The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Site Info

Members: 11991
Series: 261
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Chapters: 25331
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Reviews: 40827
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Road to You All by LeMoNs Chan

[Reviews - 3]   Printer
Table of Contents

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Chapter notes: Disclaimer : All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Copy and paste, who, moi? :p
-Prologue :: So cool! What's his name?-

It was quiet in the B classroom of Konoha Gakuen. Everyone had their noses in their Algebra II books as they looked for the answer to the question the teacher had asked.

The atmosphere was heavy as students thought hard—er, not really. Most were either sleeping, passing notes, or talking quietly amongst themselves.

A few minutes past and someone finally stood up, their chair scraping angrily against the tiled floor. “Kakashi-sensei, I have the answer!” stated a rather exuberant Haruna Sakura, her tone as triumphant as ever. She side glanced a certain dark haired student and smiled to herself.

“So fast? So then what is the answer, Sakura?” Kakashi smiled through his white face mask, pleased that she seemed to be excited about having found out the answer to the algebra problem.

“Well, while using the law of sines, A would—“ THUD! Sakura stopped speaking at once, her wide green eyes darting to the door that had just been slid open with such a force that every student in the room was surprised that it didn’t fly off its hinges.

Hatake Kakashi even had his mouth wide open—not that anyone would be able to see—as he turned his gaze to the door and the person currently standing within the frame.

Everyone curved their head to the right, and some people like Inuzuka Kiba hopped onto the desk to get a better look. They all whispered in anticipation as to who it might be, and how bad he was going to get railed at by Kakashi.

All eyes were on the door, and when a blond-haired, blue-eyed boy walked into the room. He was wearing the school uniform—well, sort of. His pants were belted with a thin white rope and he was wearing a button up cloak with its sleeves rolled up. The overall had an orange spiral on the back. Hell, even the odd headband he was wearing had an orange spiral smack dab in the middle of it. All the whispering stopped. He walked over to Kakashi who was currently standing behind his desk and in front of the chalkboard.

“Ah yes, we have a new student transferring today.” The tall man scratched at the back of his gray head, “I almost forgot. Please introduce… yourself…?” His voice trailed off and his one visible eye widened as the boy picked up a piece of chalk and began writing on the cleared board.

After he was finished writing, the blond placed the piece of chalk down and dusted off his hands. The teen turned around and folded his arms over his chest, a large grin spreading onto his whiskered face as he eyed the whole classroom with blunt determination.

Finally he hollered, “I’m Uzumaki Naruto, don’t forget it!”

A/N: Ahahaha, some of you that watch Shippuuden may be able to guess where I got the idea for the fic from… -coughs- the second ending. –coughs-. Well yeh, more to come very soon. This is just the beginning, the what, prologue? A real chapter shall ensue! R&R, please ^^ Comments and critique greatly appreciated. Also, anyone want to beta me? xD;
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