Reviews For Jokes
Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 23/12/09 - 04:13 pm · For: A gay parrot
XD tht is sooo wrong and disturbing!! the parrot ugh.. XD
Name: i_love_anime_guys (Signed) · Date: 15/08/07 - 08:56 pm · For: A gay parrot
Neji: Wtf they put me with Sasuke!!!
KJ: I thought it was kind of hot...
Neji: *nose bleed* well then mabey we can go do somthing to releave the sensation...
KJ: OK!!!!
Neji: *picks up KJ and runs into the next room*
KJ: *sticks head out door* Oh yeah i love the story hilarious!!!
Name: Nao_angel (Signed) · Date: 27/07/07 - 01:09 am · For: Little Sasu-chan and the Dead Frog
*dies laughing* LOL Nori, you're hopeless hahahahaahaah, love u girl^^
Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 26/07/07 - 12:21 pm · For: Little Sasu-chan and the Dead Frog
*dies laughing* OMG...That was too funny! Poor little Sasu-chan and his poor little dead frog on a string. Great story! With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^
Name: Hana (Signed) · Date: 26/07/07 - 11:37 am · For: Little Sasu-chan and the Dead Frog
*dies* OMG last line killed me! bwahahahha, sasu-chan *dies again*
Name: Shikitoka Proto (Signed) · Date: 26/07/07 - 08:16 am · For: Little Sasu-chan and the Dead Frog
lol all that for a frog?
Name: The_Uber_Smexy_Emo (Anonymous) · Date: 07/07/07 - 12:23 pm · For: A gay parrot
I love that parrot you should do a smexy sequel
Name: AllieChan (Signed) · Date: 07/07/07 - 03:41 am · For: A gay parrot
AHAHAHAHAHA thats so funny!!!
Wow Noriko! I was a little disturbed that the parrot didnt have legs and used his...penis to hold him up. But GOD that punch line was FANTASTIC!
Poor little Naruto! Wish I was that parrot lol
you should write more of these joke fics!!
Name: LittleCrane (Signed) · Date: 11/06/07 - 12:51 am · For: What is yours name, Lee?
hahahahahahahaha!!!!! funny
Name: invisible_habits (Signed) · Date: 14/04/07 - 06:41 am · For: A gay parrot
*dries trears of laughter* omg that was funny! i usually don't like sex-centered jokes too much, but this one was totally awsome! i want a parrot like that one...
Name: Mya (Signed) · Date: 22/03/07 - 12:41 pm · For: What is yours name, Lee?
Name: Mya (Signed) · Date: 22/03/07 - 12:40 pm · For: A gay parrot
*shakes head*
koinoooo msaka...
lol, i wonder who sent it to you:p
Author's Response: muahaha, hai hai, donoo maaaiisskiii...lmao, not telling:p
Name: NaRu KiTsUnE (Signed) · Date: 18/03/07 - 06:43 pm · For: A gay parrot
Author's Response: I agree^^
Name: takahiro8 (Signed) · Date: 18/03/07 - 03:11 pm · For: A gay parrot
* tries to stop lauging, falls down stairs* too funny ow.....XD
Author's Response: *hug* arigatou^^
Name: Arconin (Signed) · Date: 18/03/07 - 09:46 am · For: A gay parrot
xD very funny xD
Author's Response: *nodds* hihi^^
Name: Oni_Chan (Signed) · Date: 18/03/07 - 07:31 am · For: What is yours name, Lee?
...oh dear god *dies laughing* that was just to damn funny.....xD
Name: Deadly Dream (Signed) · Date: 18/03/07 - 06:32 am · For: A gay parrot
LMFAO!!! *rolling on floor laughing* That was too great and yes the parrot does rule.xD
Author's Response: hehe, i'm glad you agree^^
Name: Oni_Chan (Signed) · Date: 18/03/07 - 06:31 am · For: A gay parrot
.....*tries to stop laughing and fails* ah god....these sick humored jokes always get me xD
Author's Response: YAY, me too, i'd least we share something:p lol^^
Name: Nao_angel (Signed) · Date: 18/03/07 - 03:48 am · For: What is yours name, Lee?
what's with Neji's...OH GOD, Nori this is GROSS!!!!
how can you make Neji say something like this...
LMAO...I still found it funny, will kill you next time^^
Name: Nao_angel (Signed) · Date: 18/03/07 - 03:41 am · For: A gay parrot
LMAO, pervert.
That was way too funny hahaha XD
Author's Response: your apprentice honey;) haha^^
Name: Darling_425 (Signed) · Date: 18/03/07 - 03:30 am · For: A gay parrot
Author's Response: lol^^
Name: Hana (Signed) · Date: 18/03/07 - 03:27 am · For: A gay parrot
YAY, NEJISASU!!! lol^^ I loved it, it totally cracked me up:p
you should write more jokes, c'mon!!!
Author's Response: *hug* yuna-chan!!! missed you!
Name: Darling_425 (Signed) · Date: 17/03/07 - 11:12 pm · For: What is yours name, Lee?
Be proud Lee!
Author's Response: haha, lol^^
Name: Hana (Signed) · Date: 17/03/07 - 04:45 pm · For: What is yours name, Lee?
LOL, i loved it, it cracked me up! Especially Gaara saying have you driven a ford lately, that was huuuuuuuge Rikku:p but you know, I think Nao's gonna kill you aha...
Author's Response: hey yuna, ogenki? how's japan? lol...yeah isn't hilarious? Nao? oh you mean Nikki:p yeah, I know she's gonna murder me becoz of the bit with Neji hahaha...
Name: uzamaki_fluff (Signed) · Date: 17/03/07 - 04:40 pm · For: What is yours name, Lee?
LMFAO!! DEAR LORD, THAT IS JUST SOO FUNNY!! but I must say people watch waayy to many commercials
Author's Response: lol, i guess you're right^^
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