do this for me... wow, i'm sounding desperate...

No... I don't actually know what it means by fluff... I go by what I think it means though XD
Categories: Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance > Fluff (Shonen-ai/Yaoi) Characters: Kabuto Yakushi, Naruto Uzumaki
Summary: I have yet to see a three way with them, and I think it needs to be done. And Sasuke isnt allowed in the - he can be metioned as being in a reationship with one of the three, and he can be in the fic at one point, but SASUKE SHOULD NOT GET ANY! He gets enogh from all the SasuNaru out there. ><
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: I want a story where Kakashi is the one who rescues Anko from Orochimaru's forces, bringing her back to Konoha. You can detail it or not, but the main thing is that they fall in love or atleast have sexual escapades (again, you can detail or not) and intimate feelings towards each other. Please make it something worth reading.
Categories: General Fiction > Pre-Series, Het Romance > Warned Characters: Kakashi Hatake
Summary: I would really like it if someone would make a KibaHina fan fiction, it is my favorite couple, and i feel they don't get enough recognition.
Categories: Het Romance > Top Six Pairs > Kiba and Hinata Characters: Kiba Inuzuka
Summary: I want a fight. i want a fight between Sasuke and Naruto. it doesnt have to be like the waterfall battle. trick this, i want Naruto to win and I want Sasuke to die. make it graphic and intresting. make a funeral scene too. i want to know what you think the other girls would feel if they knew he killed Sasuke. Sakura and Hinata.. NO LEMONS OR SMUT! make it clean, well blood is okay, lots of blood.
Categories: None Characters: None
Summary: This has aboslutely nothing to do with "Kingdom Hearts". I want a story to be about Hinata as the princess of Konoha. She's 15 years of age and her 16th birthday is 3 months away. She's going to be getting engaged to either Itachi, Haku, or Sasuke so make her choose and it has to be princess/kingdom type.
Categories: General Fiction, Het Romance > Top Six Pairs Characters: Haku, Hinata Hyuuga, Itachi Uchiha, Sasuke Uchiha
Summary: KisaTen! That's right - Kisame and Tenten. This is a very rare pairing, but a kick ass one! I'd rather not have one where Tenten gets kidnapped or anything - that's just silly. They definately need to beat the crap out of eachother before they feel any attraction! Harharhar! So, other than extreme violence you can do whatever you want! ...Hell, you can exclude the violence, if you want. Just give me a KisaTen, pleeeaaaase!
Categories: None Characters: Kisame Hoshigaki, Tenten