Penname: almostambient [Contact]
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Membership status: Member
Member since: 23/12/12
Beta-reader: No
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Membership status: Member
Member since: 23/12/12
Beta-reader: No
"Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it.�
- Lloyd Alexander
Hello! I'm almostambient, an aspiring writer and anime/manga fanatic. I've been writing fanfiction for nine years now and it's something I really love to do. There's nothing greater than pouring everything you have into something, and while it's a little scary to be posting it for all to see, it's also liberating.
I enjoy writing Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, and One Piece stories. While I have an extensive list of anime and manga that I enjoy, these by far are my favorite plotlines to tweak.
Current Stories:
Divine Intervention -�Naruto
Naruto Uzumaki/OC
She was cold and possessed an impenetrable heart of ice. was filled with warmth and always seemed to smile. Not only that, but he had the unique ability to change those around him for the better. Can he save her from herself before she sinks further into her own darkness?
Favorite Series
Stories by almostambient
Title: Divine Intervention by almostambient
Rated: 15
[Reviews - 26]
Rated: 15

She was cold and possessed an impenetrable heart of ice.
He was filled with warmth and always seemed to smile. Not only that, but he had the unique ability to change those around him for the better. Can he save her from herself before she sinks further into her own darkness?
Category: OC-centric, Het Romance > Angst
Characters: All, Kabuto Yakushi, Kakashi Hatake, Naruto Uzumaki, OC, Orochimaru, Pair OCNaru, Sai, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, Tsunade
Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Dark, Drama, Mystery, Romance, Tragedy
Warnings: Death, Rape, Sexual Themes
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10 | Completed: No | Word count: 40546 | Read count: 14498 [Report This]
Published: 02/03/13 | Updated: 22/02/15

Category: OC-centric, Het Romance > Angst
Characters: All, Kabuto Yakushi, Kakashi Hatake, Naruto Uzumaki, OC, Orochimaru, Pair OCNaru, Sai, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, Tsunade
Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Dark, Drama, Mystery, Romance, Tragedy
Warnings: Death, Rape, Sexual Themes
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10 | Completed: No | Word count: 40546 | Read count: 14498 [Report This]
Published: 02/03/13 | Updated: 22/02/15