The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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The Show of Complete Randomness! XD #2 by shadowdragon

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Story notes: i had to cut back on some of the co-hosts... sorry guys. I am only keeping the people i generally keep in touch with.

may contain random spoilers in any chapter

I do not own naruto. but i wish i did...
Chapter notes: YAY! steve missed you all!
* In a large stage-room with a coffee table in the center. There is a hardwood floor andwhite painted walls*
* a bunch of people are sitting at the table: Ratha, Katoso, Frosty, Hunter, and... who is that?*

Ratha: Got any threes?

Frosy: Go fish!

Hunter: LIAR! You do to cuz i can see all of your cards!

Frosty: Your not supposed to look at other peoples cards!

Katoso: shut up already, you both are cheating!

???: what does it matter anyway? we are playing to win a MUFFIN! big deal..

Everyone: GASP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frosty: *lunges at the mystery guy* only a muffin??!!?? ONLY A MUFFIN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

*Ratha&Hunter hold frosty back*

Katoso: *looks at the mystry guy* what was your name again?

???: Dashing.

Katoso: well, dashing, people here are a little touchy over their muffins. and mostly just freakin' insane.

Dashing: I already figured that out... *points to the stuggling frosty*

*door to my room slams open and I walk in*

me: What are you guys doing???? The show is starting already!!!!

Ratha: umm... shadow! a little help here? *gestures meaningfully at frosty*

Me: *looks at dashing* you insulted the muffin, didn't you?

Dashing: umm.... maybe?

Me: *sigh* I'll be right back... *walks over to the three doors on the left wall**opens the center door revealing a black hole**reaches into the black hole and pulls out Gaara* oh frosty! look whos here!

Frosty: GAARA! *glomps gaara*

Gaara: X_X

Hunter&Ratha: phew! frosty is strong.

me: *Glares at dashing* Just because you're the newest member of the show doesn't mean i am going to take it easy on you! you have to learn the ropes!

Dashing: *looks around* i dont see any ropes...

Katoso: *sigh* you got a long way to go, kid...

me: ok, everyone but Dashing, go and stall the audience!*grabs dashing by the ear and pulls him over to the three doors*

Dashing: ow!

Me: *ignores him* these are the three most important doors you will ever work with. The one in the center is the black hole the leads to the naruto world. my closet got to crowded. the door on the left is the bathroom. the door on the right is my closet. never go in my closet! thats where jashin lives.

Dashing: how the heck did you get Jashin in your closet??? *-*

me: *evil smile* you really wanna know?

Dashing: o_O

Me: *points to a series of doors on the opposite wall* Those are the rooms my cohosts live in. NEVER go in my room! or anyone elses for that matter.

Dashing: which one is my room?

me: you have no room! yet anyway... yours is under construction. for the time being you sleep on the floor.

Dashing: x-x

Me: only three doors left, relax. *points to the doors on the back wall* those two doors are the kitchen and the babby sitting room, where Steve and hidan babbysit Zen, nita, and Cain. *points to the door ont the front wall* thats the way to the stage*

Dashing: umm... how does anyone get outside?

me: Nobody does. only i know where the outside door is.

*ratha pokes her head in the room*

Ratha: Shadow! the show is almost over! and the audience is getting bored of hunter's card tricks!

me: Hold your horses, i'm coming.

Ratha: but i don't have any horses ._.

me: -_- *palms forehead**takes dashing out to the stage*


Chapter end notes: i do not own any of my co-hosts. Katoso=Katoso shunin // Frosty=Frosty // Ratha=darkxratha // Dashing=Dashing flames // Hunter=Hunteraxe

steve is mine and i am my own person.
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