The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Site Info

Members: 11989
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: Trillian97
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 22/12/12 - 06:41 am · For: A Flick of the Wrist
Wow~. Big change from the other brothers. Kinda reminds me of a teenager for some reason. It'll definitely be interesting to see how his story goes. I hope he doesn't just end up deatroying half the earth trying to save it seeing as he cares so little for it. Can't wait to read more, Itoko-san.

Author's Response: Ah the youngest of the Four. Haha reckless isnt he? I'm glad you enjoyed it :D Thanks!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 05/12/12 - 10:37 am · For: A Flick of the Wrist
Out of the other brothers we've seen so far, I'd venture to say that Famine seems more reckless than Death and War. He honestly doesn't seem to care about anything. I wonder if that's a good thing O_O

Anyway, interesting start to this third book. Looking forward to following his adventure. Keep up the good work.

Name: purpledinosaur (Signed) · Date: 13/11/12 - 03:15 pm · For: Rainy Day
mhm...Showing Susano, eh? Hm...and Death thinks it's related to him somehow...I think that's funny. Well, I have one other comment to make :D


Author's Response: I think a connection between Death and the Susanoo makes sense no? I mean Susanoo (Sasuke's at least) looks like the grim reaper :P Thanks for the review :)

Name: purpledinosaur (Signed) · Date: 13/11/12 - 03:06 pm · For: The New Rider
Nice, Shiza! I'm back to reviewing stories and I really want to see if Death and Sasuke will have any...problems. Good job, and I'm gonna try to keep up with this story.

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 20/10/12 - 07:00 am · For: Entombment
Wah! Why did you have to remind me of who Madara truly is? TT_TT. I would had done just fine if Madara died.

Oh great. Death gave him more power. Not to smart there, Grimmy. Though I am glad hrs alive. Now Naruto still has the chance to kick his butt.

This was an interesting end to Death's story, and I can't wait to see what you think of next with either Conquest or Famine.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 15/10/12 - 08:53 pm · For: Entombment
You seriously scared the crap out of me when you killed Sasuke. I thought he was gonna actually die! And then you don't kill Madara?! What the heck?! Nonsense I say!


Well, since this arc is done, I'm looking forward to seeing how the next one goes. Can't wait.

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 22/09/12 - 08:13 am · For: The Rainy City
Wow. It seems now that you've played Death, you're making the battle scenes more gruesome. Though that may just be me *shrugs*.

Sasuke is missing? I don't know if I should be worried or not. I know either way Death will deliver, well, death to anyone messing with his new student. Unless Sasuke is dead O_o.....

Author's Response: Oh they're definitely more gruesome. I try to make em as gruesome as possible. ah you'll see soon enough. Thanks for the review.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 16/09/12 - 04:32 pm · For: The Rainy City
Uh oh... I can't believe Sasuke of all people is missing O_O It's just so unlike him to be the one to get in trouble. I'm actually kind of worried about him...

Ugh, cliffhangers... so unfair! I want to know what happens! Update soon please, Shizake-san~

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 16/09/12 - 12:07 pm · For: From Dust
Haha. Death threatened Sasuke because of his hn XD. Gotta love Death. That doesn't sound right...... Haha U^_^.

That was a really epic fight scene, Itoko-san. I really enjoyed it. Or, well, kinda, until I remembered it was angels they were killing. Still not over that =P.

Death gave Sasuke more power? That is never a good idea, Death. Though I'm interested to see what shall happen.

So Madara has been located? This ought to be interesting. I can't wait to see how this will end. Great job, Itoko-san!

Author's Response: Thanks for the review.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 07/09/12 - 03:29 pm · For: From Dust
Thank goodness Death threatened Sasuke to take away his soul if he says 'Hn' again. It's seriously annoying -_-

Nice fight with the angels, short but epic. I wonder if we will see Sapphira again? It would be another interesting confrontation with Death.

Whoa... Sasuke's found Madara O_O I really want to see how that will go.

Looking forward to more, keep up the good work, Shizake!

Author's Response: :P Thanks for the review

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 02/09/12 - 01:20 pm · For: Fear
After seeing (or, well, imagining) the Reaper form, it doesn't really surprise me the Susanoo is apart of Death. Though it is really interesting. I wonder how that will play out. And I wonder how strong Death was to begin with.

Also, epic battle scene. I loved it. And did Death and War really have that sibling rivalry, or did you create it? Anyway, great chapter, Itoko-san.

Author's Response: I thought that would be a cool thing to throw in there since it works pretty well together. Ah they never had a sibling rivalry in Darksiders so I made it up. I hope you liked it. Thanks for the review :D

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 30/08/12 - 09:59 pm · For: Fear
Whoa, Susanoo is a part of Death? That's pretty freaky. I wonder why the council took that away from Death. So... if Susanoo is part of Death, doesn't that mean Itachi is part of Death as well? And I guess whatever Uchiha has ever accessed Susanoo? Interesting...

Anyway, cool update, Shizake! Keep up the good work!

Author's Response: Yup! I thought that would be an interesting twist. Death is the most powerful of all the horsemen. In ancient times he was way too powerful so they had to take some of his power away. Yeah! The Uchiha's could be related to Death :) Thanks for the review :D

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 20/08/12 - 01:46 pm · For: Rainy Day
Sasuke and Death..... Well, this is going to make one fun duo. I'm really interested in seeing how this will play out.

So Sasuke wasn't with the group? Now you have my interest quipped as well as Onee-chan's. I can't wait to see how he deals with Death and vice versa.

Book two is off to an interesting start.

Author's Response: A very interesting duo indeed. Nope, it's still a mystery but it will be revealed soon. Thanks :)

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 20/08/12 - 01:13 pm · For: The New Rider
Death definitely lives up to his name. He's worse than War when it comes to gory kills =P.

This is a very interesting chapter. So Sasuke is accompanying Death, huh? Maybe he can knock some sense into Sasuke. If Death doesn't reap his soul first....... Anyway, great chapter. I'm off to read more!

Author's Response: Ah yes. Death is the most feared out of all the horsemen as well as the most powerful. I felt Sasuke would be a perfect match up with Death don't you think? Thanks for the review :D

Name: purpledinosaur (Signed) · Date: 17/08/12 - 05:27 pm · For: Impending Doom
Keep at it!

Author's Response: Thanks! And thanks again for the sudden string of reviews :) I'm glad this story has caught your interest, I know I'm not that great of a writer. Thanks :D

Name: purpledinosaur (Signed) · Date: 17/08/12 - 05:21 pm · For: Hell Rider

Author's Response: This review made me happy :D Thanks :)

Name: purpledinosaur (Signed) · Date: 17/08/12 - 05:13 pm · For: Spilling Blood
Again, what's with making Kakashi look like a wimp? I know he is in War's perspective, but I'd expect Sakura to make that note to self. Also, wouldn't Sakura say Kakashi-Sensei, not Kakashi.

Author's Response: Well anyone is going to be scared in this apocalypse. Not necessarily that they are wimps, but these demons and angels are super-natural beings. These shinobi can hardly put up a fight and it's a miracle they were even able to survive. For Kakashi to approach War like that in the first place took some nuts to do. Ah I guess she would huh? I'm not a big fan of honorifics so I kinda forget to put the important ones in. Thanks for the review :D

Name: purpledinosaur (Signed) · Date: 17/08/12 - 05:03 pm · For: Drawing Nearer
I just started reading this again. I really liked this chapter. Other than you made Kakashi seem like a total loser >.< Nice job, Shizake-San!

Author's Response: Thanks! Well...It's not that he's a wimp, War is just an almighty being more powerful than anything in the shinobi universse. But thanks anyways :)

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 17/08/12 - 10:45 am · For: Rainy Day
It still makes me laugh how Sasuke just happens to be there. What is he doing in the Rain Village?!

Anyway, it was an interesting chapter. Things are really setting up for Death. I hope things continue to work out on his end. Nice chapter, Shizake!

Author's Response: Ah you'll find out soon enough why Sasuke is there. Thanks for the review :)

Name: crazykittylover (Signed) · Date: 16/08/12 - 11:06 pm · For: We Ride
Hey I thought I should let you know your banner is too big for regulations.
This is where you can see the rules of the site you need to make the banner no bigger then 600x200 pixels. Thought you should know.

Author's Response: Jeez I was all excited to see a new reviewer but then it was just that... Thanks I suppose I tried making it 600x200 but the website does some weird crap if it gets to certain dimensions. Oh well nobody's done anything about it...

Name: Hazard (Signed) · Date: 16/08/12 - 10:15 pm · For: Rainy Day
Nice update, can't wait to see Sasuke and Death kick some serious ass. Keep it up.

Author's Response: There will indeed be a lot of ass kicking going on. Thanks for the review bro!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 09/08/12 - 08:15 pm · For: The New Rider
Sasuke's in the Rain Village? What on earth is he doing there? O_O

I like how you made the comparison of Sasuke's darkness to Death's, that was pretty interesting. I didn't even think of how that could happen, but I guess it means Sasuke and Death will be getting along... not really a good thing, actually.

Nice work on this chapter, Shizake. Keep up the good work.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 07/08/12 - 09:43 am · For: Showdown
Again, sorry for such a late review...

Anyhow... wow! Epic battle, this did not disappoint! It was definitely a great conclusion to the book of War. You did a great job with this, Shizake-san. Nice work!

Author's Response: Glad you liked the epic battle :) Thanks for the review, The book of death will be up shortly.

Name: Sasaui Uchiha (Signed) · Date: 07/08/12 - 08:25 am · For: Showdown
Well, there's War's story then. I really enjoyed seeing the team or War and Naruto. They made an epic duo here. Poor guardian had no clue what was coming at him.

The fight was absolutely amazing. When the part with the guardian trying to squash War and War stopping him, I thought of this one game where you would have to rapidly press a certain button to stop it. So either your story would make a great game, or I've just been playing my 3DS too much today XP.

Author's Response: haha I know a lot of video games have that. Haha more like the game is already made and I'm just putting it with Naruto :P Glad you liked it, I truly am. Thanks for the review

Name: Hazard (Anonymous) · Date: 01/08/12 - 12:21 pm · For: Showdown
cool update man! I'm to lazy to sign in...but I do like the conclusion and I can't wait to see the next horsemen's story.

Author's Response: Haha I thought you stopped reading this but I'm glad to see you liked the conclusion. Death's section will be epic especially because of who I'm partnering him up with. Thanks for the review.

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