The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

Main Categories

Het Romance [1090]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [643]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
General Fiction [1738]
Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [860]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
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Site Info

Members: 11990
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: SabakuKyuut
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Reviews For Realization

Name: Teresaagnes (Signed) · Date: 08/04/16 - 02:16 pm · For: Morning
Please, please, please tell me you're still going to write more!!! I LOVE this story!!!!

Name: kiki (Anonymous) · Date: 29/08/11 - 10:10 pm · For: Happiness
I fucking love this story to death!!!XD

Name: firecat777 (Signed) · Date: 30/03/09 - 01:05 pm · For: Happiness
well i'm glad you cleared that up i was very confused. also i'm wondering if your going to include the pregnancy and birth along with the epilogue for mejime and ino. and the pregnancy/birth of naruto's kits.

Author's Response:

Yes...Mijime and Ino aren't the only ones who will get a mention in the epilogues; I've planned a few of them - they will be more like mini stories taking place in their future. So yes the birth and the babies and all that will be in there.

Thanks for the review! I appreciate it!


Name: KKEYA2008 (Signed) · Date: 29/03/09 - 06:29 am · For: Happiness
Awwww this was sweet!!!

Excellent Job as always ^^ Can't wait for the next chapter~

Name: AphoriditeRose (Signed) · Date: 29/03/09 - 06:14 am · For: Happiness
In your epilogues, will we get to see the wedding and the baby??

I loved reading this story. It's so tense and GASP-ish. And heartbreaking and cute and ;0 chaaa, i just loved it x]
Lol x
I'll look out for your epilogues. :] xxx

Author's Response:

Yes, you will see some of those in the epilogues. I've already written the first chapter of my next story...however my computer is diffed right now with the internet so I can't upload it; I'm at school right now so I can reply to you because of that, but I don't know when I can get uploading again. Thankfully, I can still write it's not the end of the world...C=

Thankies for being a very faithful reviewing through my story! And I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Watch out of the epilogues because they will be on their way!

Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 27/03/09 - 05:38 pm · For: Happiness
ooooo thts pretty good twist, not the reaction i fig, but then i c this is btr, keep going

Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 27/03/09 - 05:18 pm · For: Answer
very nice, plz show how sasuke reacts to naruto pergancy, i lov to see how tht goes. ur story is very fine, perfectly woven ^_^

Name: elementsofnaruto (Signed) · Date: 19/03/09 - 07:37 am · For: Answer
this is a really good story can't wait till sasuke finds out that naruto is preg.

Name: elementsofnaruto (Signed) · Date: 19/03/09 - 07:31 am · For: Answer
this is a really good story can't wait till sasuke finds out that naruto is preg.

Name: AphoriditeRose (Signed) · Date: 17/03/09 - 02:44 pm · For: Answer

Corr - you are one hell of a brave author. XD and a very persistant one, too. :] I'm so glad that you kept them together, but it's also great that you took it further on the more dangerous side; rather than just a cliché yaoi story. The tension and emotion in it is so intense!
Teh signs of a truley awesome author!! :]

I can't wait for the next chapter, and then soon how Sasuke takes it when he finds out there's a baby on the way! Since he said he didn't like kids. :P Uh oh.

XD Kyuubi is clearly happy now, though. She gots her Uchiha back, and so did Naru-chan :]

Shall be looking out for your next update ;D xxx

Name: AikoMatsuo (Signed) · Date: 17/03/09 - 02:09 pm · For: Answer

omg you have made me soo happy,

it was a fast udate and thank god i though i was going to die of the surspence XP

kepp it up

love Aiko

Name: AikoMatsuo (Signed) · Date: 15/03/09 - 08:25 am · For: Question.

This is AphoriditeRose btw, I'm at Aiko's house :0

-glares- you better update soon... Else I will actually die of anticipation XD

One of the most gripping stories I have ever read :0 YOU MUST SAVE THEIR RELATIONSHIP.

XD I know it sounds like I REALLY dislike you right now, that's a good thing for you, because you know you're stories damned awesome and is really getting to people. XD LIKE ME. O_O I jokes though. I don't really dislike you x] I'm waffling.

I love this story, update soon!! like, really, really, really soon! XD PLEASE.

Name: KKEYA2008 (Signed) · Date: 14/03/09 - 09:25 am · For: Question.

My heart stopped on the last part X.x

Name: nkbz (Signed) · Date: 13/03/09 - 06:12 am · For: Morning
I check up on the most recent updates pretty often and almost vowed at one point to stop reading all the yaoi fics drabbled up by young hormonal fangirls. It's inevitable though as they congest the world of fap fiction. I just had enough coffee and figured I could brave my way through all the "grasping of hardness" and must say this is better than most. I've actually read about three of the chapters and skimmed through others. I'm not sure why you suddenly are telling the story from first person on chapt 13 but I'm guessing there is a reason. Of course Naruto gets a slap of OOC by suddenly being the fragile uke boy, but that's to be expected. The writing itself is pretty good (your other reviewer seems to think you screw up all the time) and you avoid the words penis, sperm, anus and fingers quite well. To sum it up its hawt, over dramatic, the story flows well and the characters share the names of Naruto characters. In the end this is a positive review, and I respect the fact that fans enjoy these types of fics and you provide them well.


Author's Response:

Thank you C= I'm always happy to get positive feedback.
There was a reason that Naruto went ooc at some points hehe, I usually wouldn't do that since I'm not a complete fan of be totally honest I actually prefer NaruSasu...I'm not sure if you can tell by the story but yeah
...i don't like those words lol they make stories sound so much more common, me anyways.

Thankies for reviewing!


Name: mykonosparadise (Signed) · Date: 17/02/09 - 04:38 am · For: Dawn
Ok,maybe I was wrong,but I was really sad and kinda pissed at Sasuke for doing that with Mijime...But (there's always a 'but',isn't there?)I'm still sad,because I have the feeling that Sasuke's feelings towards Mijime are real,and he actually lost his interest in the blonde,and lost all of his love he felt for him...that's what makes me sad...And when is Sasuke going to find out about the pregnancy?!

Author's Response:

C= I'm glad you're still reading.
Trust me, you'll be happy very soon.
And It might be a while before the pregnancy thing gets sortedout =P
...I know...I'm evil!


Name: mykonosparadise (Signed) · Date: 14/02/09 - 03:58 am · For: What I must do...
Let me tell you this-I had a hard time returning on reading this chapter again after I read the part with the stupid/blind/egoistic/dumb fuck called Sasuke and that girl (I don't even want to remember her name).My whole excitement and the wish to read this story has completely vanished...
I want to be honest with you since the two of us began talking over mail,and you seem very nice,and it seems that you love the same type of stories I do,so...I want to be honest:If I weren't in love with Naruto,and if I wouldn't have the longing to see what's going to happen to my beloved blonde and his baby,I wouldn't continue reading this story.

Although I'm very disappointed,I'll continue reading it even if only for Naruto...that's all I got to say...

Author's Response: Yeah...I'm pretty sure that I lost allot of readers at this point in the story.
But you have to believe me when I say; not everything is as it seems!
I'm really glad that you haven't given up on it, because I'm sure you'll be very happy with how things turn out!


Name: mykonosparadise (Signed) · Date: 14/02/09 - 03:49 am · For: An Interesting Discovery
I know it's a bit sad,but I laughed my ass off when Sasuke and Naruto were yelling at each other in the kitchen,and what for Kami's sake was Naruto eating there?!

The sentence Gaara said:
“He’s a beautiful baby. I love him. But I also hate him.”

It was very 'hard' and left a great impression on me...Hell,everything-every single work he said-was true...

P.S.I love it when the two of them are having rough/hard/kinky sex...XD

P.S.Kaname...?Isn't Saukra's baby supposed to be Tifa? O.o


1....he could here Naruto in the bathroom,...-maybe-...he could hear Naruto in the bathroom,...
2.“Yeh.” They were having a...- 'Yeah'
3....unlocked it before swinging It open...-maybe-...unlocked it before swinging it open...
4.“No thanks ...-maybe-“No,thanks...

5. she certainly didn’t se anything wrong with the food.-maybe-she certainly didn’t see anything wrong with the food.
6.“I think you should leave.” Sasuke’s voice held no emotion but Tsunade could ...-maybe-“I think you should leave.” Sasuke’s voice held no emotion,but Tsunade could ... soon as he heard the door close behind her he let out breath he...-maybe-as soon as he heard the door close behind her,he let out breath he
8.streets of konohagakure. maybe-streets of Konohagakure.
9.over-dominant way sasuke acted...-over-dominant way Sasuke acted
10.Fuck me Sasuke!” -Fuck me, Sasuke!”
11., “there’s a good baby.", -“There’s a good baby."

Name: mykonosparadise (Signed) · Date: 12/02/09 - 06:07 am · For: Long night
I also think that it isn't obvious that Naruto is pregnant...I mean-no one would be tipping at's not obvious...

The scene in the hospital was so dramatic and sad at the same time,i...I really don't know what to say...I'm really overhalmed by it...

'He wondered if Naruto felt like this when Sasuke snapped at him.'-this sentence is very good...I loved it.

1...a leg thrown over Sasuke’s and his blond clad head resting against the ravens shoulder -...-maybe-...a leg thrown over Sasuke’s and his blond clad head resting against the raven's shoulder ...
2.“Yeh lets go.” Kiba gently pushed...-maybe-“Yeah,lets go.” Kiba gently pushed...
3.“Uhuh. And I keep acting weird...-maybe-“Uh-huh. And I keep acting weird....
5.“Yeh…we were drinking the night before so maybe…”-maybe-“Yeah…we were drinking the night before,so maybe…”
6....I dunno what she did to make him so horny but god!...-maybe-...I dunno what she did to make him so horny,but,God!...

Name: mykonosparadise (Signed) · Date: 12/02/09 - 05:51 am · For: Camping: day five
There was an 'interesting' sentence when Naruto was giving Sasuke a blow-job in the cave:
He looked straight into Naruto’s gorgeous, sparkling blue eyes as his own member disappeared in and out of the blonde’s hot mouth.
I got all hot after that...seriously...;p *drooling*The whole scene was very well written,with many interesting details I mean,and the scene after Sasuke came seemed very realistic as well-maybe it's strange,but I like that scene even better than the blow-job,because it's 'wonderfully' written...And I also love seeing Sasuke comforting the blonde,'cause I love it when someone makes my little Naruto feel safe...X)

1.It was a sigh to see.-maybe-It was a sight to see.
2.“I can’t dobe.”-maybe-“I can’t,dobe.”
3.“Oh and why can’t the almighty Uchiha pick up a stick?...-maybe-“Oh,and why can’t the almighty Uchiha pick up a stick?-or-“Oh?And why can’t the almighty Uchiha pick up a stick?
4.“Oh gosh Sakura!-maybe-“Oh gosh,Sakura!
5.“I guess its just amazing;-maybe-“I guess it's just amazing;
6.“Oh! Yeh…it could be.”-'yeah'
7.“Yeh…and he happened to hang out with Neji a lot; in private.”-'yeah' again...

Name: mykonosparadise (Signed) · Date: 12/02/09 - 05:13 am · For: Camping day four
The 'morning after' was very realistic...fantastic-to say at least-I could really imagine how they looked like.

Oh,Kyuubi looks so beautiful,and her clothes must be really wonderful as well...

1.“Well looked after? Yeh cause spewing my guts up is...-maybe-'yeah' again?
2.“Yeh. I suppose, I was afraid...-the same mistake again...
3.“Yeh but, it feels good in the sun like this. -again the same mistake...
4.A sob broke from the silver haired mans throat and-maybe-silver haired man's...
5.Kakashi is certainly hansom, perhaps even more-maybe-handsome?
6.“Hey Iruka” The Jounin said quietly as he separated fro his love.-maybe-"Hey,Iruka."The Jounin said quietly as he separated himself from his love.
7.Sasuke turned swiftly in the sleeping bag and sat up so that his face was millimeters away from the older mans.-maybe-Sasuke turned swiftly in the sleeping bag,and sat up so that his face was millimeters away from the older man's.

Name: mykonosparadise (Signed) · Date: 12/02/09 - 04:57 am · For: Camping: day three
OMG-I laughed my ass off as I read the drink-game!!!XDThat was a hell of a game-hilarious...hahahahaha...wonderul...!

P.S.Is that me or was Lee drinking at one point?!O.o Shouldn't he and Sakura be the ones not drinking?

1.“Hush, Kiba. Please don’t worry about him…everything will be fine! Believe it, Akamaru is strong and is not gunna go leaving you -maybe-there should be 'gonna'?

2.Sakura followed her best friend closely and dragged Rock lee into the market place also. -maybe-Rock Lee?

Author's Response: Yeah, Sakura wasn't drinking. Lee did drink and I think that's because I totaly forgot about him being mad when he drinks S= I think...I can't really remember though, it was ages ago that I wrote this chapter. Sorry about that hehe...


Name: mykonosparadise (Signed) · Date: 11/02/09 - 05:51 am · For: Camping: day two
Ooh...I almost began pouting at Sakura yelling at Lee...why is she so mean to him?*pout*
An even better description than 'opal eyes' is 'flamingo-haired kunoichi'...definitely unique...
What Naruto said to Iruka was absolutely true and wonderful,even if it came out a little bit harsh.
1.“I need to talk with you please” -maybe-'I need to talk with you,please.'
2.“Cause’ he’s a pervert?”-isn't it-'cause?
3.“Would you please just shut the fuck up a minute?”-shouldn't there be a 'for' between 'up' and 'a'?
4.Iruka smiled pulled Naruto into a hug.-maybe-Iruka smiled and pulled Naruto into a hug.

Name: mykonosparadise (Signed) · Date: 11/02/09 - 05:39 am · For: Camping: day one
The conversation between Sakura and Ino was the top...definitely...I laughed my ass off at that! XD
Uuuuu~ the lemon was steamy...I wonder if Kakashi will comment in the morning *grin*

1.a ten hand reached out cautiously towards the creature almost afraid to startle the fragile insect.-maybe-a tan hand...

Name: mykonosparadise (Signed) · Date: 11/02/09 - 05:28 am · For: Camping
The two sentences that touched me the most are:'Hinata’s heart had plummeted a million miles at his words.',and 'She might have thought – told her self – before that she would get over this, but right now she thought she was dying.'...

I can't even imagine how she felt,I'm so sorry for her,I'm glad she 'found' Kiba.

I love it when you write 'opal eyes'-I've never read a description like that,it's really unique...

And then Sasuke's wandering around the Uchiha district...Oh,God,I actually hate Sasuke,but I felt so sorry for him as well...

1.“Kiba! Not bad thanks, you?-maybe-Not bad,thanks,you?...Those are just minor mistakes,nothing special...

2.'She let the tears roll her down face'-maybe-She let the tears roll down her face?
3.“Its Sakura-chan isn’t it?'-maybe-It's...

4.“Pfft, the usual; stoic, moody bastard hehe. Yeh he’s good.”-maybe-Yeah,he's good.
5.“I thought so. Say, How do you fancy coming for a week camping?”-maybe-Say,how do you...
6.“Yeh sure, one is fine',and,'“Yeh see you Naruto.”-in both sentences is 'Yeh' insted of 'Yeah'
8.“Oh ok Naruto. -maybe-'Oh,ok,Naruto.'
9.“You sure are Naruto. Everything has turned out awesome now hasn’t it?” Naruto smiled at her words…”yeh, I guess it has.”-maybe-'You sure are,Naruto.',and,'Yeah' again.

Name: mykonosparadise (Signed) · Date: 11/02/09 - 05:06 am · For: Morning
Sasuke really remembered what they did that night when they were drunk??!!That was hilarious!They are so cute together,though...

The spell mistakes you maybe oversaw:

1.Yeh, it sucks that life is so cruel.-I think you wanted to write 'Yeah'.
2.“Love you, dobe,” ware the whispered words that made the jinchuuriki’s heart clench and his world spin…-maybe a 'were' ?

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