The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Site Info

Members: 11989
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: Trillian97
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 11/07/12 - 07:36 am · For: Chapter 5
:3 So adorable... I know Yuki belongs with Itachi and all... But William does have his moments, I'll give him that.

This chapter definitely seemed better in terms of writing. Not as many mistakes, I'm proud of you :D

I'm looking forward to more of this! Keep up the awesome work!

Name: Rowanrose (Signed) · Date: 11/07/12 - 12:24 am · For: Chapter 1
Hiya! I must warn you, I have the tendency to blank out on many stories after i've started reading them, (like, I don't check every update but I pretty much always finish a story I've started. Also, I tend to analyze quite a bit... XP

This review is in Notepad format, basically meaning my immediate thoughts as I read it written in Notepad. X:D
Mwah, Miko-chan, I think you need to proofread one or two times. Grammar mistakes can divert attention from the story; my beta is a grammar nazi. >_< a beta could help with that.
Whoaaa, i kind of skimmed past to the "I do" part since I was so afraid something would go terribly wrong.. Okie, now to reread what I skimmed; sooo relieved.
Darn. I shall not speak since future readers that may be spoiled by the next 7 letter word may curse me. T_T (so don't read the rest of the review evil cursing peoples) one lawyer and....Shikamaru is the other? O_O *is (secretly?) in total support of the pair*

Okie, in summary/conclusion/after thought I think that the beginning should be proofread right away, as that might make other readers apprehensive to read further. I thought the divorce scene flowed well too; the only confusing part were the lawyers and the placement of the room. As in, describing where the people were (sitting/standing/etc) would've painted a better picture in the mind of the reader. Also, in the wedding scene, there should also be a bit more of a description of the wedding aisle for the same reason... I wonder if this is the sequal/prequal to another story? Because I wonder why Yuki's cousin and friend are by her side before she gets married.... I liked what this told about her past, though. You can guess because of that.

Lastly, Itachi shows his irritation openly by sighing? I don't know if that suits him, but I know how much you like him (XD) so you tell me.

The story is the first of it's kind that I've ever read actually, and I find it original and interesting. I thought the twist was crazy and quick and was thrown off by it. I am extremely curious as to why Yuki's in that state and how (I hope!) they will get back together. I also thought that you guys displayed the affection between them quite well; it was sweet. I also LOOOVED the description of Yuki's dress; it was beautiful, and i could see it and Yuki in it. No wonder Itachi had to break the rules. Also, you pulled an out of it Yuki off really well - I was enamored. XD

Author's Response: hey there! this is paco, miko's co-author. just want to say i love your review! especially since there are typos and grammer errors (which i'm not sure which you are referring to so if you could point them out and send it to us, that would be lovely!) miko is freaking out now about our temari/shikamaru plot hole lol so i'm sure we'll be on that soon. thanks again so much for helping us improve. people like you need to review stories like these, plus you're being sweet about it. so thank you so much and i hope you find our story interesting enough to want to finish it. we've got more coming your way for the story so keep a look out! :D

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 01/05/12 - 08:09 pm · For: Chapter 4
Awwww! This is getting really cute, even if Yuki is hanging out with the wrong guy XP Gah, Yuki, get back with Itachi already!

Nice job with this chapter. Keep up the awesome work!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 17/04/12 - 03:52 am · For: Chapter 3
Haha, the way Yuki met William was actually kinda cute. Until she threw up, anyway :P And it's kinda sad to see Itachi so upset. I feel kinda bad for him, but then again, Yuki wouldn't have divorced him if he had been around!

So... They had a son? And the son was killed? That's.... AWFUL! That's terrible! I can't believe this, this is horrible! Frightening, even!

This was a really good chapter, Miko Yami! I was really impressed with this because the writing flow came out very well and there were less mistakes than there usually are. This entire chapter was just really good. I liked it very much, nice job!

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 14/03/12 - 04:49 pm · For: Chapter 2
Aww, they miss each other. I want them back together already! It's only been two chapters, and I already can't stand them being apart!

Whoa, she had a miscarriage? Is hat why he divorced her? That'd be awful...

Great chapter! I loved the drama in this, it just gets better and better. Keep up the awesome work!

Name: simone aka sebastian (Anonymous) · Date: 09/03/12 - 09:04 pm · For: Chapter 1
honestly i loved it^^
i kept thinkin to myself, how did they meet?
is their marriage gonna last?
who was the person in bandages?
what will happen to them after the divorce??
ohhh the drama(i normally don't read dramas)
i can't wait for more=^.^=

Name: simone aka sebastian (Anonymous) · Date: 09/03/12 - 09:01 pm · For: Chapter 1
honestly i loved it^^
i kept thinkin to myself, how did they meet?
is their marriage gonna last?
who was the person in bandages?
what will happen to them after the divorce??
ohhh the drama(i normally don't read dramas)
i can't wait for more=^.^=

Name: Sai (Anonymous) · Date: 08/02/12 - 10:59 pm · For: Chapter 1
mm weddings ^.^
I love the setting :)
Good story, i like the writing too.
I'll agree when you say one of your better stories.

Name: Silver-Okami-Neko (Anonymous) · Date: 04/02/12 - 07:04 pm · For: Chapter 1
LOved it. I cant wait to read more.
every sentice had emotions and a hook that kept you wanting more.

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 03/02/12 - 03:44 am · For: Chapter 1
The wedding was so beautiful! It was so sweet and lovely. And then the divorce right after... Wow. It was actually pretty tragic. It's like you got me excited for nothing... Oh well, you and your friend did very well with this installment! I can't wait to see what else you come up with. Keep up the great work!

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