Title: A Bond Of Heart and Soul
by ravenoftheshadows12 [Reviews - 11]
Summary: This series is going to include the difficulties and joys of the heart and heartbreaks so i hope you enjoy.
Category: Non-Naruto Fiction > Poems, General Fiction > Naruto, OC-centric, Non-Naruto Fiction > Original stories
Characters: All
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 2
Challenge: None
Open: Moderated
[Report This]
Category: Non-Naruto Fiction > Poems, General Fiction > Naruto, OC-centric, Non-Naruto Fiction > Original stories
Characters: All
Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 2
Challenge: None
Open: Moderated
[Report This]
Title: Collections of a dream...
by Cherished [Reviews - 0]
Summary: I must be crazy... rnTemari: yeah. we didn't notice. rnme: SHUH! fine, i must be crazy-ER than i thought, after two and a half years -has it really been that long?- I'M BACK! anyways, this isn't exactly a Naru-fanfic. it's more like a collection of song lyrics i've written...and yeah. the explanations in the first chapter. read and see please! XD
Category: Non-Naruto Fiction > Original stories, Non-Naruto Fiction
Characters: None
Genres: Poetry
Warnings: Dark, Death, Drabble
Challenges: None
Stories: 0
Challenge: None
Open: Open
[Report This]
Category: Non-Naruto Fiction > Original stories, Non-Naruto Fiction
Characters: None
Genres: Poetry
Warnings: Dark, Death, Drabble
Challenges: None
Stories: 0
Challenge: None
Open: Open
[Report This]
Title: Collections of a dream...
by Cherished [Reviews - 0]
Summary: I must be crazy... rnTemari: yeah. we didn't notice. rnme: SHUH! fine, i must be crazy-ER than i thought, after two and a half years -has it really been that long?- I'M BACK! anyways, this isn't exactly a Naru-fanfic. it's more like a collection of song lyrics i've written...and yeah. the explanations in the first chapter. read and see please! XD
Category: Non-Naruto Fiction > Original stories, Non-Naruto Fiction
Characters: None
Genres: Poetry
Warnings: Dark, Death, Drabble
Challenges: None
Stories: 0
Challenge: None
Open: Open
[Report This]
Category: Non-Naruto Fiction > Original stories, Non-Naruto Fiction
Characters: None
Genres: Poetry
Warnings: Dark, Death, Drabble
Challenges: None
Stories: 0
Challenge: None
Open: Open
[Report This]
Title: Collections of a dream...
by Cherished [Reviews - 0]
Summary: I must be crazy... rnTemari: yeah. we didn't notice. rnme: SHUH! fine, i mustbe crazy-ER than anyone thought i was...after two and a half years -has it really been that long?- CAT IS BACK BYOTCHES!!!!! XD anyways, this isn't exactly a Narufanfic per se, it's more like some lyrics me and a friend wrote and'll have to read the explanation in the first chapter to understand. ^.*
Category: Non-Naruto Fiction > Original stories, Non-Naruto Fiction
Characters: None
Genres: Poetry
Warnings: Dark, Death, Drabble
Challenges: None
Stories: 0
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
[Report This]
Category: Non-Naruto Fiction > Original stories, Non-Naruto Fiction
Characters: None
Genres: Poetry
Warnings: Dark, Death, Drabble
Challenges: None
Stories: 0
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
[Report This]
Title: Heart, Soul, and Mind
by theez [Reviews - 26]
Summary: Battles Rage. A Battle of the Hearts. A Battle of Souls. A battle in a mind.
Category: OC-centric, Het Romance > Fluff, Non-Naruto Fiction > Original stories
Characters: OC
Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 1
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
[Report This]
Category: OC-centric, Het Romance > Fluff, Non-Naruto Fiction > Original stories
Characters: OC
Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 1
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
[Report This]
Title: Tears of Humanity
by demonchick25 [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Dai is an eleit assasin, after a screw up in her fist mission, she is stuck with the very odd Rai. can they defeath their enimies and stay alive, without trying to kill each other?
Category: Non-Naruto Fiction > Original stories
Characters: None
Genres: General
Warnings: Death
Challenges: None
Stories: 0
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
[Report This]
Category: Non-Naruto Fiction > Original stories
Characters: None
Genres: General
Warnings: Death
Challenges: None
Stories: 0
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
[Report This]
Title: Tradewinds
by shadesmaclean [Reviews - 1]
Summary: rn
Category: Non-Naruto Fiction > Original stories
Characters: OC
Genres: Action/Adventure, Dark, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Supernatural
Warnings: Death
Challenges: None
Stories: 21
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
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In the tropical islands of another dimension, the tale begins, of ancient martial arts and hi-tech weapons, forgotten secrets and those who seek them, the intertwined adventures of several characters, following a journey to haunted places and lost realms…
Category: Non-Naruto Fiction > Original stories
Characters: OC
Genres: Action/Adventure, Dark, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Supernatural
Warnings: Death
Challenges: None
Stories: 21
Challenge: None
Open: Closed
[Report This]