Summary: Attention all OC makers! See how much people like your OCs here. Post them and see what people say in the reviews!
Rating: U
Category: Fan Ninja Bingo Book
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapter: 6 Completed: No
Words: 1739 Read: 11641
Published: 16/06/07 Updated: 31/07/07
1. Introduction by prettypup [Reviews - 1] (294 words)
This is my new idea! Hope y'all like it!
2. My OCs!!!!! by prettypup [Reviews - 1]

Here I my OCs to get you started!
3. My OC's by KupKakeKitten [Reviews - 0] (403 words)
Here are my OC's. Hope you like 'em
4. My Newly Made OC by Oshiyama [Reviews - 1]

I don't own Naruto.
I lurve this idea. I agree with you about yaoi and yuri and lemon. Tis nasty but that's my opinion.
5. Chapter 5 by chidori458 [Reviews - 0] (130 words)
I DONT OWn naruto prettypup is my cousin
5. Chapter 5 by chidori458 [Reviews - 0] (130 words)
I DONT OWn naruto prettypup is my cousin