The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

Main Categories

Het Romance [1090]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [643]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
General Fiction [1738]
Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [860]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
An area to store fanfic information, such as bios, maps, political histories. No stories.

Site Info

Members: 11998
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: KpopOt7Bias
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 21/07/09 - 11:14 pm · For: Don’t Mess With Chuck Norris and Kuwabara the Powerpuff Girl
Hidan: *reads off paper* "I love Kakuzu with all my heart and he's more important than Jashin." *quickly hugs Kakuzu and kisses his cheek* I'M SORRY JASHIN-SAMA!! FORGIVE ME JASHIN-SAMA!!!

Razor-san: *wide eyes*!!! MY EYES!! *covers eyes and runs in a circle*
Itachi: *eye twitches as he hears the dare*

Razor-san: *waves hand and Itachi's dressed in a pale pink tutu with his hair braided and held in place with a pale pink ribbon.* Ok Itachi! Sing your song!

Itachi: *twitches madly as he sings*I feel pretty

CAnt stop laughing....*falls to ground...too funny~~*pass out from lack of O2....

sry i feel a lil light head now....gimme a min b4 continuing longgg ch

Razor-san: I'm trying to cover my ass so you don't get me sued! >:[ Anyways, you have drink a crap load of soda then burp the alphabet. Got that?

wow ur doing alll my dares! i feel so hapy and loved....tobi tim!!!

Jiraya: *picks up dare list* "Orochimaru has to have a DNA Test to see if Razor is his real daughter or not."

K-gurl: *smiles* This will be good. *snuggles into Kurama* I wonder how Orochimaru is going to react to the news?

yaeee oreo adopted razor!!! ^^ i like oreo and i hav a dare in mind tht scar u for life *evil grin*

love the three dances yae! ^^

sry if this rev = long, im too lazy to do a lot one for all and all for all yal!
plus oreo doing moonwalk = awesome!

i lik tht itachi beats sasuke....just lik the cartoon and if u want more usual song let me no....i got thousands...i mean it...

ok....i going to bombard u w/ dares cause i just drank 2 cups of coffee 1 liter of some caffine drink and a lot of cookies.....brb *goes and runs 5 mi s

Author's Response: lol, We're happy you enjoy it so much!

Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 21/07/09 - 10:55 pm · For: Don’t Mess With Chuck Norris and Kuwabara the Powerpuff Girl
Selene the Greek goddess of the moon

WRONG!!!! GET UR GOD DAMN GREEK GODS RITE! THTS ARTEMIS TWIN SIS OF APOLLO GOD OF MUSIC AND MEDS!!!! hyper on caffinated squirt....and really sugary tea...death note rings the bell eh?

Author's Response: Razor-san: For my lit class we had to learn about the greek gods and goddesses. I'm pretty sure I was right on most of them. >_>

Name: nkbz (Signed) · Date: 21/07/09 - 09:03 pm · For: Don’t Mess With Chuck Norris and Kuwabara the Powerpuff Girl
I don't know if these have been done before, but it can be more material :O


Dare Kiba to pick someone to ride around on Akamaru.

Gaara could dare Sakura to try her power punch vs his sand shield, or the other way around.

Dare Sai to comment on how large Naruto's penis is.


Ask Neji if he believes or thought at one point Lee would defeat him in a 1v1.

Could go on about asking Lee if he secretly drinks Alcohol or is fond of it xP.

Author's Response: lol, ^_^b Alrighty then! Thanks 4 reviewing!

Name: kuramasgurl018 (Signed) · Date: 21/07/09 - 07:50 pm · For: Don’t Mess With Chuck Norris and Kuwabara the Powerpuff Girl
I'll try to think of some dares.


Kurama and Shino: If you had to go back to your worlds, would you go back even if it meant that you would never see Razor-san and K-gurl again?

Haku: Is there anyone you care about?

Naruto: If you could go back in time and change anything, what would you change?


Naruto: I dare you to have an eating contest with Chouji.

K-gurl: Bring any pets the otehrs haven't met in for everyone to meet.

That's all I could think of for now.

Author's Response: lol Ok, looking at all the dares and questions, I say we'll have our self a good next chapter!

Name: nkbz (Signed) · Date: 21/07/09 - 07:19 pm · For: Don’t Mess With Chuck Norris and Kuwabara the Powerpuff Girl
(- -)/

nkbz: *does not finish reading*

I...I don't know how to review this...It's IMPOSSIBLE!

You asked Sai what you would look like if he drew you and he said a stick person? He could have came up with something meaner than that!

...And that's as far as I got...

nkbz: *leaves sneakily* ((((^_^;)

Author's Response: Haha! It was a long chapter! That's fo sho!

Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 19/07/09 - 05:35 pm · For: The Day Sasuke Had Crack
i feel really bad for Gaara but, im also kinda angery GAARA IN THE SHOW IS NOT A CRY BABY! HE'S A KILLER THEN A NON-TALKING GUY!

besides that i have a few more dares that i thought of...

Have Kisame sing Blue by Eifel 65

have Razor and Oreo go to the arade as a Father/daughter bonding tim and play DDR

have Gaara pick a girl/guy ( i dnc) and go out with them for 3 dates...and they have to at least hold hands once!

have Sasuke and Itachi have DDR contest to see whos better, then Sasuke and Gaara

and.....oo oo give 2 monsters, 1 redbull, and a crap load of super sized pixie sticks to Lee, Naruto, Sasuke, Tobi, and then have them singing some chickmonk song!

i also have a few questions fore the charas:

Kabuto do u secretly like Oreo and wish he was ur 'master'

Shino if Razor died or ran off with..uh...some other guy wat would you do

Sasuke wat did ur first kiss taste like

Kakashi what do you have to say to ur pairing w/ Iruka-sensei is 2nd place

Razor have you ever got high off endorfins

Hidan would you do ANY thing in the name of your god Jashin or if you were commanded by Jashin??

and....Orochimaru do you hate the nickname Oreo?

Author's Response: Ah! Thank you for all the reviews! Now we will truely have a show!

Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 19/07/09 - 04:51 pm · For: Host's Day Off
ahhh shino is emo w/o Razor....w/e

i got other idea for a dare........Oreo has a DNA Testing thing to see if Razor is his real daughter or not and.......singings Black or White by Micheal Jackson doing Micheal Jackson sig. moves - moon walk, etc

Author's Response: Razor-san: MUHAHAHAHA! This is the end! I shall prove that me and Oro-snake are not related! *thanks for the dares!*

Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 19/07/09 - 04:03 pm · For: Muchi, Dango, and the Jewish Orochimaru
i love tht song! i nvr new wat it was called b4 ty soo MUCH!

Author's Response: No prob. ^o^

Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 19/07/09 - 03:30 pm · For: Razor-san Shall Be Now Known as "The Bitch"
ok i got another dare...have Sasuke drink a ton of soda and burb the alphabet soilder boy dance with his bro and tobi

Author's Response: Razor-san: I want to learn how to do the soldier boy dance. Hiei: Baka onna. Razor-san: Hey! D:

Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 19/07/09 - 03:20 pm · For: Tobi's a Goofy Goober
i love this dares! i got another one!

Itachi singing I Feel Pretty! a pink tutu with his braided back tied with a pink ribbon, and it has to be pale pink like...Sakura's hair!

Author's Response: We are SO going to have murder attempts this next chapter!

Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 19/07/09 - 02:35 pm · For: OMG!!! Neji is Jason in Disguise!!
Zetsu: Ah, that was sweet! *whistles* Go Itachi! xD That's how we did things in our clan!


couldn't stop laughing at naruto in sexy justu molesting!!!

Author's Response: LOL! Hahaha! Glad you enjoyed it!

Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 19/07/09 - 02:24 pm · For: Chaos in the Morning is 100% Natural, Pink Hair Isn’t
oh oh i got a dare! i dare the akatsuki to do the mock-a-rain-a dance AND......have Hidan say I love Kakuzu with all my heart and he's more imporant than Jashin! also Hidan has to hug Kakuzu and kiss him on the cheek! ^_^

Author's Response: Yaoi!! :X It's everywhere! lol Thanks for the dares!

Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 19/07/09 - 01:56 pm · For: Deidara and Sasori, Our Opinion of Art is: It's Boring tht guy from naruto..if so its not en...i dnk on what the other show is

Author's Response: Hiden is from Naruto. He's the one who's god is Jashin and has a potty mouth. He's an Akatsuki member partnered with Kakuza, the money guy.

Name: Kamisori (Signed) · Date: 12/07/09 - 05:02 pm · For: Deidara and Sasori, Our Opinion of Art is: It's Boring
lol You know we're lacking in the dares and questions when I'M posting some! Hah, plus I'd really like these questions answered! So, here are my questions!

1~Sai: Being my favorite artist in Naruto, (sorry Diedara and Sasori!) if you were to draw me, what would I look like?

2~Orochimaru, Neji, and Ino: Out of all of you, who has the best hair?

3~Kuwabara, Yusuke, Kurama, and Hiei: If you guys could be part of a different anime, what anime would it be?

4~Razor-san and K-gurl: If you two could use the Summoning Jutsu, what would your summon be?

Ok, now a dare or two. :P

1~Razor-san: Has to be withing three feet of Orochimaru the whole chapter.

2~Tamari: Has to steal Kabuto's glasses.

Yeah...that's all I can think of right now. Hopefully some more dares come in so K-gurl and I can update. :]

Author's Response: C= Ha, ha.

Name: Ardisaur_rawr (Signed) · Date: 08/07/09 - 12:05 am · For: The Day Sasuke Had Crack
Yay!!! You have returned!!!

Author's Response: Razor-san: I'm surprised the mob outside my house hasn't done anything yet! ^_^' Thanks for the review!

Name: dalaw (Signed) · Date: 05/07/09 - 10:48 pm · For: The Day Sasuke Had Crack

i was lol'ing from all my questions/dares im sorry there were so many ^.^". more lol's for X-mas in july. Thanks for doing all mine. Dei can try to find me, if he does Ill probably end up molesting him -_-"

Author's Response: Diedara: 0_o Razor-san: lol, your dare pretty much made up half the chapter! xD Thanks for the review!

Name: kuramasgurl018 (Signed) · Date: 05/07/09 - 06:45 pm · For: The Day Sasuke Had Crack
I thought of one.

I dare Ino to get her head shaved.

I dare everyone to dress up like different gods and goddesses from egypt rome, and greece.

That's all I can think of for now.

Author's Response: O...M...G...!!!! Ino is SOOOO going to kill us! xD

Name: kuramasgurl018 (Signed) · Date: 05/07/09 - 06:35 pm · For: The Day Sasuke Had Crack
I'm glad you updated and I'll try to think of some dares and questions.

I can't think of any at the moment so I'll post some once I think of any.

Author's Response: okie dokie!

Name: dalaw (Signed) · Date: 27/03/09 - 09:08 am · For: Who DOESN'T Love Twilight?
its ok. sorry it took me so long to reply my computer broke and i have free time at school currently. it may be awhile. before im on again.

Author's Response: Razor-san: Don't worry I know the feeling. K-gurl: *glares at Razor-san* Razor-san: *sweat drop*

Name: GaaraIsARedPanda (Signed) · Date: 03/01/09 - 01:27 pm · For: Deidara and Sasori, Our Opinion of Art is: It's Boring
I love this story! It is so effin awsome!!! WRITE MORE!!! I DARE YOU TO!!!! >.<


Kiba: I dare you to go on a date with me!!!!! Bwahahahahahahhaha! Love ya Kiba!

Sasuke: (because he hates sweets) I dare him to eat a GIANT CHOCOLATE SUNDAE

Razor-san: Run up to Orochimaru and yell "DADDY! I have come home to you!" hug him

Naruto: Tell Hinata you only loved her as a sister who needed protecting from pervy boys.


Orochimaru: do you want Sasuke for his body or for his "body" body.

Kuwabara: If you are so tough? Why are you nice to the girls ONLY?

Sasuke: How is your clan doing?

Author's Response: Whoohoo! Dares! lol thanks!

Name: miocherryblossoms (Signed) · Date: 24/12/08 - 07:03 pm · For: Deidara and Sasori, Our Opinion of Art is: It's Boring
Awesome!!! I Love how Joe beat Neji and how gaara still misses Cookie.

1) For Ino and Sakura to be super-glued together by the hand for the whole chapter and they can't fight.

2)For the muffin twins to get there first repost cards sent to Itachi.

3)Have everyone say who they like/have a crush on and everyone has to answer.

4)Have Muffin and Cookie come back so Muffin can see her childern

...i think thats it for now. :] Anyways Great chapter!

Author's Response: lol Awesome dares! Thanks for your support!

Name: kuramasgurl018 (Signed) · Date: 24/12/08 - 06:45 pm · For: Who DOESN'T Love Twilight?
Awesome chapter. I have a few dares for everyone.

Everyone: gives whoever they want a christmas gift

That's all I can think of. Merry Chirstmas to everyone.

Author's Response: Merry Christmas to you, K-gurl! I wonder, will Orochimaru get anything from Razor-san? xD

Name: dalaw (Signed) · Date: 23/12/08 - 07:40 pm · For: Host's Day Off

sorry for the spelling mistakes on that one.                     


Author's Response: No worries. No body is perfect.

Name: dalaw (Signed) · Date: 23/12/08 - 07:37 pm · For: Host's Day Off

ok i really like this storie so im gonna(or try to) bombared you with dares/questions

i dare deidara to shave his head bald.

i dare sasuke to dress up in a pink fairy princess dress

i dare kurama to stay as youko.

i dare youko to stay shirtless.

i dare sasuke and orochimaru to be locked in a closet for ten minutes and the closet is inescapable/indestructable from the inside.

i dare jiraya(sp) to not be a pervert and if he cant...he can be tourcherd(sp) by k-gurl,razor-san,faye,siren,britt,and anyone elso who wants to.

i dare sasuke and itachi to smile the whole chapter. if they cannot they cannot sasuke is super blued to ino,and faye  sakura,and and itachi is glued siren and a bunch of itachi fangirls...and there both shirtless.

i dare yusuke so keep his hair ungreased up(=P) like when he first woke up from being dead*drules at thought*

i dare kisame to bleach his skin like micheal jackson and keep it that way for the chapter.

i dare lee to get a maker from a proffesional(sp) and look hot. 


orochimaru did u know ebay is a good source for sasuke plushies and more?

jiraya/kakashi:did you know the internet has porn?

gaara: did you know more people look up your name/you have more hits on google then itachi('s)?

naruto:do you believe?

thats all i can thinkg of... for now*insert evil laugh* 


Author's Response: @_@ So many dares....

Name: miocherryblossoms (Signed) · Date: 18/11/08 - 06:52 pm · For: Deidara and Sasori, Our Opinion of Art is: It's Boring
Hey when are you going to post a new chapter?

Author's Response: When we both have time to write the next chapter. Sorry if it's taking awhile, but I (Razor-san) have been having trouble finding extra time. Hopefully the next chapter will be up soon though. ^_^ Thanks for your patients!

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