The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

Main Categories

Het Romance [1090]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [643]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
General Fiction [1738]
Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [860]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
An area to store fanfic information, such as bios, maps, political histories. No stories.

Site Info

Members: 11990
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: SabakuKyuut
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Reviews For Realization

Name: AphoriditeRose (Signed) · Date: 10/02/09 - 10:31 am · For: Dawn
*sighs with relief*

Phew! That was awesome! I totally didn't see that coming! AWW! Now I feel sorry for Sasuke, too. XD
Hm.. jewelers, 'ey? XD
I hope he's doing the right thing! :0
That was one hell of an awesome twist. XD You really had me going! :P And I especially love how you made the shrink seem like she's insane. Lmao. XD that make me chuckle, so it did. whew, nice healthy dose of angst. XD
Update soon pls :] I'm dying to see what happens next!! ;D xx

Author's Response: Thank you!!
I'm glad you liked it; a few of my readers didn't completely understand it so I'm awsomely impressed when someone does!
Thank you for the review!

Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 09/02/09 - 01:37 pm · For: Dawn
interesting, keep writing i would like to no wat happen next

Name: firecat777 (Signed) · Date: 03/02/09 - 10:57 am · For: Dawn
Wait know I'm confused. Did Sasuke sleep with Mijime or not because I got that impression in the last chapter?

Author's Response:

No, Sasuke never slept with her...The one who was in chapter 10 p.o.v was not Sasuke, it was Ino. And Sasuke and Mijime have nothing but a platonic relationship - Client psychiatrist, with hints of friendship. Sorry for the confusion. I hope you get it now. 


Thanks for reviewing! It's appreciated! Nobody seems to review on here any more =[



Name: Rasha (Signed) · Date: 02/02/09 - 01:24 am · For: Misery
oh, god... I'm confused now...
This girl (I don't want to know her name XD) is a psychologist, right? and Sasuke goes to see her, she can control his anger and he wants to make Naruto happy and then he dumps him? and Ino, she was raped and she told her... as in ask for help. And Sasuke said only Ino knows, right?
So... I'm confused... really...
Well, I'll wait for the next update and I hope everything will turn out just fine...

Name: shinobi101 (Signed) · Date: 25/01/09 - 01:09 pm · For: Misery
I can't wait for the next chapter, that's all I have to say.  I don't like sad endings so please don't make me cry.

Name: AphoriditeRose (Signed) · Date: 16/01/09 - 02:13 pm · For: Misery
She's a lesbian.
clearly. XD

But even if Sasuke does get back with Naruto, he still loved that other girl... O_O PLEASE tell me there's a twist. Sasuke's under her evil spell and he still loves his baby naru-chan and all is happy O_O pls?

as much as it pains me to see it happen - that was a very good chapter XD I actually want to cry lol XD That's how good your writing is. Update asap pls :0 You owe us, lol XD

pretty pls =3

Name: AphoriditeRose (Signed) · Date: 16/01/09 - 01:39 pm · For: What I must do...
I'm actually like, heart broken! How could he love another? even worse, a female!! He loves Naru-chan! Their baby... O_O
I'm going to read on purely for the fact that I know you enough to know you will fix this! But you aren't forgiven just yet :P

Name: AikoMatsuo (Signed) · Date: 16/01/09 - 11:48 am · For: Misery
SASUKE CAN LEAVE HIS DOBE!!!!!! Naruto has to tell sasuke he's pregenant!!!!!! so they can live together ...well.... forever!!!!!

amazing keep it up.

love Aiko

Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 14/01/09 - 06:24 pm · For: Misery
nice!!! keeping writing! i want to know what happens to naruto and how sasuke takes naruto pergant

Name: KKEYA2008 (Signed) · Date: 12/01/09 - 12:49 pm · For: Misery
I serious HATE how Sasuke was so BLATANT in dumping Naruto!!!

Gosh man.... Oh well. Cant wait for more

Name: Rasha (Signed) · Date: 11/12/08 - 09:56 am · For: What I must do...
OMG... omg... o...m...g...

HE.... HE... *sobs*

When I was reading this I was quite mad... My head was like one big volcano ready to erupt... no really... I was so mad... really mad...

I admired you... really, you made me hate Sasuke here, and that's not an easy job.

Wow... I can say I'm in love with this fic, it SOOO good, so real, so... I don't know what.
It's everything.

Now, I'll just sit back and wait your next update. I think you'll surprise me again. ^^

Name: ecdragon00 (Signed) · Date: 04/12/08 - 12:06 pm · For: What I must do...
Well I really did not like this chapter, sorry. I really do not like to read about cheating, it is quite wrong, so it was hard to get past it in the story. I hope things are solved one way or the other, I really enjoyed the beginning and up to he left so I hope things will get better. Well thanks for updating and I think I will wait to one more chapter before I decide if I will finish it. If not you are still one of my fav authors so if you write a new one I will read it.

Author's Response:

I'm sorry you didn't like it =[ However I do urge you to read on because...well...I can't really say aanything without ruining the story but...all is not as it seems! Hopefully the next chapyer will explain things...or make things more clear. Thanks for revewing even though you didn't enjoy it.


Name: ecdragon00 (Signed) · Date: 04/12/08 - 12:03 pm · For: What I must do...
Well I really did not like this chapter, sorry. I really do not like to read about cheating, it is quite wrong, so it was hard to get past it in the story. I hope things are solved one way or the other, I really enjoyed the beginning and up to he left so I hope things will get better. Well thanks for updating and I think I will wait to one more chapter before I decide if I will finish it. If not you are still one of my fav authors so if you write a new one I will read it.

Name: AikoMatsuo (Signed) · Date: 04/12/08 - 11:59 am · For: What I must do...
omg amaizing keep it up love aiko

Author's Response:

Thanks! I'm glad someone actualy liked it...every review I've read so far has been negative. Thanks fotr the support.



Name: Rasha (Signed) · Date: 01/12/08 - 01:07 am · For: Revelations
Omg... my heart broke... so sad... Sasuke is such a bastard. I just hope Naruto never finds out Sasuke was (it will be 'was', ne? he wont fo that again, ne? after he returns, he won't go back to that girl, ne?) cheating on him...

Author's Response:

I won't tell you what is going to happen about that but there will be a big part of the next chapter dedicated to Mijime tehe
I'm glad you're enjoying!


Name: AphoriditeRose (Signed) · Date: 22/11/08 - 04:15 am · For: Morning
You do NOT plan on Naruto/Ino, do you?! Don't go all het on us. *sob*

Author's Response: I promise there will be not het...well not with Naruto or Sasuke anyways. And I have something else planned for Ino. She is going to have a happy ending too!
...I think...I've started heading away from my original plan and adding extra pieces to make it more exiting so...I don't quite know what's going to happen either! But don't worry...


Name: ecdragon00 (Signed) · Date: 21/11/08 - 09:28 am · For: Revelations
Well the story is still good even though I am not a fan of the whole cheating thing, so I hope Naruto leaves the cheater asshole soon and takes the baby lol ,that would be great, hey maybe him and Ino. Anyway, But I do have to say that you are a great writer. Keep up the great work and hope the next chapter comes out soon, the suspense is killing me.

Author's Response:

I do hate to burst your bubble I have said before...there won't be any NaruIno. And I despise cheating as well! It's terrible! So, yeh...the next chapter is coming soon!


Author's Response:

I do hate to burst your bubble I have said before...there won't be any NaruIno. And I despise cheating as well! It's terrible! So, yeh...the next chapter is coming soon!


Name: AphoriditeRose (Signed) · Date: 20/11/08 - 10:51 am · For: Revelations
^.^ They know! they know!
And they're teaching him the jutsu's, incase Naruto's child is a demon, right?
And Sasuke cheating!
There has to be some kind of catch to that. :0
Update soon please!
I'm actually dying to see what happens next :D x

Author's Response:

Hehe...well...lets say in the next chapter a fair few things are revealed!
And there will be much on Sasuke's cheating soon too. Twill be up soon!!!
Thankies for the great reviews...I'm not sure why I've neglected replying to reviews lately...but not any more =]


Name: AikoMatsuo (Signed) · Date: 20/11/08 - 09:48 am · For: Revelations
hay amazing keep it up.

love Aiko

Name: KKEYA2008 (Signed) · Date: 21/10/08 - 12:26 pm · For: An Interesting Discovery
I wonder when Tsunade will tell Sasuke that Naru-chan is pregnant....
More Please ^w^

Name: AphoriditeRose (Signed) · Date: 21/10/08 - 09:10 am · For: An Interesting Discovery
Woo! Amazing :]
X3 Lol :]
Awesome chapter, :]
Lol, yummy! Keptchup and pickles on Ice-cream XD
Huh, kinda like me every month XD
Chocolate and cream cheese.
Nom nom. :]
Lol XD
Love it :]
Can't wait til they find out! That'll be one awesome chapter :]
Update soon pls :]
Loves x

Name: AphoriditeRose (Signed) · Date: 04/09/08 - 02:08 pm · For: Long night
Aw, poor Sasuke :0
But that was extremely well written, I didn't see that coming at all!
And short as it was, I loved it!
Fluff! X3
Lol :] I loves me some fluff

Name: AikoMatsuo (Signed) · Date: 04/09/08 - 12:55 pm · For: Long night
Hay great, my friend AphroditeRose said it was great and of corse she was right. it absolutly amazing, keep it up.
Love AikoMatsuo xooxox

Name: Anki_Tenshi (Signed) · Date: 30/08/08 - 01:16 pm · For: Camping: day five
*rolls about laughing* Poor Sakura!

Hehe lucky Naruto though. Sasuke's gonna stay once they find out ^_^

Name: Shmoobunny182 (Signed) · Date: 19/08/08 - 08:39 pm · For: Camping: day five
That was reeaLLLYLY good!

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