Summary: Hey guys, this is my first time posting a challenge here! I hope it'll be interesting enough for you to write it hehe~ ^^
So, this is a Naruto high-school AU. Reader-insert! It's going to be somewhat dark, or just plain dark, mwahahaha.
The reader is an average highschool girl: she's quite studious, has a couple of friends which she sees regulary outside of school and has a great relation with. She's a curious girl and like the adventure, but is careful where she steps at the same time. When dared to do something, she doesn't like to back off and be seen as a coward, she has pride and want to be acknowledged as a strong girl. Her life is pretty simple and uneventful, that is until she meets a certain someone. That guy will gradually change her life for the worst and cause her downfall.
The guy doesn't seem bad at first, he's quite friendly, but doesn't talk that much and has that mysterious aura around him and his mischievous/sneaky smile (as if he's always up to something). He seems to be an average student with really good marks, that is even if he skips school sometimes. There's some rumors about him and his group of friends (like stealing, fighting, causing mayhem, smoking, drugs, etc.) but it's nothing to be alarmed of. (In fact, it's all true, but the reader doesn't need to know that at first mwahaha)
-The reader will slowly hang out with the guy and his friends and they will introduce (more like influence) her in doing things out of her comfort zone. (like trying drinking for the first time, smoking, minor shoplifting, going to partys, etc.) Obviously, it's going to get more important as the story develops.
-It'll lead her to have a whole new behavior: skipping school for no reason, getting bad grades, stealing when she has no money on her, picking up fight, etc. and all of that, without the influence of her new friends anymore.
-The more she hangs out with the guy, the more she neglects her studies and her friends, who will obviously start to worry a lot. It will worsen to the point of her being mean to them and treat them like shit.
-I would like this to be long or not rushed (if possible :3) so that we can clearly see the psychological change that occurs on the reader and the relations that gradually increase or decrease.
-You're totally free to decide the guy's friends and the same goes for the reader's! :3
-Bad or good ending? Your choice!
-You can put violence, abuse, swearing, rape, drug use, I don't mind~
-It may have whatever pairings you wish! But it must be a readerxmain guy! It can have sides pairing with the reader, I have no problems with that. ^^
-It must be a multi-chaptered story, obviously.
-You can change the title if you wish, just mention somewhere that it's my challenge ^^
Now, with the main guy's character, it can either be: Naruto, Sasuke, Madara, Sasori, Itachi, Gaara or Pein.
I think that's all~ I hope I didn't scare you guys with all theses requests hahaha! I really am looking forward to read it if someone chooses my challenge! Feel free to message me if you have any questions. :D
Categories: OC-centric, Alternate Universe & Crossovers > High School Fics Characters: All, OC
Categories: OC-centric, Alternate Universe & Crossovers > High School Fics Characters: All, OC