"I'm bored," Ookami said to herself. Suddenly an idea popped up in her head. "I know! I can't wait! I'd better get Moko for this one!"
Ookami walked into Mokone's room. She saw Mokone sleeping with a book on her face. "Hey Moko, get up!"
"What is it now, Kami?" Mokone said, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
"I have a great idea. Why not have a singing contest between all of us? It'll be fun!"
"Sure! Let's go get the guys! We'll force em' to do it!"
"But how?"
"By taking the chocolate cake and hiding it until the contest is over."
"Great idea!"
-One Hour Later-
"Moko, do we have to do this?" Hidan whined.
"Yep! Who's first?" Mokone asked.
"Either you or Ookami! You thought of this stupid thing, you're going first!"
"Let's do one together, Moko!" Ookami exclaimed.
"I did it all for the nookie (come on) the nookie (come on) so you can take that cookie and stick it up your (yeah) stick it up your (yeah) stick it up your (yeah)
stick it up your..."
Everyone just stared. "Kisame's next!"
"I'm blue da ba dee da ba die da ba de da ba die daba dee da ba die..."
"Next is Itachi!"
"Have you ever met my friend Kyle's mom she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world she's a mean old bitch and she has stupid hair she's a bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch she's a stupid bitch! Kyle's mom's a bitch and she's just a dirty bitch!"
"Umm, okay. Next is Tobi."
"My little pony my little pony..."
... "Okay, we have a winner!" Leader said. "The winner is... Mokone and Ookami!"
"Yay!" The two kunoichi said. They started singing Nookie again.
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Chapter notes: A wierd Akatsuki idol thing. Please review. I made up Ookami and Mokone. I do not own any of the songs.