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Naruto Karaoke by Nikki_Yaoi

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Chapter notes: Pairings in this chapter: SasuIno, NaruSaku, LeeTen, NejiKels, OroNikki, and SasoDeiTou.

Song- Headstrong by Ashley Tisdale

xD I was bored. I was hyper. I've been planning on doing this.

A blonde boy opened his mouth to declare the new karaoke bar to be open, before a brunette pushed him out of the way and grabbed the microphone.

"NIKKI-CHAN!" the blonde protested.

"WELCOME TO THE KONOHA KARAOKE CLUB! Welcome all our fellow shinobi from all the villages and even the Akatsuki!" she called, before pointing at a few of her fellow kunoichi, "INO-CHAN! SAKU-CHAN! TEN-CHAN! NEECHAN! TOU-CHAN!" she screamed, the other five girls jumping on stage before Nikki picked up the microphone.

The music suddenly started playing, a smirk forming on the brunette's face, "I'm a straight up kind of girl, I am
I'mma tellin' it like it is, I am
And that's just the kind of girl I am
Head up, hands up tell me!"

Sakura snatched the microphone from Nikki, earning a pointed glare as Sakura pointed at Naruto, "You're a honey kind of boy, you are
You're a talented kind of boy, you are
And that's just the kind of boy, you are
Head up, hands up these are!"

All the girls leaned over Sakura's shoulder to sing into the mic to avoid an all out kunoichi battle, "Headstrong crazy days When your mind's made up
And the music plays
Headstrong can you feel the beat?
Meltdown can you feel the heat?
Meltdown, it's not a crush
In a hot hot room, we're in a rush
Headstrong can you feel the beat?
Meltdown can you feel the heat?"

Ino snatched the mic and pushed Sakura out of the way, "Gonna feel alive tonight, I am
I'm a positive kind of girl, I am
Leave my troubles behind tonight, I am
Stand up, get up tell me!"

The blonde girl leaned against the Akatsuki woman with the multi colored hair, eyes shooting over to Sasori, Deidara, and Sasuke, "Are gonna be down with me, you are
Yeah you're coming along with me, you are
'Cause that's just the kind of guy you are
Stand up, get up these are!"

The two started laughing as they saw the three blush, dropping the microphone and looking at the other girls who nodded.

"Headstrong crazy days
When your mind's made up
And the music plays
Headstrong can you feel the beat?
Meltdown can you feel the heat?
Meltdown, it's not a crush
In a hot hot room, we're in a rush
Headstrong can you feel the beat?
Meltdown can you feel the heat?

Headstrong, meltdown
Headstrong, meltdown

I want to know you, I want to show you
I got the stuff now, didn't you get enough?
Step to the rhythm, make the decisions
These are the days when, living, loving' feel alive

I feel so alive, yeah yeah, yeah

Gonna feel alive tonight, we are
We our steppin' into the light, we are
Leave our troubles behind tonight, we are
Stand up, get up these are

Headstrong crazy days
When your mind's made up
And the music plays
Headstrong can you feel the beat?
Meltdown can you feel the heat?
Meltdown, it's not a crush
In a hot hot room, we're in a rush
Headstrong can you feel the beat?
Meltdown can you feel the heat?

Headstrong, meltdown
Headstrong can you feel the beat?
Meltdown can you feel the heat?
Headstrong, meltdown
Headstrong can you feel the beat?
Meltdown can you feel the heat?" they all sang loudly, needing not the microphone.

The girls jumped off stage, Nikki walking over to Orochimaru, kissing him on the cheek.

Ino doing the same to Sasuke, as Sakura kissed Naruto.
TenTen and Kelsea walked over to Lee and Neji, Kelsea kissing Neji and TenTen Lee.

Tou snickered before pouncing on Sasori and Deidara and dragging them off.
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