Reviews For His Guardian Ninja
Name: Vermouth (Signed) · Date: 28/11/11 - 11:03 am · For: Chapter 3
Minor errors again:
"The Third sighed; He really was getting too old for this job."
"arua" instead of "aura".
"per say" instead of "per se"
"...appropriate for now; We have plenty..."
Those are the ones that I can recall off the top of my head. Other than that, still very interesting. Good work!
Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 26/11/10 - 08:07 pm · For: Chapter 3
Yay! I love how this story is developing! Your writing is incredible and I love the idea and the plot. Please update soon because I can't wait to see what happens next!
Author's Response: I have lots more on Need to start updating on there too actually, hehe....