The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Site Info

Members: 11991
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
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Reviews: 40827
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Newest Member: Toki-doki
Challenges: 255
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The Fox and the Raven by xRedxPandax

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Chapter notes: Fox - Naruto
Raven - Sasuke
Cat - Sakura
Wolf - Kakashi
Sighed the Fox. Whom had just walked home from training. He dives onto the sofa then makes himself comfy.
"Kakashi is always late.. so we have to train for longer.. It's already dark..!"
Moans the Fox, As he closes his eyes for a rest. Loud knocking then starts from the front door.
"I'm Coming, I'm Coming!"
Yells the fox, walking drowsily to the door. He opens the door and notices the pink haired Sakura standing at the door.
"Sasuke-kun! Is he here?!"
"No.. Why--"
Naruto stops, watching the cat walk into his house. He follows her to the sofa and watches the cat sit down. He drags a chair to face her and sits down.
"So.. whats wrong?"
The fox says, looking at the cat with confused eyes.
"Sasuke-kun has gone.. And no one can find him.. We havnt seen him since the end of training.."
Naruto's eyes widen and he makes his hands into fists.
"That idiot.. I did'nt think he would--..."
"He would what? Do you know where he is, Naruto?"
The fox rises from his seat and moves the chair back where it was. He walks to a small table near the window and grabs his backpack and walks to the kitchen.
He walks back, seeming to have filled his bag with food and drink.
"I'm off too find Sasuke."
Sakura stands and walks out the house, still wondering what the fox has in mind to do.
The fox closes the door after them both and locks it.
"Tell Kakashi-senpai I might be late for training tomorrow.. And I'll have Sasuke with me."
Sakura nods gently as Naruto walks downt he road quickly turning it into a run.
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