The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Site Info

Members: 12001
Series: 261
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Return! by Rawrr

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Chapter notes: This is my first submission on this site and is about Sasuke returning after defeating Orochimaru. Why? Read. :)
The lights were dim and the sun was setting.

The sun began to lazily melt away into the horizon.

The surrounding trees were rustling lightly in the cool breeze that swept the fire country.

The tops of buildings seemed to reflect the tired mood the city held, night time was coming soon.

A figure approached the big green gates; they had large letters painted in red on the front, big and imposing.

A blank face, gaze fixed ahead, the figure bore a white robe, the opening in the middle of the robe was slightly open, revealing a pale white flesh underneath, the robe was flapping quietly in the wind, accepting the wind’s presence.

The Jonin stood at the gate had his eyes half open gazing half-heartedly at the open magazine that sat on the table.

He pulled his stare away from the magazine and towards the figure approaching the gate.
The figure was almost to the direct left of the small shack placed meekly at the side of the gate; his footsteps hit a halt, and the last step crunching the gravel underfoot confirmed it.

“I’m here to hand myself in” He spoke calmly, yet with a tone of sternness. His voice was powerful, reflecting the man who used it.

“Uchiha Sasuke, I presume?” The Jonin was now stood up and his arms leaning on the table, holding him up.
“Yeah” He paused “That’s me” Sasuke turned his head and looked at the counter and finally pulled a weak smile, it’d been a while since he last did that.

Sasuke looked down the gates towards Konoha, and down the main road of it.
The sun had cast its orange glow on everything, and gave it a surreal look; He had never spent much time appreciating beauty, but now, looking on his old village of allegiance, he saw what he thought could be beauty.
At the end of the elevating stairways and long stretches of beige streets, he could see a new face was etched into the side of the overlooking mountain. Sasuke’s lips curved slightly into a smile again.

The Jonin lazily padded over to Sasuke and eventually got beside him.
His left arm rose and indicated down the village, “Shall we go then?” He was still looking at Sasuke.
Sasuke still wore the uniform of Orochimaru’s followers, a large purple rope tied behind him in a knot, with his sword stemming out of both sides of the rope.
Sasuke lowered his head and began slowly and gracefully walking into the large, daunting gates.

His eyes lowered.
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