The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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The Calling by LeMoNs Chan

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Chapter notes: Wow, three days in a row.. >_>;; Oh wait, it's 1 A.M. nuuuu... meh, enjoy... -faints-
LeMoNs: Thank you for your support, minna. I feel my young writing heart beginning to flutter with uh.. vigor?
Naru-chayn: Man, I feel so badass…
LeMoNs: Yes… there will certainly be some ass coming up…
Naru-chyan: e-eh.. why does that sound so ominous..?

-Blood, Eyes, and Brains, Oh My!-

It was five fifteen when I pulled into a parking space just a few blocks from the red light district on Foundland. I had more or less, fifteen more minutes to stake this guy before the sun came up and the guy was sent to hide somewhere that I would need an invite to enter.

You see, staking a vampire does not get easier in the least bit during the daytime. The blood suckers are nearly impossible to find! There is an underground section, a type of labyrinth that is only known to them… Their safeguard against wanderers and other hunters. The vampires called it their Black Sanctuary, and bounty hunters like me called it ‘Personal Hell’.

Also, high ranking vampires can walk within the sunlight. Dracula no more? Naw! Only the lesser, lower ranked vampires are reduced to sleeping during the day. Luckily for humans, there are not that many high ranking vampires. They are almost like a sort of royalty, a rare commodity. But enough about this, it was time to kill.

I slammed the door shut and pressed the lock button—wouldn’t want any loons getting in, right? I shoved my left hand into my pocket, close to the compact pistol and left my other hand free. The act was casual, free in this type of environment. Ah, yes, and the red light district was also not what it would sound to be. It was a monster’s paradise. A sort of rendezvous spot for all of the supernatural. Though, one could find hookers, there was more of a chance that they were not human in this area than in any other.

The red light district was also a place where the monster ran businesses were open. In this area, they were law. Calling the police in this area would be like calling mama to bail you out for a felony. It just wouldn’t fly, and you would most likely disappear before the human police even gave a second thought about delving their hands into some monster business.

Ah, yes, to the main point. How on earth was I going to find this Gilmore Jerry? Well, let’s just say it’s good to be ‘friends’ with some of the monsters.

I entered a medium sized establishment dubbed The Crimson Bucket—oh yes, aren’t they witty?—and walked straight to the bar. I pulled a fifty out of my pocket and slapped it on the bar top. “Gilmore Jerry.” I stated to the man who was currently wiping away at a beer glass. In my peripheral vision I saw a few heads raise, but dismissed it as most were female.

“Straight to business as always, Uzumaki?” The white-eyed man smirked.

“Yep, gotta do this staking tonight Neji, so if you could do your thing I could be done before sunrise.” I gave him a big cheesy grin and he scoffed.

“All right,” Neji stated before placing the glass on the counter and exhaling softly. He fell into complete silence and breathlessness. It would seem scary, but with Neji, it was like an art. The man was completely still, hands pressed together as he concentrated. Veins began to form on the sides of his temples and he looked into the circle he had created with his hands. “Gilmore Jerry,” he breathed, then looked up at me. “Right behind you.”

My eyes widened and I uttered a curse before throwing myself to the floor. A glass beer bottle hit the counter instead of my head and shattered glass into millions of little pieces. “Fuck!” I heard Gilmore Jerry shout as he cut his hand on the glass. Though, he didn’t let himself linger on that and threw himself at me.

I reached for my Sigma and flipped off the safety in one fluid movement. Just as he was about to make a grab for me I shot him in the right shoulder, the bullet following through and piercing bone.

“Arrgh!!” Gilmore shouted, the silver bullet hole in his shoulder sizzling like fried bacon. He hadn’t anticipated this, I surmised, since he clutched his shoulder and made a run for it.

I got up and slapped a twenty on the counter, “Thanks and sorry Neji,” I had no time to gauge his reaction, neither the reaction of the stunned customers as I chased after Gilmore.

Gilmore was running wildly through the alleys, twisting and turning, pushing people down and around. I knew exactly what he was doing. He was stalling. He wanted the sun to rise so that he could get to his precious Black Sanctuary. Well, guess what Gilmore. You are so dead.

I waited until he had brought us to a dead end to break my Sigma out once more. “Don’t move, Gilmore,” I warned, gun pointed two handed at the cocker’s back. This guy was unprofessional, unskilled, and totally unprepared for this staking. The new dead. The new dead were becoming a problem lately, tearing their fangs into whatever they could find.

When a new vampire is created, they need a mentor to show them the ropes, and you know, well, tell them what not to do. But sometimes there are new vamps that don’t have that influence and thus go renegade. This is where a lot of my paychecks come from. Other little Gilmore Jerry’s that just didn’t know anything about what they were. Did I feel pity? Not in the least. A monster is a monster. And when those monsters start hurting innocents, they don’t deserve pity.

Gilmore Jerry was dark skinned, medium built, and five foot eleven, just a tad shorter than me. Once I hit that grow spurt, I didn’t stop until six feet—sure did attract the ladies. Err, back to Gilmore. He had brown eyes and a buzz cut hairstyle. He looked like the perfect momma’s boy, clutching his shoulder and all.

I stepped closer, and he stepped back. That brought a smile to my face as I aimed at his left shoulder and pulled the trigger. He cried out and I tried to hide my excitement toward his obvious discomfort.

Gilmore fell to his knees, arms lifeless, hands limply pressed against the floor. He looked up at me pleadingly, “Please,” he said, “I couldn’t help it.. I didn’t mean to..”

“Save it,” I mouthed and aimed for the next bullet to blow through his skull, but in the second it took to firmly rest my hand on the trigger was a second too late to claim Gilmore Jerry’s life.

He fell to the floor, head rolling to the side of me, eyes wide with surprise. His body fell just like in the movies, torso plopping against the pavement. Except here, there was a small spurt of blood where his head should have been when the body fell. The spurt turned into an oozing and I had to step back so I did not get my pumas bloody.

I hadn’t noticed, but my eyes had been wide as well; mouth slack with the same dumbfounded look of my youth. I shook my head to recollect myself and grit my teeth. Fuck! Gilmore Jerry was my kill, dammit, mine! I aimed at his head and shot there anyway, shot until eye balls exploded, until brains spewed. I was mad, and Gilmore Jerry was my scapegoat.

“That’s rather unprofessional of you, dobe.”

My whole body went slack, and I didn’t need to look to know whose voice is was that was speaking to me. “Sasuke…” I turned around anyway, taking in the sight of the number one bounty hunter in the country—er the ‘used to be number one bounty hunter in the country.’

Uchiha Sasuke was dressed to kill like always, wearing a black—surely silk—blouse buttoned up to the point where there was only a peek of his collarbone showing. He wore matching linen pants that fit his form perfectly. His hair was in its usually form, cut short with two perfectly crafted bangs and a spiked back. “Naruto,” he mouthed back in amusement, fingers raising to his lips to lick off the blood that had come from Gilmore’s severed neck.





“Sasuke… you took my fucking kill!”

Ah yes, a very merry reunion. And there was hell to pay.

A/N: Waka waka waka waka.Ah, don’t ask, but yey~ Some Sasugay action. -twiddles thumbs- I’m excited, minna, and I hope you all are too! :D
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